Ballast Voltage & Amps: 240v - 480v


New Member
No offense dude but that is one of the ugliest electrical jobs I've ever seen. I would take that picture down as soon as possible. Plus you went on and on about 240v lights but in that picture (if that is your grow room with 20 lights) why are you using 120v lights? I though you only used 240v and only an idiot would wire that many lights with 120v?

That's fantastic if you can make your own relays. In my case I just dropped $250 for a trigger box. I decided to save myself the time plus the trigger box goes so well with my Environmental Controller. If I built my relays I maybe would have saved $100. For me the time I saved was well woth it.

No, I don't live in Cali and I would never purchase from a medical joint. That's why I grow my own. So I don't have to buy from anyone.

You wanna know how to do 75 lights? First off I don't understand what you mean by "half the lights flip flopping and the other half are not." I am to understand you want to do half your plants on a flip and the other half not on a flip? That makes no sense. I don't think you understand what a FLIP is. Look...let's call it 80 lights to make it a nice even number. You want to do 80 lights but you don't have the electrical to allow it; maybe you can't get it cause the grow is illegal; or maybe you don't wanna spend a shitload of money upgrading a perfectly good electrical system. If you are using an 80 light FLIP only 40 lights are ever on at any 1 time between your two flower rooms. So basically you are using half the electricity of an 80 light grow at any one time but you are still getting the production of an 80 light grow. You could very easily do an 80 light flip with 2 200amp services or 1 400amp service. Especially if you are wiring everything 240v. Assuming that you're using 240v service; and calculating that for every 1000w of lighting you would need 600w in additional equipment (i.e. A/C, Dehumidifiers, Co2, Pumps, etc...) (this is an accepted measuring stick used by a lot of commercial growers); then you could run an 80 light FLIP on 280amps total.


New Member
Here's some Elite Nugz pictures from another thread. Come on big baller! You're claiming to be this big time grower. Dude that's a bedroom grow if I've ever seen one. What happened to 20 lights? You said in the other thread that this was your spot. Looks like 2 lights on 120v and a window shacker in the background. Buds look decent but man but stop acting like a baller when you're obviously not. Who knows if these are even yours. I took a look at some of your posts and your caiming like 4-5 different grows. Everytime I open a thread there's you with a different picture of a strain that's definitely not even close to 20 lights. They are all bedroom grows with some jimmy rigged bullshit. You better watch out or someone's gona get pissed you're stealing their grow photos. :lol: You need a whole lot more experice before you start even thinking about a 75 light grow. You gotta be kidding. I'm literally dying of laughter right now. Like Wiz says "Get on My Level"



New Member
LMAO! Nice one BOARD.
thanks i mean i trried to help the guy and was nice and all and he shit on me
ask a ? he dont know the answer to then when people tell him he shit on them and acted like he knows the answer and dont need us saying shit

i would still like to know how he thinkshe is going to get 480v ran to his bedroom
ask the power company and after they get up off the floor from laughing their asses off will say no end of story

he asked a ? and was given answer that they wont run to a house
maybe he will start telling them they dont know wtf they talking about and tell them he aint listening to them either

but op i got nothing against u
just dont come on here and shit on helpful people even if they dont have the answer u hoped to get


New Member
LoL.... Yes... that panel is ugly. LoL. I didnt make it to look pretty. I made it to get the job done. It is 240v by the way. An electrical master such as yourself couldnt figure that one out, huh?? The contactors are 240 volt with a 120 volt coil to make the flip. So I can hook a 120v timer up to the coil to flip the light on and off.

You think you know it all, but you really should try and pull your head out of your ass, buddy. Honestly. You are very far off from giving me any type of advice.

The fact that you went to my thread to pull every single one of those pics and bring them over here, makes me laugh. So this is good... we're making each other laugh. The only difference is... your full of shit, and have no idea to what your talking about. Instead of digging through my threads here... look me up on other, more secure sites... like Cannazon... then you can shove all your speculation where the sun dont shine and zip that obnoxious mouth you got over there. You wish you could afford what I got going on, but cant... so you hate.

Your a clown dude. Everyone on this site knows it now. You run around acting like your some big commercial grower when your a closet grower pal. Just admit it. No one hates on closet growers here on RIU. We try and help all growers. The worst part is you go around acting like all these grows you keep posting are your own. If we are to believe all your posts you have like 6 different ops going and apparently they are all commercial grows (but the pics say different) and you are a genectics master and an official tester for god knows who. Which is it dude? Stop making stuff up just to hear yourself talk.

Those lights in your picture are wired 120v and don't try and act like they aren't. I'm not talking about your relays. Like I mentioned before most relays or trigger boxes are wired 240v. You went on and on about how no one uses 120v ballasts but you sure do.

I never claimed I know it all but I do know enough to answer your original question. You still haven't said anything about that. Do you even know what a FLIP is? It's pretty simple and if your a BIG commercial grower who considers "20 light setups are medium sized" then you should know how to wire up a 50-100 light setup and you should know about FLIPs. You're the one who came on this site and starting talking all this trash like you were some kinda Pablo Escobar. I keep it honest at least. I never claimed to be growing with 50 lights or be some genetic king. Man, i'm just fine with my 8 light flower and the genetics I've got. My grow room is one of my favorite hobbies and I love to tinker around in it. I'm not trying to grow commercially or even grow weight for sale. I like growing a few different strains and maybe swapping one out every now and then. Right now I'm just trying to make my room as automated as possible. If I can pay the bills on the property where my room is at and pay the 2 guys that work there full time I'm cool. And that ain't too hard cause I don't pay for most of the electricity cause we have the line tapped. So me and my boys smoke for free 24/7. I'm cool with that.

I don't need to go on other sites to look you up. Evidence enough here on RIU that you're a wanna be who spews BS just to hear yourself talk. How pathetic is your your life if you use RIU to create and fake persona and build your self esteem? Don't they make some virtual reality video game for that? Like SIMS or something.

The fact that you say "I wish I could afford what you got going on" goes to show me how broke down you really are. Probably living in your parents basement driving the same car they gave you in high school. If you got money you don't talk about it which showes me you ain't got shit. You're a WANGSTA. Go get a grip on reality son. I don't need to talk about what I got cause i'm doing just fine. I don't need to front like you to make myself feel better. My bills get paid, there's always food in the fridge, and I smoke for free. What else do I need? Now go piss off back to some other site before you get me pissed and I really start clowning you. Fake ass wanna be grower.


New Member
thanks i mean i trried to help the guy and was nice and all and he shit on me
ask a ? he dont know the answer to then when people tell him he shit on them and acted like he knows the answer and dont need us saying shit

i would still like to know how he thinkshe is going to get 480v ran to his bedroom
ask the power company and after they get up off the floor from laughing their asses off will say no end of story

he asked a ? and was given answer that they wont run to a house
maybe he will start telling them they dont know wtf they talking about and tell them he aint listening to them either

but op i got nothing against u
just dont come on here and shit on helpful people even if they dont have the answer u hoped to get
True. I don't understand why he started dumping on people who were trying to help. You can have a constructive conversation without jumping down someone's throat if they don't agree with you. He's just one of those wanna be's who is constucting an alternate reality for himself on grow forums. I don't think the medical cannibus world has created a strain yet for the problems he has. Maybe he needs to go talk to Pfizer or something.


Well-Known Member
Wow. After reading all that. Fuck helping. I'm not going to get bashed over something I know and have done. And yes I've done it. 60+ lights. I run a smaller scale setup of that system in my room now. And if you know everything why are you asking a ? Realy you where helped. Also not that bright if you think you can even get 3 phase 480 in a residents. No wonder you can't get help you don't want it. Move on with the pipe dream.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Wow. After reading all that. Fuck helping. I'm not going to get bashed over something I know and have done. And yes I've done it. 60+ lights. I run a smaller scale setup of that system in my room now. And if you know everything why are you asking a ? Realy you where helped. Also not that bright if you think you can even get 3 phase 480 in a residents. No wonder you can't get help you don't want it. Move on with the pipe dream.
Im not sure what makes you think Im in residential.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
This isnt a trash talking thread... If your not gonna post on topic, then take the pettiness somewhere else.

If I bashed someone that was trying to help, then I apologize, but I'm trying to weed out the bad info from the good info.


Well-Known Member
That's easy. You stated erlyer 100amp service. That's ether residence or a small office. Larger facilitys have 250 amp. And 250 is what I have.


New Member
Wow. After reading all that. Fuck helping. I'm not going to get bashed over something I know and have done. And yes I've done it. 60+ lights. I run a smaller scale setup of that system in my room now. And if you know everything why are you asking a ? Realy you where helped. Also not that bright if you think you can even get 3 phase 480 in a residents. No wonder you can't get help you don't want it. Move on with the pipe dream.
BOOOOM! And the bomb drops and poor little Elite watches his hopes and dreams wash down the drain. Literally laughing my ass off right now. I love the line "Really you were helped." Walock for President!!!

Look Elite, I told you how they do it but you just don't want to admit that I am right. You will never have a 50 light room in your life. Your too stupid and would probably get caught if you had 10 lights. Here's a copy of a Cannibus Culture Magazine article from 2005. In it they talk to a large scale commercial grower about everything. It's a 3 part article so find the other posts in their search engine. Now go read the article and stop bothering us here at RIU.


New Member
50 lights wired at 240v could easily fit on a 200amp service if your did a FLIP. There is your answer.

I did a tap on my meter main. Here in Costa Rica you actually own your meter main panel and branch unit. So they let you put your own locks on it. If their is ever a problem they just come take your meter. They don't have the technology or software for their meters to be able to tell you power consumption habits or if you are stealing electricity. So basically we built our main and branch unit into a column and left a conduit pipe buried in the column next to the meter main. I ordered 3 200amp services to make sure that I would have enough power on the transformer to steal what I needed for my grow. The entrance to the property is 400 yeards from where the house is and the building we built for the grow. Since the property is listed as 7.5 acres the electrical company had no problem giving me 3 meters. I ordered an 800amp meter main and a 3-4 socket branch unit. After the electrical company installed power we just took the cover of the main unit where we already had the lugz in place on the busbar. All we did was drill a circular hole where we had left the conduit pipe behind the panel in the concrete column. Then we pulled out wires through and connected them to the busbar. I split the property, house, and some other things between the three meters and pulled 4/0 Aluminum URD cable to the grow building. Right now we have a total of 200amps on the board in the grow building. The utility company has no clue. I ended up doing it at my house as well. Gotta love Costa Rica.