Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs


Well-Known Member
Sorry to interrupt! Just a quick update. X is definately a girl (first and second pics), and W is a boy (third pic, on the left, X is on the right). Still not sure about Z (big on in the red box in pic 4). Retard has a new set of leaves showing which is amazing but they are brown so not sure about it yet, its doing v well tho!


Active Member
Hello stranger ... I just want to know that aluminum foil is the worst reflektor for a grower and if you want strong plant and good harvest change the foil with something better. For more knowledge you can watch "Ultimate grow" - a film for marijuana growing by Jorge Cervantes witch you can download from the internet :) all good wishes and good luck with the plants


Well-Known Member

another one who read the first page and failed to read the rest :lol:

congrat's on the female queen. good chance teh other one in the red box is female if its taking so long. i have my fingers crossed for you.


Well-Known Member
Well it does have growth that looks like balls but it also had a random bit that looks like a hair so I just want to see the balls develop a bit more before I confirm its male! Its 22 days old now so I should be able to tell


Well-Known Member
wtf iis your problem mate. i was talking about the person who mentioned tinfoil.

iv posted on queen's thread a few times and im sure she would have told me to stop herself if i bother her.

i dont do i queen? :cry:

second time today iv had shit from you and im sick of it!


Well-Known Member
you happened to post when i was typing my message,

if your gonna slag me off do it on my thread no other peoples journals.

sorry queenbee


Well-Known Member
Calm down guys! Think theres been a misunderstanding. Lets move on! Happy people posting happy things :D

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
woo congrats on the females. I'm grateful for any ratio 1/1 or above, cuz its always a gamble with a small number of plants, could easily come out with all males in a 4 or 5 plant grow


Well-Known Member
Ok so today is

Z, X day 24
W day 22
Y day 17
V day 15
T day 14
U day 13

X id definately female (first pic), and W male. So glad X is a female, and shes the best looking one at the moment too! Im still not sure about bloody Z! Its sex parts dont seem to be developing any more. I also think that Y is a girl and V is a boy but its quite early days for them.

Ive put W out from directly under the light and think I might kill it in the next day or two. Im thinking of using X as just bud and then trying for seeds on one of the younger ones, using a male from one of the younger ones. I want to try not to be sentimental and just kill any males I dont want straight away but its hard for me!

Oh and retard is doing great! It has its second set of leaves (the only leaves it has apart from some of one of the first set) and although they are slightly brown at the edges it is growing! Im very suprised; I know you all had hope but Ive seen much better looking weaklings die! It was originally called hash (#) but the name retard has stuck now!

