Bah and humbug


Active Member
Happy Winter Solstice, Winter Festival, Mid Winter Feast, Wild Hunt and Yule.

Hope everybody has a safe Pagan Holiday.

Christmas?.... never !!!!



Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6823059 said:
Happy Winter Solstice, Winter Festival, Mid Winter Feast, Wild Hunt and Yule.

Hope everybody has a safe Pagan Holiday.

Christmas?.... never !!!!


Finally! a man after my own sentiment. Christmas is the only holliday with a specific and derogatory name for those who do not particularly enjoy the season. Christmas - bah. Festivus if anything at all.


Well-Known Member
Religious figures 'born' on December 25th are...


Born 3000 B.C, 25th December
Egyptian God
Born of a virgin (Isis-Merion =Mary)
His father was called “Seb” = Joseph
Adorned by 3 Kings
Star in the east
Teacher at the age of 12
Baptized at the age of 30
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, walking on water etc...
Known as “the lamb of God/ the light” etc...
Betrayed & Crucified
Dead for 3 days
And thus resurrected


Born 1700 B.C, 25th December
Greek God
Born of a virgin (Nana)
Star in the east
Teacher at the age of 12
Baptized at the age of 30
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, walking on water etc...
Known as “the lamb of God/ the light” etc...
Betrayed & Crucified
Dead for 3 days
And thus resurrected on March 25


Born 1200 B.C, 25th December
Persian God
Born of a virgin
His birth was attended by shepherds bearing gifts
Star in the east
Worshiped on Sundays
Baptized at the age of 30
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, walking on water etc...
Known as “the Good Shepherd/ the light” etc...
Betrayed & Crucified
Dead for 3 days
And thus resurrected


Born 900 B.C, 25th December
Indian God
Born of a virgin (Devaki)
Adorned by 3 Kings
Star in the east
Teacher at the age of 12
Was a Carpenter
Baptized at the age of 30
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, walking on water etc...
Known as “the lamb of God/ the light” etc...
Betrayed & Crucified
Dead for 3 days
And thus resurrected


Born 628 B.C, 25th December
Iranian Prophet
Born of a virgin (“immaculate conception by a ray of divine reason.”)
He astounded wise men with his wisdom
Star in the east
He began his ministry at age 30
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, walking on water etc...
Known as “the lamb of God/ the light” etc...
He was slain
He had a sacred cup or grail.
And thus resurrected
Zoroaster’s followers expected a “second coming” in the virgin-born Saoshynt or Savior

Jesus Christ

Born 4 B.C, Month unknown, (Celebrated on the 25th December)
Christian God
Born of a virgin (Mary)
Adorned by 3 Kings
Star in the east
Teacher at the age of 12
Was also a Carpenter
Baptized at the age of 30 and started his ministry
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, walking on water, turned water into wine, etc...
Known as “the lamb of God/ the light” etc...
Betrayed & Crucified
Dead for 3 days
And thus resurrected


Born 200 A.D, 25th December
Greek God
Born of a virgin
Star in the east
Teacher at the age of 12
Baptized at the age of 30
Had 12 disciples
Preformed miracles i.e. Healing the sick, Turning water into wine etc...
Known as “the king of kings/ the Alpha & Omega” etc...
Betrayed & Crucified
Dead for 3 days
And thus resurrected


Well-Known Member
I was talking with a buddy last night while playing COD, I realized I dont celebrate any religious holidays.

They are all based on myth, Im not muslim, I couldnt tell you one muslim holiday, im not jewish, dont know any of theirs either..
Im not christian, so why would I celebrate their days?
I recognize the fact that they have the right to do it, but dont expect me to also.

after considering what holiday i DO celebrate, i realized they are all based on national holidays, or to mark the new year.

My list of valid holidays.. New Years, 4th of July, Thanksgiving. All days that really only signify getting together with friends and family and having a good time.

2 out of three involve fireworks and explosions, the other is a celebration of the harvest and hunting...