autoflower and thc content. why unknown?


Well-Known Member
They haven't taken the time to pull a number out of their ass.

Seriously. Are the testers weighing a dry sample of bud; then extracting the resin from the plant matter; separating the THC from the other cannaboids and the resin that makes up the rest of the trichnomes, weighing that THC and expecting even Gillagan to believe it's 2Xwhatthefuck % of even the weight of the burnt ash of the bud? Seriously man, THC is made inside the trichnome, the whole trichnome is not made of THC.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
it can be tested.. is it likely that they do? Most likely not.. most of the time you get a estimated average (although some of the testers I am sure have a pretty accurate guess).. but like stated by Hobbes, they prolly haven't pulled a figure out of thier ass yet.