Bag weight?


how much does a 1.5cf bag of fox farm ocean forest weigh?

or whats a good lightweight mix and how much does it weigh?

i have 8 plants over a foot and i need to put them out.

was going to use 3 bags on 8 plants, does that sound about right?


because some motherfucker is going to have to pack the shit thru the woods, and im almost sure that motherfucker is going to be me, and im not the spring chicken i once was

now, if anyone can give me an answer on this i would be most grateful, ty


Well-Known Member
Well you could amend your native soil to suit your needs.

Is the ground you have to work with so horrible that you have to bring in totally new dirt ?

Why not just dig up some of the dirt and add stuff too it. Like an organic premix fertilizer, some compost, worm castings, beneficials, ect...

That is how I do things.


Well you could amend your native soil to suit your needs
ok, you have my attention, soil here is fine, what would you suggest - brand name wise?

and at what ratio(s)?


Well-Known Member
I use Espoma Bloodmeal, Bonemeal, Kelpmeal and Greensand - This is the Main Fertilizer for my Outdoor. Its my own recipe for an organic premix.

Sunleaves Mexican and Jamacaian Guano - I use this to Top Dress with half way through the season.

Maxicrop Fish and Kelp Extract, And some beneficial biologicals. - I water with the extracts spiked with the micro beasties.

All at the manufactures recommended strength.


thanks man, im gonna grab some of ur mix items tomorrow for my furthest spot. its 2700ft thru the shit, but has a water source right there, to good of a spot not to use :peace:


Well-Known Member
Some dolomite lime to buffer the PH of the soil would be a good addition too.

What I do is mix up the premix and then bring it out to the site with a shovel and a tarp. Then I dig up 5 gallons of soil and mix in the organics with the tarp.

Then put the amended soil back in the hole.

here is a recipe for the premix

2 parts bonemeal
1 part bloodmeal
1 part kelpmeal
1 part greensand
1 part lime
1 part High Nitrogen Guano (mexican)
1 part High Phosphorous Guano (jamacian)

4-5 cups of premix per 5 gallons of soil

If you cannot find Greensand then Azomite would be a suitable alternative.


we have a killer local hydro/landscaping business here, they pretty much have it all.

im also thinkin about tossin in some soil moist crystals, you like those?


Well-Known Member
Ohh yea, I have used those before too.

I just sprinkle a few in the bottom of the hole.