Best Game While Stoned!


Well-Known Member
lmao.... you sound like u zone on that game lol.... idk y but when im high on online shooters im the total shit... like 30 kills in COD 4 and 3 deaths good


Active Member
:leaf:bongsmilie Bond -Golden Eye for the N64 always did it for me..
Nothing like a good Death Match to get the blood going:bigjoint::leaf:
Ahh, nice, I was just telling the guys at work that Goldeneye was the best FPS shooter ever, they were all too young to have really played it. Halo doesn't have shit on Bond, nor do any other of these FPSs. If we had online multiplayer gaming back in the day, it would definitely be among the best. Remember trying to unlock the invincibility cheat? Beating the Facility level on the hardest setting in 2 minutes and 15 seconds, shit was insane.

I was basically undefeated, and we played thousands of matches. They used to team up on me because I would mess my buddies up so hard, and even then I'd usually get the upper hand. Dual RCP 90s on the Stack level for the win.

I gotta say, Grand Theft Auto 2, the top down version, is my favorite game to play while stoned. Shit is awesome, and I still can't beat one of the missions after all these years (anyone who knows about the 100 scientists mission knows what Im talking about). Started playing this game in Jr High, and 8 years later still playin the damn thing.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
golden eye started the multiplayer 1st person type shooter and everyone folloed from there.
SMALL ARMS for 360 arcade is the shit when ur bent up!


Active Member
okay, i am going to tell you right now the BEST game to trip the shit out to when ur baked is Wario Smooth Moves for Wii that shit is so fast paced but the simplest things. if you havent heard of it check it out i promise it is worth the investment

other games i enjoy when high are mario kart for n64 or wii, tony hawk and obviously guitar hero

oh and another thing ill mention, if you have like old school nintendo or super nintendo just get a bunch of buddies and sit down and take turns to just do a run through of a mario game from start to end its alot of fun if u just keep tokin and like stay into it, we didnt get through it but it was fun times none the less