

Well-Known Member
First Im sure superthrive would be much more useful, but Im in a hurry to get started..
I would have to have it mail ordered, here anyways.. I just moved over seas, and there are NO grow shops, and only the most basic garden areas of hardware stores..

Ok, Im just about ready to get some seeds sprouted.. Would any B1 solution be helpful?

If not anything or anyway to help bring out the female, or increase the chances for a female?

After sprouting, and seedling is planted, should or would B1 be helpful? How often should it be used?

Also when is it ok to start using regular veg. nutes.?

Thx Im not a total noob, I have grown well outdoors, but this is my first real attempt at an indoor project, and living overseas sure dont make it any easier..
Everything is in another language which I have NO idea how to read or understand..LOL

Picture the movie "Lost In Translation" only Bill Murry was a pothead with dreams of growing weed..
Well Im that pothead, and pretty close to that neck of the woods:blsmoke:...LOL


Well-Known Member
B1, does not hurt, but I have not seen much help from it, which is why I do not use it any more!
It is NOT necessary to grow fat potent gooey buds....!
The need for initial feeding of nutes will be determined by the type of soil you are using.


Well-Known Member
ok thx, but Im still wondering when should it be used, threw all stages? or just as a seedling and maybe veg?
The soil Im using is in Chinese... So there is no way to know whats in it or the PH or anything.. Only english word is organic.
I have just moved over seas, and having a real hard time finding any tokers..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your soil has some nutes in it......it probably is not a "soil-less" blend.
I would not use any ferts for a couple of weeks----or longer.
Once sprouted in your soil, watch them closely for growth rate and vigor, if they look good,leave them alone for a while.
When you do begin feeding, use a very dilute solution of ferts....less is more!
Get to know your little plants, spend time observing them, you will develop a sixth sense after some communing with your babies.


Well-Known Member
Still wondering if B1 would be helpful till they are established, or not.

I heard using blooming nutes were good for seedlings, since nitrogen hurts root growth..
Would maybe a bit of molasses benefit seedlings at all?

very nice thx for the reply!


Well-Known Member
I only have a few seeds, I brought with me, I live in a completely different country.. I cant read the writing, and NEED to find the easiest organic nutes I can.. I have found molasses.. I want to give my plants the best start possible..
Unlike other people who live where weed is commercially around, here ITS NOT..
So I MUST get growing, and cloning DOWN pat, if Im going to be able to get my own smoke..
Only thing I can find here is LOW GRADE hash.. I was able to bring a few seeds with me..
Once they are gone THEY ARE GONE, and I will be screwed.. So its VERY important I get as much info on growing, and using the BEST, and most easily avaible organic nute as I can..
So is it good to use this on clones or seedlings?
Sry to seem pushy, but I havent had any fucking real buds in almost a god damn year.. Im loosing my fucking mind