Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I'm tired of waiting so I went ahead and started germinating some Dank seeds I've had laying around for a month or so. Two are from a strain here in my town called Shoreline, the other is from some of that Sour Diesel I've been smoking on. This is just something to keep me busy until I get to my new apt. By the time I move in this weekend, these seeds should be germed and in some 16 oz cups. I'll probably end up growing them with my Blue Buddha. :joint:

I got some pics of how I germ my seeds below. I wrap them in a moist paper towel, usually a cloth but this is all I had, then put them in a zip lock bag. I blow a bit of air into the bag, then seal it up and hide it in a dark place. This method has worked for me with 100 percent success every time I've tried it.

I'm curious. Why germ seeds? Other then weeding out good from bad, I don't see a reason to do more handling of a delicate item. Huge grows I can see it paying off.

(there was a thread about sexing at germination. Would like to see how that turns out.)

I must be missing something. I must. So I ask: Why? What am I missing?



Well-Known Member
I'm curious. Why germ seeds? Other then weeding out good from bad, I don't see a reason to do more handling of a delicate item. Huge grows I can see it paying off.

(there was a thread about sexing at germination. Would like to see how that turns out.)

I must be missing something. I must. So I ask: Why? What am I missing?

speaking for myself, i think germination pays off for both large and small grows - depending on your system. my space accommodates six plants. If i want to maximize my space, then i want to make sure i put six viable seeds in there - those that don't germinate don't make it into the system at all.

you could put all the seeds into the system and wait for them to germinate but it is easier to see if they crack before planting - rather than waiting for something to poke up through the hydroton.


Well-Known Member
speaking for myself, i think germination pays off for both large and small grows - depending on your system. my space accommodates six plants. If i want to maximize my space, then i want to make sure i put six viable seeds in there - those that don't germinate don't make it into the system at all.

you could put all the seeds into the system and wait for them to germinate but it is easier to see if they crack before planting - rather than waiting for something to poke up through the hydroton.
Do you germ 8-10 for the 6 spots?
(and oops, forgot to add makes sense for hydro)


Well-Known Member
course, email is far better suited to answer, but i will chime in my POV while we wait for Grn to give his POV and the LINK FOR HIS NEW GROW (subliminal hint).

at first when i started my micro grow i thought germinating seeds beforehand was an added step and added risk so i popped my seeds into my Solo cups of soil.... and i waited.... and i waited... and it got close to 2 weeks and i saw nothing come from my Solo's under the lights... i popped 4 more seeds into 4 more cups and now had 8 Solos to water and light... and the next day, the first batch started to sprout. :roll:

also, at that time i was predesignating cups... so, i had #1, #2, #3, #4 sprouted.... cool... but of the next batch i had #1a and #3a that sprouted...

next 4 didnt sprout at all so i just had 4 cups of dirt in the way... doesnt sound like a big deal, but keep in mind the term "micro grow"... and then keep in mind this added 2 weeks to the grows.

cutting to the chase, germing for soil in a small op makes even more sense to me than germing for a large op. the large op averages alone will help you out.

when i grow from seed now (using bag seed) i germ 10 to get 4.

i think when i go to good strains like you show offs i will germ 6 at a shot.

hope all that text as i wake up helped you understand why i stopped thinking like you do, BBB :D


Well-Known Member
BFQ where ya been stranger???? And when will we see a journal from you??? You deff have a lot of knowledge and I for one would love to see your grow!


Well-Known Member
thanks, hh! coming from you that means a lot :)

i have lots of reasons for not doing a published journal... but the two that i am pretty sure are the top reasons are ego and cowardice.... i look at my grow and regularly think, "pathetic" ;)

i get about an ounce per root ball... and i dont feel too bad for that since my plants all stay under 8 inches tall :D

hardly worth showing off though ;)


Well-Known Member
i have no problems sharing my knowledge ;)

i do have problems documenting my alleged felonies on camera though ;)

and i dont mean any offense to ya'll brave and noble warriors... what you do actually helps "fight" our side on this silly war of persecution.

i do ScrOG cause i have to.... in a perfect world i would have as many trees in my back yard as my neighbor has corn... or in a budgeted world, i would have an op that made yours look small ;)

also, before you blow me up too much, some of my methods are proven risky by others trying them... no matter how much documentation or peer work i have to go off of for them.


Well-Known Member
i have no problems sharing my knowledge ;)

i do have problems documenting my alleged felonies on camera though ;)

and i dont mean any offense to ya'll brave and noble warriors... what you do actually helps "fight" our side on this silly war of persecution.

i do ScrOG cause i have to.... in a perfect world i would have as many trees in my back yard as my neighbor has corn... or in a budgeted world, i would have an op that made yours look small ;)

also, before you blow me up too much, some of my methods are proven risky by others trying them... no matter how much documentation or peer work i have to go off of for them.
i went round and round regarding this as well. But i thought - i don't sell. No one knows about my grow and if the feds are breaking the law in order to match IP to me (this requires a search warrant) - then they will bust be regardless.

but better safe than sorry. for me - this is the only outlet to show my grow and it really is a learning tool.


Well-Known Member
Do you germ 8-10 for the 6 spots?
(and oops, forgot to add makes sense for hydro)
i used to but my germination rate is near 100% so i only germinate as many as i want to grow. I still like seeing that they crack first though but as soon as they crack i put them in the system.

another way of looking at this is germination is just one more transplant. If you transplant, which is much more risky and an older plant means more to lose - then germinating before planting is the least of your worries.

having said all that - there is no doubt the less you disturb them (whether germinating and then planting or transplanting) the better.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i am not worried about this site being the cause of my downfall... if i was, i wouldnt be here ;)

i am just old school and one of the old rules was no fricken pictures!

Hell, i cant see how modern dealers cope with cell phones in their house what with cameras and recording devices and fricken GPS built into them.

obviously i am just a pussy ;)

i would bet money though that if i was growing a pound under my CFL's i would get over that *real* quick and be posting brag shots everyday :D

i am just a pathetic pussy ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah, i am not worried about this site being the cause of my downfall... if i was, i wouldnt be here ;)

i am just old school and one of the old rules was no fricken pictures!

Hell, i cant see how modern dealers cope with cell phones in their house what with cameras and recording devices and fricken GPS built into them.

obviously i am just a pussy ;)

i would bet money though that if i was growing a pound under my CFL's i would get over that *real* quick and be posting brag shots everyday :D

i am just a pathetic pussy ;)
i found out showing my pathetic grows got more knowledge transferred than any other threads i started.

the smart dealers change their cell every month! the dumb ones get busted i guess.

if you don't feel comfortable taking pics or posting the grow then don't. the only negative affect may be people dismiss your advice since you don't "show your grow" - but that is their call and not to be taken personally. it took awhile for me to get used to posting - hopefully my comfort level is reflective of reality and not wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
email, your posts are informative, educated and amusing... i dont think you are suffering from self delusion ;)

even with pics, everyone should take everyone's advice with a bit of skepticism.


Well-Known Member
email, your posts are informative, educated and amusing... i dont think you are suffering from self delusion ;)

even with pics, everyone should take everyone's advice with a bit of skepticism.
thank you!

Yes a healthy skepticism in ALL things is most welcome. Even the most seasoned grower with beautiful healthy plants could be doing things "wrong" - at least according to the FAQs/Books. But their experience makes up for it.

I think the goal is to give folks enough information to get a successful grow and then they can determine which methods they prefer. Getting locked into the one-true-way is a big mistake.
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Well-Known Member
As to the security of posting pics..... Proxy servers!

I live on the road, so my IP is in a different state every week. At home its proxy servers.