Best Seed harvest and storing advice


Active Member
How's my favorite gang huh?
I'm breeding and have a question. Is there some sign I should be looking for when determining when a seed is ready to pick? It seems to me like the best seeds come from pods that have a little brown on them, like at the tip of the pod. But that's not always the case. I found a few tiny seeds that way too and have found some huge brown mottled colored seeds in big green pods. Seems like feeling them for size and just getting a feel for their size is my best indicator but I can't help thinking I'm doing something wrong. I'd hate to have to wait for the seeds to fall off onto the brown ground.
My other question is what is the best way to store seeds. Right now I got them in the fridge in a plastic container with holes in the lids to let moisture escape. I'm going to the store tonight to get some uncooked rice to put at the bottom for moisture control too. Is there a best way with just a fridge and household items to use?
Thank you so much for any help you can give. It's much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I keep my seeds in a fairly air tight safe. Some of them are ten years old, and still viable.

I mark seeded kholas and harvest them separately from the rest of the plant. Sometimes before, and sometimes after, depending on pollination date. 5-6 weeks after pollination.

Those kholas are trimmed and hung in paper bags until DRY. Seeds placed in air tight storage uncured can mold. I clean the seeds from the buds, and save the rest for smoke or butter. I use a lot of small air tight jars.