Average yield per square foot in a LED SCROG

Hey guys

i've been looking at a couple journals but its hard to figure out the average yield is with an LED light

im planning to do a scrog in a 3x3' tent and vegetate it for about a month in a 4 gallon bucket under a 400w LED light (california light works).

I know yield is dependant on strain, but all the seed website quote the yield of their seeds using the SOG method.

so i wanted to know; how much DRY yield can i get in a 3x3 tent? i would like to get 15-18 oz after its dried and cured


Well-Known Member
Well if you only veg for a month, depending on the strain, it may not be fully mature, and yeild will depend on your growing skills...if you veg like I do, for 2-1/2 to 3 months and have some skills (I'm a noob basically) I can get 6 onces + per plant...so if you're wanting 15-18 Oz...I would do 3-4 in your tent and veg em as long as possible, and yes a scrog/LST/HST is the best way to go for 400w or less...good luck man
Well if you only veg for a month, depending on the strain, it may not be fully mature, and yeild will depend on your growing skills...if you veg like I do, for 2-1/2 to 3 months and have some skills (I'm a noob basically) I can get 6 onces + per plant...so if you're wanting 15-18 Oz...I would do 3-4 in your tent and veg em as long as possible, and yes a scrog/LST/HST is the best way to go for 400w or less...good luck man
thanks bud,

ya i ordered 2 waterfarm modules so i'll be growing them in hydro, when you managed those 6 ounces was it in soil or hydro? and i plan on growing from seed, assuming one month for the seed to germinate and another month to vegitate in that state is what i meants , so it'll basically be 2 months before i switch lights and put it into flower


Well-Known Member
thanks bud,

ya i ordered 2 waterfarm modules so i'll be growing them in hydro, when you managed those 6 ounces was it in soil or hydro? and i plan on growing from seed, assuming one month for the seed to germinate and another month to vegitate in that state is what i meants , so it'll basically be 2 months before i switch lights and put it into flower
Yeah I grow in https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html check it out, it's the best thing going buddy...they literally grow themselves, feed themselves, and buffer PH to perfect levels...you do have to add nutes when they go into flower but yeah, it's great...here's a pic of my last grow in https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html ...
grow room 1.jpgOg kush.jpgMy OG #18.JPG


Well-Known Member
If you have a dense canopy, strip the bottom shit nugs off, have a trelis systems(or other training methods) with a proper climate 2+oz is very possible. but when i first started it was between 7-14 grams and I'd say an 1oz is about average meds per square foot. How you prune your plant has a lot to do with yield. i've found for smaller 2-4 foot indoor plants the best thing Ive found to do is FIM(fuck i missed) twice. First will give you 3 tops(at about 12-18 inches tall i think is best), 2nd(wait till it gets one or 2 more nodes on the 3 new tops) will give you 9(FIM'ing the 3 that came out again). I cut everything else off the plant(everything exept the 9 terminal branches aka the crown) and after the stretch when flipped into flowering the plants will usually be around 4 feet and have 9 1oz ish colas. I do 4 plants per 4x4 under a 1000w and trellis the shit out of them. this works best with sativa dom. genes which i prefer to grow mostly because they seem to grow quicker and be more fun to grow than sluggish indices'. EZ dude
If you have a dense canopy, strip the bottom shit nugs off, have a trelis systems(or other training methods) with a proper climate 2+oz is very possible. but when i first started it was between 7-14 grams and I'd say an 1oz is about average meds per square foot. How you prune your plant has a lot to do with yield. i've found for smaller 2-4 foot indoor plants the best thing Ive found to do is FIM(fuck i missed) twice. First will give you 3 tops(at about 12-18 inches tall i think is best), 2nd(wait till it gets one or 2 more nodes on the 3 new tops) will give you 9(FIM'ing the 3 that came out again). I cut everything else off the plant(everything exept the 9 terminal branches aka the crown) and after the stretch when flipped into flowering the plants will usually be around 4 feet and have 9 1oz ish colas. I do 4 plants per 4x4 under a 1000w and trellis the shit out of them. this works best with sativa dom. genes which i prefer to grow mostly because they seem to grow quicker and be more fun to grow than sluggish indices'. EZ dude

First time I've heard of the FIM technique. how many weeks apart should I do this fim pruning on my girls?

And I'm guessing that I do this technique until my canopy screen is full and dense and than switch to flower?

My only concern is how the bottom of the screen will look. Does this fim technique mean that there is only going to be ONE fat stem underneath my screen and the canopy of colas is coming from the nodes that I've cut??

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Yeah I grow in https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html check it out, it's the best thing going buddy...they literally grow themselves, feed themselves, and buffer PH to perfect levels...you do have to add nutes when they go into flower but yeah, it's great...here's a pic of my last grow in https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html ...
View attachment 2878188View attachment 2878189View attachment 2878190
did you steal that picture??



Well-Known Member
Look up Water Farm mods...............buckets suck right out of the box, they need to me modded some.
Modding it will 2X your harvest....................most important............you NEED the water MOVING between the buckets....
IT DOES NOT in factory trim.

I have run Water Farms since they have been out..............my preferred method......but with many mods to them.
I will routinely produce .9- .95 per watt or better in a Cab.

Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I grow in https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html check it out, it's the best thing going buddy...they literally grow themselves, feed themselves, and buffer PH to perfect levels...you do have to add nutes when they go into flower but yeah, it's great...here's a pic of my last grow in https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html ...
View attachment 2878188View attachment 2878189View attachment 2878190

That one picture being ripped sheds doubt over your entire existence of growing.

Hmm Im very dubious.

Also I don't recall you showing any other pictures in my years here other than those you posted.

Sorry RIK.



To get back on track....you should get a lot more branching than 3 per cut, you don't have to worry about fimming.

- Just clip the tip, most strains shoot off 2 branches per node below the cut.

-You can cut after the 3rd true leaf set but it is easier and imo better to wait for 5 or more

- If after the cut, the plant throws one strong stem up with little to no branching or a bunch of baby branches with one fat stem then you have a non busher that needs to be lsted so it will keep competing for the main cola position.

- Most strains recover in 2-7 days. You can cut again as soon as you see new growth after the first cut but you should wait for 3 or 4 leaf sets per branch to maximize branching

- Indicas usually branch easier and more than sativas. Check kind green buds review of "the doctor". Suppose to a sick bush and on my try in future strain list.

-indicas you can fill the screen 75-100% before flip, sativas you can fill to 50-75%.

- with an unknown strain - 50% full screen is a good rule of thumb