Baked??? Am I...


Well-Known Member
Anyways, like i said I am new and its all about trial and error so I am soooooooo sorrryyyyy that im not a pro like you. I might not be able to grow all that good, BUT what i am good as knockin mofo's out LOL. This comment was for the ones that acted as if I was some half wit. Guess I know not ask questions here any more until I am pro.....pffffft
Now your gonna run you're big ass mouth!? I'm good at knocking fools out? You sound twelve. You're talking shit through a computer screen, think about that. You're smoking hemp bro! It may as well be cat nip. All he did was suggest that you do some research. In fact 9 out of 10 people on this site will lol at the pic you posted. But then they will help you too. Get a better light asap.

Also I noticed I get much higher off of my weed too.


Active Member
Anyways, like i said I am new and its all about trial and error so I am soooooooo sorrryyyyy that im not a pro like you. I might not be able to grow all that good, BUT what i am good as knockin mofo's out LOL. This comment was for the ones that acted as if I was some half wit. Guess I know not ask questions here any more until I am pro.....pffffft
dude in the long run hes trying to get you to do some research and get you real buds.. just because youre new doesnt mean you will harvest plants like yours. my first grow i had pretty much 0 problems besides thinking something was wrong with my plant when it was just how it was growing. harvested a decent amount.. just under 2 ounces with two plants vegd for 6 weeks under 350w of CFLs. its not all that hard, when you know what youre doing. so, read some threads and figure out what you can do to produce good buds.

Also, yes you will probably get high, but most of that is leaf.. i saw maybe a gram of shake if you take all the leafs and stem out.


Active Member
i agree you seem immature, but anyways you did pretty well for a first grow except you lighting... try again with an HPS you will be really high! BTW, plant has trichs... so you will get high.. i would make hash out of that plant though imo.


Umm Peyote? This is what i got growing now so..... I have attitude cuz I got ppl basically calling me a liar. Aint got nothing to do with growing lol
we all started somewhere and most of our first attempts failed. I know mine did and plenty since but what dosent make us smarter isnt useful, us this an a learning tool and work from there :-)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1858699View attachment 1858700
Umm Peyote? This is what i got growing now so..... I have attitude cuz I got ppl basically calling me a liar. Aint got nothing to do with growing lol
What do you mean calling you a liar? Nobody doubts you're high. We are simply telling you that you need to research for better product. The new looks a little better for sure. Were not calling you a liar, just trying to let you know. You seem mad at life or somthing.


Active Member
View attachment 1858699View attachment 1858700
Umm Peyote? This is what i got growing now so..... I have attitude cuz I got ppl basically calling me a liar. Aint got nothing to do with growing lol
i dont think he was calling you a liar, just that you arnt acting 36. either way age has nothing to do with maturity.. its the internet, there WILL be trolls, just gotta ignore or give em a quick F U and move on until someone takes you serious.

btw when i said i agree you seem immature, i was hoping youd take it as "stop caring what people think over the net kinda thing" and continue with what you intended on.. like when you were in elementary and wanted to tell your best friend they are being annoying.. "well.. um... everyone kinda you are being... annoying." then its all.. "What?! Im not annoying.. blah blah" ..oh god here he goes....

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
that nug came off that big o plant? you got a whole plant of bud like that?
how long did it flower for?
you can see a little bit of bud but alot of leaf


What do you mean calling you a liar? Nobody doubts you're high. We are simply telling you that you need to research for better product. The new looks a little better for sure. Were not calling you a liar, just trying to let you know. You seem mad at life or somthing.
yea I am, "the mad at life theory" Thats why I have no social outlet but my computer
But i was just feeling like a couple were raggin on me but yea i got a lot of issues so my bad, im over it. But what i also wanted to tell yall that the picture of the budda cheese is actually my 1rst grow as well because I planted that crap on same time and date.


that nug came off that big o plant? you got a whole plant of bud like that?
how long did it flower for?
you can see a little bit of bud but alot of leaf
there is lot of leaf and all together i prolly got about 2 ounces but it smells like lawn grass and its just really nasty tasting too but im more high than i have been on weed that smelled big time and looked really good, i just wish i had someone to try it with me lol