Better late than never!!* 2010 Guerilla Grow* PICS


Active Member
Yoooo! i'm back and subscribed to this. Your plants look good.
Do you think if you just took off the lower deficient leaves thatd be good for the plant? It might encourage new growth and you don't really need them cus they are at the bottom. Good idea? I have the same problem down there so thats why i was thinking about it. Still fix it nutrients wise too. Idk
heres my new grow btw


Well-Known Member
Yoooo! i'm back and subscribed to this. Your plants look good.
Do you think if you just took off the lower deficient leaves thatd be good for the plant? It might encourage new growth and you don't really need them cus they are at the bottom. Good idea? I have the same problem down there so thats why i was thinking about it. Still fix it nutrients wise too. Idk
heres my new grow btw
welcome back dude! sorry i was away last week. i think i did remove the leaves but only when they were completely dead. i havent checked them in a while but they are over due for a feeding.

Love the auto jock! Keep me updated on it overall!!
thanks man the auto jock is doing great. its taking a long time for an autoflower tho but that could be because its in a place with not much light most of the time.

updates on monday!


Well-Known Member
check the plants today!

the Purple Power is budding up nicely. its got a bit of a pH issue right now due to me being lazy any not checking the pH during feeding. i made sure i did today and will continue to from here on out. the problem should be fixed after a few more waterings with correct pH. check out those purple buds!!!:hump:

Red Dragon is still doing well. it should start full flower within the next week or so. there arent any real buds yet but its developing a lot of bud sites right now. gave it a low dose of some flowering nutes.

Auto Jock Horror is still doing great as well. its got tons of little buds and the main cola is starting to swell a little. i gave it a little bit of a lollipop to get rid of the small lower branches so it doesnt waste energy.

Pix are a little better quality today because i finally got batteries for my digital camera.

lets get some comments!

1., 2. Auto Jock
3.-5. Purple Power
6., 7. Red Dragon



Well-Known Member
nice man! when did you plant the auto?
haha i started it in june!!! its taking way longer than an autoflower should.

its either because it doesnt get enough light in my woods, or because its a new auto strain so the genetics arent 100% stable yet. i have also read about "super autoflowers" that take 12-14 weeks but im not sure thats one of them.


Active Member
plants are doing good. probably gonna harvest the PP and JH at the end of the month but the RD still has about a month and a half to go.
If you wanted, you could keep the PP going till mid october, its a good northern strain as i know you know haha. But if its ready, than smoke up haha