Best places for a pot smoking vacation?


Well-Known Member
I can picture myself on the beach, corona in one hand and doobie in the other.
Where are some of the best places to go, with easy to find weed and no legal issues with it. Does weed shangrila exist?


Well-Known Member
Errrm.... Amsterdam and Cali?

When I want to have fun I simply get my dealer to drive to me, pack a tent, munchies and jump on a train with a friend to the woods, beach or whatever.

Good luck.
I hear in amsterdam you have to be a dutch citizen to use the pot shops ? is this true?

also for cali, you need to have a CA ID.... unless you know someone! id say Cali for sure, but you gotta know someone....


Well-Known Member
Jamaica mon-montego bay if you have a lady friend. just ask the towel boy or any bar tenders


Well-Known Member
Trinidad! There's amazing street food too.

That Island full of pothead Indians and Chinese is why you get insane mutts like me.

The birthplace of carnival and steel drums, they know how to party.

Is Amsterdam a no-go already? I only went in April.
I can picture myself on the beach, corona in one hand and doobie in the other.
Where are some of the best places to go, with easy to find weed and no legal issues with it. Does weed shangrila exist?
Second vote for Jamaica, mon! Its' not legal so you need to still be a bit on the down low. Its common, cheap, and good quality can be found EVERY WHERE. Negril is WAY cooler than Montego Bay though, trust me. hehe It ain't Amsterdam but the "vibe" is on a whole 'nother level. "Once you go, you know."


P.S. No Corona... Red Stripe. I'm pretty sure you could find some in a local store though.


Well-Known Member
The best place for you is St.Vincent in the Caribbean. I'm from the Caribbean and I can tell u it's king of cannabis with WAY less crime than Jamaica.


Active Member
I only went in April.
April is hot! PICS or it didn't happen!


I recently disowned my younger sister, she leaves for Poland as a university exchange student next week
She had the choice of amsterdam or poland
I told her she better get down there before Dec 31...


Well-Known Member
Lol Bicycleday X3 I don't think she's in to me though.

Nooo! There is more to the Caribbean than Jamaica!

You need to go to a Trinidad mountain party.

It's all silent and looks like an ordinary mountain from afar, then you drive into a clearing, there's waterfall, blasting dubstep, spliff, outdoor cooking and everybody's in bikinis!