Barney's Red Dragon Grow - Organic

Hey no problem man! The dragon in the front left is the topped one. It's propped up on a styrofoam block too, so it's definately shorter than the LST'd one to it's right...
This is IDontGrowWeed8420, I made a new account. But yep I had them mixed up, I was wondering why the one I thought you topped still had a main cola. haha my bad :lol:. I am gonna top mine. Thanks and keep up the good work, looking forward to the next picture update.


Well-Known Member
Week 5 of flowering is now over - here's a quick picture update. I didn't post seperate pics of each plant, just a few group shots and some closeups as well as some different tops showing special characteristics among others. Lots and lots of white pistils everywhere and the buds are starting to bulk up as well. :blsmoke:

- I'll be giving them a straight water feeding in the next few days - they're still a bit heavy from the last feeding so i'll see how they feel in the next few days as it's now been almost a full week.
- The past feeding seems to have been a little too much again - lost some more foliage to yellowing and crispy leaves, but nothing disasterous.
- The bagseed plant is pretty yellow now, but the buds are still looking nice - bulked up well and very sticky!
- The Red Dragon plants are all smelling sweeter every day. The stems near the tops all give off a very sweet smell on the hands.

...enjoy the pic update!!:weed:



Well-Known Member
Gave the girls a straight feeding of pH'd water this evening. Looks like i'll need to dial back the nutes for the rest of this grow - the ladies told me they're quite full! More yellowing leaves this week, but the buds are still looking better each day as more nodes near the tops join together forming longer, bigger buds.

The bagseed plant (Mercy) is starting to show a lot of browning pistils - I'm going to check the trichs this weekend and see where we're at. I think we're looking at it finishing close to the end of march though, with the Dreamtime plant (Nails) not far behind (possibly the first week in April)... but those dates may change if i end of leaving them to finish with the others - I may let them go and just keep them as my couch-lockers...we'll see.

Stay tuned, a pic update is coming soon - if not in the next few days, then this weekend for sure. We're now approaching the end of week 6 of flowering! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Here's the promised picture update... sorry a few of these are a bit blurry - kinda rushed through them but still got some nice ones...enjoy!! :weed:



Well-Known Member
damn they're looking frosty, its getting real close in there man! i can feel the anticipation!


Well-Known Member
Wow looking great Dayzt love the Red Dragon been considering it for a while on my seed list might have to bump up a couple notches lol.



Well-Known Member
Wow looking great Dayzt love the Red Dragon been considering it for a while on my seed list might have to bump up a couple notches lol.

where did you get the tent and how much did it cost u. I built my own chambers and is was not more thing is it air tight


Well-Known Member
damn they're looking frosty, its getting real close in there man! i can feel the anticipation!
Thanks Drella - great to see you're still watching! =) The bagseed plant and the Dreamtime plant are both further ahead than the dragons...they have a few weeks left before they start getting flushed, but the Red Dragons plants are probably still looking at another 3 weeks or more. The buds are looking awesome but i'm waiting for them to bulk up quite a bit more in the next few weeks! The molasses will help and i've now added some side-lighting in the tent to help the smaller bud sites develop more as everything gets closer to finishing.


Well-Known Member
Wow looking great Dayzt love the Red Dragon been considering it for a while on my seed list might have to bump up a couple notches lol.

Thanks greenfire - I definitely recommend this hybrid strain from Barney's...if the smoke is anything like it's smelling, i'll be ordering more of these seeds later this year for sure - stupid me didn't get any clones this round...doh! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
where did you get the tent and how much did it cost u. I built my own chambers and is was not more thing is it air tight
Hey fatalack, welcome!! The tent cost me about $230 on ebay which I thought was pretty decent considering it's size. Right now I only have 5 plants flowering in there, but once I add my other 600w in there, I'll be able to have about 12 plants flowering at once!

The tent isn't completely air-tight, but with the carbon-filter running continuously in there, it's always 'drawing in the walls' showing a slight 'suction' of the tent. This is good since it shows that the air is moving well and drawing fresh air in through the passive intake (even though I have an inline fan also pulling air in through the passive intake hole at the bottom corner at 170 cfm). The fan on my carbon filter sucks air in at 270 cfm and pushes it through my light's cool-tube and on out through the top hole of the tent using ducting... works very well and my temps stay consistently at around 73 F when the light is on.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's a few pics of the Vanilla Kush I have started. It's two weeks into veg and looking really healthy! I gave them their first taste of veg nutes tonight with their rain-water (1/4 strength). They are taking off now, so hopefully I can top them soon and be taking a few clones from them in a few weeks!!

Also in this pic (the back-right plant) is a Crimea Blue plant that almost died on me after one of the main leaves fell off of it when it was a few days's looking much better now though, just a bit behind the rest. I hope to clone it too - the early damage has caused it to have 3 tops developing...we'll see what she does!!

Enjoy... :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for you're useful knowledge. I'll be needing to get a tent for my next grow as well as a cool tube. You're set up is cool,and has inspired me to do a full on grow journal. I will start posting in about a weak or so. I been having problems with my current grow and cant wait to get started on a new batch. I really look forward to reading all you're posts .bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
- Gave all the girls a nice watering last night of straight water with molasses and a tiny amount of Nirvana.

- Really big cola on the Dreamtime plant that just keeps growing! Touching the buds leaves a grape-cream-soda smell on your fingers...can't wait to see if the sweetness comes through in the taste as well!

- I'm guessing the bagseed plant will be ready to start flushing by Wed of next week. I'll use a scope and check it's trich's this weekend and see where we're at....mostly browned hairs now and have receded back into the buds mostly.

- Added some nice flouro side-lighting on Monday night to give everything an extra 'boost' for the last 3 weeks of flowering..we'll see if it helps bulk up some of the lower buds and jack my yield up a tad!

- the topped RD is definitely the slowest one of them all....lots of hairs everywhere and some decent tops, but nothing is really bulking up much yet - this one may go longer than all the rest - we'll see if she catches up to the others in the next few weeks! :leaf:

...took a few more pics of my vegging Vanilla Kush plants this evening - let me know what you think! Take a look back at the other pics posted a few days ago and see how much they've grown in just 3 days!! These girls are going to be great, I can already tell... haven't got the guts to do any topping on them yet, but at this pace they will likely need some training to keep them short enough to fit under the light i'm using... ENJOY!!



Well-Known Member
I can't believe it's already been 7 weeks in flower! The ladies are lookin sexy and the next 2-3 weeks they should really swell across the finish line!!

- The bagseed plant and the Dreamtime plant both received straight pH'd water this evening as they are now in 'flushing mode' as they approach their harvest date of the first weekend in April.

- The RD gals all look to be at different stages right now but I hope to harvest them all at the same time. I'd like to compare them afterwards so i'll know for next time how long to let them finish as get the desired result. The all received a nice moloasses & Nirvana bath this evening - this may be the final dose of molasses they get, well see. They're still on schedule for a mid-April harvest, but will be given as much time to finish as necessary since i've heard this strain can go longer sometimes.

- FIM'd my tallest Vanilla Kush plant today so we'll see if that helps to make it easier to take clones from it. The others will likely be tied down soon for the final few weeks before they get transplanted into the bigger pots.

....well here's this week's picture update - lots of hairs and bursting nugs!! Got a snap of my cat in her perch and a nice sunny pic of this evening's dinner as well!! The last picture there shows how i've hung my side-lighting CFLs in there for an extra boost in the last few weeks.



Well-Known Member
pussy, bombs ass pizza, and bud porn, count me in. youre getting a 600! one of my bloom rooms is a 600, chech out my grow if you ever get a chance. looking great bro!


Well-Known Member
I'm feelin it. Tempted to try organic myself, but organic hydro is plain awkward if you ask me. You won't be dissapointed with a 600... I dropped 300 to pick mine up and I'm sure I'll get at least 600 dollars worth of extra bud from it. Really a no brainer as long as u got heat under control. Good luck on the flush and harvest, just a couple weeks to sit back and wait.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys - yes, the next few weeks will be awesome to watch and take in the final push to harvest. The RD plants have had enough nutes and are only getting molasses/water from this point until flushing time. I've also noticed that the RD is slowed down by about 1-1.5 weeks when topped, as the only topped plants looks to be behind the others by a bit and the nugs are a little more airy'n'hairy yet - still waiting for them to really bulk up... The other two plants are really going strong now though - had to stake them tonight and tie-in some of the main stems as they were starting to lean a bit...=)

Look for another pic update in the middle of this week, as it will be worth it I'm guessing - you can see a difference even now since yesterday's pics! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Dayzt- GOOD STUFF!!!

I got some RD right now in week 2 of flowering and plan on doing a SOG style with, I just lollipopped them this past weekend. My question is how are you determining when your ladies our finished? I was going to base it on trichs 50/50, and then flush for a week with AN- Final Phase. What are your trichs looking like at the end of week 7? I was hoping chop the girls at the end of week 7.
1000w HPS
Soil: FF Ocean Forest,
Nutes: AN Bloom A&B, Bud Candy, Big Bud, Bud X Factor, and Overdrive


Well-Known Member
I'm no dayzt but just gotta say this 7 weeks???? And waste the months you spent vegging and flowering them to 7 weeks. I'd say 10 weeks ATLEAST and I've never even grown the stuff, I normally take all mine to 10 min sometimes 12 weeks for the fully done stuff. Its well worth the wait if you ask me, the high last just sooooooo much longer with mature bud.

Ok sorry Dayzt you can answer your question now. Hope I didn't rub ya the wrong way for that.
