Baby Trump gets to fly in DC on the 4th!!!


Well-Known Member
trump is completely shameless and totally void of humility...but he does get humiliated at others an never takes ownership of his own gross asinine miscalculations and misdeeds...a classic psychopathic narcissist.
It should read,
if you don't agree with me, me , me
or this prosthetic finger is what i use to assault women with because my own package is too stumpy an limber ...


Well-Known Member
Remember during the end of the last campaign, when Trump sat with the 5 Clinton sexual assault victims. I think one of the current candidates should do the same, with Trump's 24 victims!

How awesome would that be!!!


Well-Known Member
Remember during the end of the last campaign, when Trump sat with the 5 Clinton sexual assault victims. I think one of the current candidates should do the same, with Trump's 24 victims!

How awesome would that be!!!
they should be presented at a debate sitting in a front row gallery...but trump will protest and skip the debate to hold a campaign rally in alabama instead...