Baby Trump gets to fly in DC on the 4th!!!


Well-Known Member
I was in the Army for seven years, and I can honestly say that we would've hated doing some shit, like a fucking parade, on one of the best holidays of the year. Not only that, but this was all last minute. Bet a lot of those troops already had great plans!
Corps here and even if you drew duty the barbecue grills and fireworks at the base. Even beer if you didn’t get stupid.


Well-Known Member
The one thing tRUmp has proved beyond any reasonable doubt, being white trash has nothing to do with how much money you have.
And, the amount of money you have isn't a determination of how smart a person is. Even an idiot, if given all the opportunities of the world, can accomplish something.

One more thing to remember, Trump, who is well known for the money he supposedly has, has lost more than he's probably even worth.


Well-Known Member
I was banned from Facefuck for 30
days for calling the Trump family “white trash”. It violated their community standards on hate speech.
Twitter says it allows Trump to bully, and be a shit to everyone, in the interest of being public record. Really backwards shit going on!