Beginning of a new Civil War in America...


Active Member
Part of me says that I am wrong, but the other part whole heartedly believes that a new Civil War will start in 2008 or 2009. Let me explain...

While some love freedom, others love control and power...

I was nicknamed "Cagey Bee" back in 1999 in basic training of the US Air Force, because I came from Russia and joined US military. My peers never meant anything mean or bad when they called me so - they just thought that it was a cool nick to give me, because I was Russian.

I grew up in USSR during the times of Communism/Capitalism. Those were crazy times for everyone in Russia.

At first, I remember when I was 9 years old, we lived under control of the Communists' Party where most important things in life were provided to us for free - decent housing, unlimited education, and healthcare. We never had to worry about financial things, because they were not important to us. We valued personal development, social life, education, music, concerts, relationships, etc. - life was great! But we constantly heard from hear and there an American propoganda that made some of us believe that life was greener on the other side.

Back then, Russia was a MAJOR threat to America, because Russia was The Superpower. American goverment was trying to figure out how to neutralize this Russian Bear and kept trying to break the Soviet Union.

Eventually, they found a way to do so through M. Gorbachev. They paid him VERY well and he started working for the USA. He changed the Russian way of life and brought Capitalism to Russia.

But, I think that Americans somehow new that as soon as Russia will start the changes, there will be a major chaos and things would be out of control for a while, therefore, this would for sure disarm Russia and will stop the Cold War, while America would neutralize a Major Threat. And so it happened - Soviet Union broke down, billions got stolen, Russia became broke, everyone went crazy, some became Ultra Rich, some became Ultra Poor, there was no middle class - only Very Rich and Very Poor.

And then, came Yeltsin - the puppet of Ultra Rich who robbed Russia of the most of its money.

Most people started realizing what a major mistake Russia made, but it was too late... So, alot of people started leaving the country.

Putin came and brought some hope to people and is working on stabilizing the country and it will take another 10-15 years until things get where they need to be. So, now is 2007... plus 15 years... lets say that by 2025, Russia will be back as a Superpower. So if we look at when the changes have started - 1986 and when the struggle will be over 2025 - that is 40 years.

What a brilliant plan Americans had back in 1986 to bring chaos to Russia for the next 30-40 years, while America prospers and becomes richer and starts working on their goal of controlling the Middle East for very obvious reasons - Energy!

Russians wanted to do it by starting their invasion of the Afghanistan, but, they got their asses whooped by the Afghan fighters. Well, not really by the Afghan fighters - they got beat by USA, because USA was heavily supporting Afghanistan, because they did not want Russia to win Afghanistan, as this would put a stop to the American Plan of control of Middle East. If Russians would have won the Afghan war, they would then control all of Middle East, and it would put USA into an Economic crisis.

So, with Russians in chaos, US secures a deal with Arabs to buy their oil, but then, Saddam decides to put his hands on that money and thinks he is going to get his hands on that oil.

Arabs and US got scared, US came over, got Saddam out of there and took back their control of the Middle East.

By now, the Oil Giants are so invested in this Oil thing and they are becoming VERY VERY rich and way stronger than ANY government in the world. They are feeling that they are becoming the Superpower of the World and now have plans to put control on Azerbaijan's oil too - they want to build a pipeline that comes from Azerbaijan via Afganistan. Please read this article The Debate: Did oil influence America's decision to invade Afghanistan? Were the true motives for war declared? Read our detailed report and sign the online petition for a public statement from the American government. - Debating curren to learn about this.

They want to do it, but they can't because Taliban has control over Afghanistan. So, they put their Oil friends into American power - Bush and Cheney. Did you all remember how they beat Al Gore? Something was VERY fishy there when they won that election.

Believe it or not, Bush and Cheney are puppets of these Giants that are behind all of this. They paid them VERY well to use US Government.

So, they "create 9/11" please look at these links:

Loose Change Website - Version 2.0
Loose Change 911 ::::: The 9/11 Truth Movement

Once 9/11 was created, they could now use US Government's money and Military to take control of Afghanistan so that they could continue with their project of the Oil Pipeline from Azerbaijan via Afghanistan.

Then, they jump on Iraq for that Oil too on the basis of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Wow, what a lie and a genius cover up.

The next on the Agenda is Iran, and guess what, it is for Oil too.

So, my question is this... Can you all see how much trouble would Ron Paul cause to them?? Can you see them not wanting him in power, because they have TRILLIONS invested in these plans??? They will do EVERYTHING in their power to stop him. They might even assasinate him! But...

We the people, have been reminded of the freedom, have had our eyes opened to the way America is suppopsed to be, therefore, if anyone else becomes a president, I think it will be devastating to all of us and the protests will follow, because we're tired of their lies and control.

With the help of the internet, we feel that alot of us feel that our Governement is in the wrong direction. We want limited government and want freedom, but they don't want it.

So, I think something is going to happen that will start a Civil War. But, our problem is that we don't have guns, because this government does not want us to have guns - they were always afraid that this day would come, so they put gun control laws into place.

Now, lets look at other threats that we have in this country...

Pharmaceutical companies are a Major threat not only to our country, but to the Humanity! They are way too powerful. Do you think that they want any cures??? No way! Why would they want a cure for AIDS??? No way. They would loose too much money. As a matter of fact, their are probably sitting there in some secret lab and trying to create another virus so that they can suck more of our money from us! Healthcare can not be controlled by private companies, as their interests are not in humanity - their interests are in the power and control! FDA is their puppet and not on our side! Together with FDA, they have control over us. They don't want us to buy anything from anywhere, but from them.

I will not be surprised if some sort of new virus comes up and there will be a new wave of money coming into their pockets - how nice for them.

Capitalism is great in some ways, but it is horrible in other ways. Those that become Ultra Rich start to work on becoming even stronger. They will do everything they can to protect their interests, and believe me, they have the power to do so, because they can buy anything they want - even the president of the United States!

While the Ultra Rich become stronger, they don't want us - the low people - to become stronger or open our eyes and refuse to work for them.

Capitalists created an "American Dream" - go to school, buy a house, have a family, and have NO LIFE! They want us to stay where we are - consumers/workers(paid slaves). Today, they have Ultra Slaves with Masters degrees working for them, making them stronger! And they like to keep it this way.

I don't care what you have heard about Communism. It was a great lifestyle for all of Russians. We did not have to constantly worry about making house payments, paying rent, paying car notes, paying for education, or paying off hospitals. If we were unemployed - we did not have to worry about money and be scared that we would end up on the street tomorrow. We did not have to sell our DIGNITY to employers that don't care about you. Employers here could care less if you took the job or not - someone else will, because someone else is just as scared as you are that he might end up on the street tomorrow; therefore, he is ready to do your job twice as less than you are! Or even better, they can give your job to 13 year old chinese kids that work for TWENTY SIX CENTS per hour!

Nice eh?

I don't know about you, but I am totally sick of this.


Active Member

I forgot to add couple of more things here...

Energy companies would hate for us to have solar powered cars, houses, or endless batteries, or devices that give us free energy. They have too much to loose.

One of the inventors of the "endless batteries" was killed recently. Dig in one of the links - - you'll see what I'm talking about. Does that surprise anyone?

Another inventor that knows how to create solar powered houses is scared to go ahead with his invention for obvious reasons. According to him, he has created a device that will generate solar power almost 24 hours per day and would eliminate electric companies. Can you see why he is scared to pursue this idea nation wide?

If Marijuana becomes free, can you see Alcohol companies losing alot of business? I do. Is this a threat to them? How much power do they have? Do you think they are going to just sit there and wait for them to loose money?

As of right now, the Ultra Power decides for you and me how we are going to live and what we consume. And they are not going to go out without a fight.

Can you see what's wrong with capitalism?

We should have a lifestyle where we the people are free and not under control of Ultra Power or the US Government.

Should the energy companies have that much power? Should pharmaceuticals have that much power? Should other giants have that much power?

We the people should decide what's good for us. If we want to switch to solar powered energy tomorrow and not use anymore regular electricity, there should not be any protests from the electricity companies. If we don't want to use gasoline tomorrow, Oil Giants should not have any say in what we use and either provide what we want or get out of the business without giving any trouble to the creators of the new energy sources.

How do we achieve that?


Well-Known Member
I like what you say about oil and the middle east. I also believe if the republican party wins the election next year, Iran is next(maybe even before so people will be afraid to vote Dem.). Bush won because his brother helped him win, and that's that!

I do not agree with civil war, or the comming of a civil war, at least not in America. I do see changes comming, better times. That is if the democrats win, preferably Obama.

Up until Yellowstone erupts!


New Member
Yes, capitalism sucks big time.

It sucks so much that the last time I went to the supermarket, I had to choose which of the 24 different markets offered in my area to go to. Once I made the decision of which market to go to, I had a lot more decisions to make once I got there. Seven different brands of tuna to choose from. Five different brands of yogert, twelve different brands of bread, five different brands of eggs, fifteen different brands of cereal. Ice Cream? ... Ben & Jerrys', McConnel's, Hag & Daz, and seven other brands of the crappy ice cream to boot. Damn, there were five different brands of toilet paper and paper towels too. Then came the produce department ... tomatoes on the vine, Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and regular, everyday, crappy old tomatoes. Oh, then there was the organic section offering hydophonically grown tomatoes. I noticed they were offering watermelon in abundance. I asked the produce manager how he could be offering watermelon in December because they were out of season. He said: "Well, thanks to the evil oil companies and that god-awful gasoline they produce, it was allowing those capitalist pig importers to import watermelons from Argentina at a reasonable price." Watermelons in December? Who ever heard of such a thing?

Once the shopping was done, as I was wheeling my abundently full shopping cart through the parking lot, I couldn't help noticing the different varieties of cars parked there. Fords, Chevys, Chryslers, Toyotas, Porches, VWs, BMWs, Mercedes Benz's ... Damn, the parking lot looked like a freakin' car show. I couldn't help reflecting on the slave wages that were paid to the workers that produced those cars in automobile manufacturing sweat-shops, all exploited by the owners of the factories. What did you say ... that some of those very cars were owned by some of those workers? Bullshit, how can wage-slaves afford cars?!

Once I had the groceries packed away in the trunk of my car, I stopped by the hydro store to pick up some RockWool. There itwas again, more choices; ... three brands of RockWool to chose from. Looking around the store, I noticed the nutrients; General Hydrophonic, Pure Blend Pro, Advanced Nutrients, Canna, ... the list continued on. The damned hydro guy was even offering three types of buckets, three brands of bulbs, four brands of ballasts ... and the greedy-pig owner was even trying to make a, dare I say it? ... a (shhhh) profit on the merchandise he was offering! How many capitalist pigs can one town put up with?

Leaving the hydro store, I had to go to the drug store to refill my prescriptions for the three blood pressure medications I have to take in order to prolong my life. My Mother died at the age of 53 from a massive brain hemorage because these medications didn't exist when she was alive. Thanks to the evil, profiteering, mother-fucking, drug company capitalist pigs, I've been able to extended my life 16 years beyond that which my Mother enjoyed.

Leaving the drug store, I drove through my neighborhood. Even though our weather here today is in the 40s, judging by the smoke coming out of the all the fireplaces, I'd say those wage slaves, living in their slave houses, were warm and comfortable. All had the Christmas lights ablazing too ... so those criminals at the power company were plying their evil ways and exploiting the wage slaves so the imperialists at the power company could live in regal splender in their castles on the hill. They were probably running the generators on filthy coal too ... coal that was mined in Virginia by more wage slaves.

Entering my own home, I soon put the groceries away. I opened up a nice cold Anchor Steam lager ... Anchor Steam was my final choice out of twenty-five different brands of beer on the shelves at Trader Joe's the last time I shopped there. (The beer was on the shelf between the eight different brands of chocolate and the fifty different brands of wine.) Oh, as a matter of fact, I also bought a wonderful bottle of Austrialian wine too. A cabernet I believe, brought to Trader Joe's via over-night delivery thanks to those wage-slave pilots flying for United Parcel Service ... or maybe it was that capitalist pig Fred Smith's exploitive company Federal Express. Overnight air delivery from Austrailia at $4.99 a bottle retail. Exploitation, I tells ya!

Looking forward to enjoying the beer I had just opened, I turned on the High-def TV (the one in the living room, not the one in the bedroom) and started to enjoy the game. Damn, that satilite dish is amazing ... I can enjoy almost all the NFL games that are played in the country on any given Sunday. Hmmm, who put that little devise into orbit that sends the signal back to my Dish? Oh ... was it the evil, capitalist pigs at General Electric? Maybe ... I'm not really sure who, or what entity is exploiting me in this little free market caper. Not free market you say? .... Hey there are choices there too. If I don't like the service I get from DirectTV, I can always go back to Time Warner, the service that I cancelled because of Time Warner's shitty service. Whoops, that was another choice, wasn't it?

Just as the game was getting good, my girl friend phoned and said she would like to go to dinner tonight. I said: Where would you like to go?" and she said: "Oh gee, I don't know ... Hungry Hunter was good last time, but then maybe we should try Black Angus ... or maybe Red Lobster, or how about TGI Fridays ... or maybe Chiles, or how about P.F. Chang's ... or maybe even Beni Hanna's?"

So, I said: "I'll be down to getcha in a taxi honey, so be ready about a half past eight. We'll go to P.F. Chang's." My girlfriend said: "But P.F. Chang's is kinda fancy and I don't have a thing to wear." "Not a thing to wear, said I? ... But you have twenty-six pairs of shoes, all twenty-six made by twenty-six different manufacturers!" She said: "I know, dear, but I tried to match each one of my twenty-six pairs of shoes to all the dresses in all three closets and I can't find a match." "Hmmm ... I said, let's just go to the local Chinese place."

Yeppers ... I hate capitalism too. Let's end all these choices ... Viva Civil War! LMAO!



Well-Known Member
^^^Wow what a great post Vi!!!!---LOL---

Only in a capitalist system could an individual have the leisure time to ponder the viability of alternative systems.
It is no coincidence that Capitalistic Nations out produce all others.
The greatest amount of wealth is produced for the greatest amount of people.

It (capitalism) is certainly imperfect as all human constructs are, however history has demonstrated unequivocally the benefits provided to the entire human race.
Capitalism is based upon freedom and liberty!

Maybe this should be in the politics forum!!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you cagey bee, minus the part about communism...I think a civil war is just what we need. The two major reasons our founding fathers went to war with England was because England was trying to stop the colonies from printing their own money and were trying to implement taxes. Nowadays, there's more taxes than I can list on this page and our money is printed by a small group of international bankers...And the people are not only fine with this, most think it is necessary! Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves, right now!!
I think you may be right. A revolution may be the only thing that can save us. If Ron Paul loses the election or better yet wins and is assasinated (Sad, yes. But, it will happen if he wins.) I think a revolutionary war may be in order. If Ron Paul wins this election a change will happen. Too many people are aware now to stand by and do nothing if RP were to be assasinated. He has even said himself his life would be in jeopardy if he were able to accomplish or attempt to accomplish his goals.


Well-Known Member
I like what you say about oil and the middle east. I also believe if the republican party wins the election next year, Iran is next(maybe even before so people will be afraid to vote Dem.). Bush won because his brother helped him win, and that's that!

I do not agree with civil war, or the comming of a civil war, at least not in America. I do see changes comming, better times. That is if the democrats win, preferably Obama.

Up until Yellowstone erupts!
You should look into Ron Paul, aattocchi. He stands for everything people like you and I stand for. Not many people have heard of him because he is feared by mainstream media and big corporations. This is why he is the only candidate to get his funds from donations from the people. All the other candidates run off of funds donated by big corporations (including Obama). Ron Paul is a Libertarian who is running under the Republican nomination because he is smart enough to know only the two big parties can win. Don't be afraid to elect a Republican, they're not all bad.;-)


Well-Known Member
i def like what you said about health care. How can private organizations possibly control our health. the only other option is a government controlled and paid for universal insurance. if that happened they would be such a pain in the ass on the drug companies watching over there shoulder seeing where there monies going.


New Member
Oh, sorry Blaze ... I forgot about our choices in our use of money. Let's see, if we don't want to use inflationary (a hidden tax) Federal Reserve Notes to trade with, we can always use ... use ... use ... err, hummm ... grams, eighths, quarter ounces and pounds? :blsmoke:

Hey wait a minute ... I may have just hit upon the basis behind the drug war! ~lol~



Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry Blaze ... I forgot about our choices in our use of money. Let's see, if we don't want to use inflationary (a hidden tax) Federal Reserve Notes to trade with, we can always use ... use ... use ... err, hummm ... grams, eighths, quarter ounces and pounds? :blsmoke:

Hey wait a minute ... I may have just hit upon the basis behind the drug war! ~lol~

That would be better than the system we have now. The value of weed doesn't fluctuate as much as our dollar. I'd be all for it lol.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should practice their second amendment right. I feel a revolution coming on....Hopefully it can be peaceful with the help of Ron Paul. But, if not use the second amendment to your advantage:blsmoke:


New Member
I dont vote and I dont really have a favorite presidential candidate or anything, personally anyone will do better than George Bush. But I think if Barrack Obama wins that he will probly be killed. Think about it, 1/5 of Americans are still really racist and most Americans are at least somewhat racist just becuz of being in the enivornment and living in these times. If u go in the south they still have a lot of areas that is in the middle of nowhere with racist ppl and that goes for a lot of the country too. I would have no problem with Barrack Obama being president he seems nice and I think he knows what hes doing.

As far as a civil war i dont think it will happen we are way too smart to let something like that happen again. And no offense but who gives a damn about Iowa? Barrack and Hillary and the other president are concentrating a lot of their attention on Iowa, but why? Iowa is mostly farms and almost completely white and it hardly has any ppl there.


Well-Known Member
I dont vote and I dont really have a favorite presidential candidate or anything, personally anyone will do better than George Bush. But I think if Barrack Obama wins that he will probly be killed. Think about it, 1/5 of Americans are still really racist and most Americans are at least somewhat racist just becuz of being in the enivornment and living in these times. If u go in the south they still have a lot of areas that is in the middle of nowhere with racist ppl and that goes for a lot of the country too. I would have no problem with Barrack Obama being president he seems nice and I think he knows what hes doing.

As far as a civil war i dont think it will happen we are way too smart to let something like that happen again. And no offense but who gives a damn about Iowa? Barrack and Hillary and the other president are concentrating a lot of their attention on Iowa, but why? Iowa is mostly farms and almost completely white and it hardly has any ppl there.
Because it is the first state to hold their primaries. So, everybody is concentrating on Iowa. New Hamphsire is next...And Obama wouldn't be assasinated. Only people who try to make radical changes are assasinated. He would keep the status quo and be safe. Sure, some people would be pissed off we had a black president. But, I doubt he would be assasinated...Now, Ron Paul would be assasinated in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
All though i agree with all the points that have been made i think the real worry is that as the populations of the world increase every day and food,money and housing become more and more rare we are risking new plagues as well as riots or even possibly civil wars as has been mentioned already.

We have made a big mess of this world and continue to do so on a daily basis i am one of those "nutters:mrgreen:" that believe that the planet is an entity in itself and i cant help but fear that the planet may well have its own immune system and i know that if it does we will certainly be considered a threat to the body that we all inhabit.

So to sum up yes it does look like we are all screwed eventually just not yet:blsmoke: