auto flower seedlings, how soon can I put them outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Three gallons isn't a lot of soil. They'll live but they'll be really small. I personally would think it's a waste of time, but to each their own. If your growing on your own property, legally, then I highly suggest raised beds over just about every other method of gardening (well maybe a hugelkultur but that's a topic for another day). It saves a lot of space, you don't have to dig, or amend your existing soil, and it can be torn down easily if ever needed (good for renters).

Containers can be moved around easily and that might be required in some situations, like if you need to hide them or repositioning them for security reasons. if you must use them, and you want full grown plants, go with the largest container you can get away with. The more soil they have access to the better. containers by design are very limiting . For autoflower strains, again assuming you want them to grow to full height, I'd aim for ten gallons per plant. Fwiw, kiddie pools typically sell for around $15.00 US, and can hold 100 gallons. Drill 1/2" holes every few inches for drainage, and fill with potting soil, and your good to go.