Aussie Outdoor 08/09


Well-Known Member
yeah outdoor light training..... thats all it really is bro. kind anyways lol.. good luck you should be happy with the outcome is my bet:).

by pulling the brasnches away and stopping it blocking the light from reaching the plant you will get more vigorous growth and thicker denser buds on account the light will reach them...


Well-Known Member
Fuck it - whos with me ??????
iF THE FEDRAL GOV passes (I know schwartzniger passed it in CA) medical marijuana as a legal prescribed drug...which means it should be a national law.. im moving to US to setup a business -to do a grow op for the supply of medical mj....... It would be good to get in early ( although there is 2400 or something legal disributers in CA) if the whole counrty has the ability it will be BIG BUSINESS!
I know they will import aswell... but there will be room on the Boutique side of the industry.


Active Member
04 i seen your link i love the fish thing, its such a good way to ensure plenty of nut's for a long period, have done it for a few years now myself but just in my garden. they love it. im also from the great land of oz like yourself. and have a monster of a plant aswell. mine just started flowering. it is a very exciting time.



Active Member
how many fingers are on a leaf? mine has mostly 11, but have also got some with 9 and a few that have 7.... what do u guys have?


Active Member
Hey there aussie growers,

I've got a decent size plant in steak and kidney, just starting to show a few pistils...never really gets that dark in the this much of a problem?

I'm growing in soil in the veggie patch, and just bought some biojuice flowering nutes...Anyone had experience with them? Just wondering what the best available stuff in oz is?

I will try to post a pic and maybe even start a little journal once i get a camera that's better than the one on my phone.

peace and best wishes for all those down south dealing with fires...also to those up north dealing with flooding!