Barney's Tangerine Dream... Any info???? G-13?


Active Member
So what's the deal with this one? Barney's claims they started with the g-13 which was crossed with Neville's A-5 Haze. They say the resulting plant was then crossed again with the g-13. What g-13? Are they talking about g-13 haze? I thought everyone's g-13 cuts have long lost their vigor. I'm thinking about buying these but fear being let down once again. I grew the original pure g-13 for many years and have been trying to find something to take her place. So far I've tried the Sensi Mr. Nice (g-13 x hash) and the Dutchmen G Force. Neither seemed a bit like G. I don't know if the genetics are just that bad or if they are now using their own concoctions but neither came close. If anyone knows anything about this I would be very grateful.


Active Member
Well since no one seems to know a thing about this one I'll just give it a shot and let y'all know how it goes. Either way, a 70 day sativa, 25% thc, and tangerines. Sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
Im not one to hate....but boo! to barneys farm...thumbs up to TGA. Im also a indica fan to begin with....that may have something to do with it. I've just read too much BS about barneys. And yes Im pretty sure they are talking bout G13 haze.


bud bootlegger
i ten to agree with lambofgod on this one.. imho, the htcc has really gotten away from going to the best strain on the planet, but rather to the best marketed strain on the planet.. i just got down reading how arjan from greenhouse isn't even a breeder, but rather a brilliant marketing guy, and i completely believe this to be true..
i'm not saying that some of the stuff that wins a cup isn't good pot, but defintely not what its pumped up to be.
so, if your looking to grow the tangeriene dream based solely on the fact that it won a cup, i would really rethink this.. but if your growing it because it sounds like something that you'd be interested in, i say go for m8..


Active Member
I would never grow a strain solely because it won it cup, in fact that aspect has practically nothing to do with selecting a strain. As I said before I grew the original g-13 many years ago. My mother plant died and I've been searching for something with her flavor and potency ever since. I heard of it because it won the cup and started wanting to try it when I read it was a G hybrid. Barney's description makes it sound like it is a direct g-13 cross and sounds too good to be true. I was basically just asking if someone knew if it was g-13 x haze x g-13 OR g-13 haze x haze x g-13 haze, not whether I should get it or not.

pro grow

Active Member
Everyone bashed Super Lemon Haze when they first heard about it also. People will probably bash it until they smoke it which will probably be at least another month judging by my own grow which I started as soon as Barneys started selling the seeds. Tack on another month to cure right.

If Barneys Farm bought the cup you would think they would choose a strain they could start selling imediately right. The seeds wernt available for several months after the HTCC results came in...
barney's "HERMIE" farm

no thnx

common fact is they bought the cup , the common ground chatter in the streets of the dam almost always turns out to be true in these situations and these sedimants have been comming thick an fast from every direction by everyone

you dont shit where you eat

pro grow

Active Member
I get it. Keep it ultra rare for as long as possible and grow it yourself. Maybe cure her with a some black tar opium too, that shit would hot as fuck.


Well-Known Member
not many people know other than the people that were at the cup that smoked it, and barneys themselves. the seeds were just introduced barely more than a month ago. I have mines coming. hopefully its a quality strain, i love citrus flavored strains.
Well i just got mine today and they look great. As far as Barney buying the cup I dont think so. Every time someone makes a break through and does something better than everyone else the shit has to fly. There is only one barneys farm and tons of other breeders ready to trash talk when they dont win. This is after all based on an underground sub-culture full of liars and criminals. . . sad but true.


Well-Known Member
One thing you will see at the cup is seed banks entering a clone of a special plant they have, they'll win, and then they'll cross out the winning clone to make seeds and call it the same thing. I've grown a couple things from Barney's like Sweet Tooth and 8 Ball. The Sweet Tooth was not nearly as good as SOL's original version and the 8 Ball Kush was just average. If you go with European banks go with Mr. Nice otherwise stick to North American breeders for quality(this includes breeders who moved to Europe).

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Day 8 over here

Tangerine Dream from attitude

Thing smells like candy and tangerines for real... This is the best smell I've ever smelled... Only at day 8 too :lol:


Active Member
Wanna know more about this strain, still waiting for mine that i ordered over 21 days ago from tude


I'm gonna try tang dream and honey b. Does anyone know about honey b from barns. Some one mentioned 21 days from attitude? I would def order straight from the source or from some where else I hear they suck royally.