Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
oh wow, i was so high last night i was actually waving my fingers over my mouth trying to call my cloud lol the hash we made is lovely


Well-Known Member
my indoor plants aint budding ! theve been in 12/12 for atleast 4 weeks now they have a shitload of pistils but no bud... how bad is it to turn the lights on for 1min whilst there in there dark period ? i heard it was ok as long as it wasnt for like 20 mins

The Cat

yeah the idea with the "topsy turvy" is that gravity will draw fluids and nutrients down to the tips of the plant where new growth is occuring, basically removing the restrictions of going up and forcing the plant to grow quicker. also roots grow way easier and quicker than the rest of the plant so they should handle the reversal easier to. i would assume the main difference between the proper one and just using a bucket would be how they seal around the stem to stop all your water just draining out the hole the plants coming out of. how cool would it be if you could master this and like scoobyman said, have a fully enclosed courtyard made from 2 metre long cascading walls of sweet mary jane! mmmmmmmmmm

The Cat

on another note, i saw COLD CHISEL last night! it was fucking amazing!!!!! i truly thought seeing them live was an oppurtunity i would never get and im so glad i did. still on such a high and i havent even had a smoke in two days! ian moss is a musical GOD! they played my two favourite songs back to back to which was so cool. i seriously thought my head was going to explode! what a night!


Well-Known Member
my dad grows his vegs like that 1 bit of 90 mm pipe 700mm long 2 caps and perlite/vermiclite mix works great
but dope plants dont like it because most vegies turn there leaves to suit yhe upside down pipe thingy where pot will not turn its leaf
not always but 70% of the time fdd2blk has also tried pm him see what he thinks


Well-Known Member
yeah the idea with the "topsy turvy" is that gravity will draw fluids and nutrients down to the tips of the plant where new growth is occuring, basically removing the restrictions of going up and forcing the plant to grow quicker. also roots grow way easier and quicker than the rest of the plant so they should handle the reversal easier to. i would assume the main difference between the proper one and just using a bucket would be how they seal around the stem to stop all your water just draining out the hole the plants coming out of. how cool would it be if you could master this and like scoobyman said, have a fully enclosed courtyard made from 2 metre long cascading walls of sweet mary jane! mmmmmmmmmm
to stop the water draining out just use a bit of canvas or something with a smaller hole that you can just cut back as needed.

i cant get the image of a cascading wall of weed out of my head. it would be an awesome sight.


Well-Known Member
i want a fish monkey!!! where does one get a fish monkey??

been up at the healesville market and at a friends place not too far from there havin a swim. i think i actually tanned a little!!! whoo.


Well-Known Member
nah, i waited quite some time too lol i think my summoning was a bit lacklustre

ah well, i'm off work tomorrow so we have tonight to try again lol


Well-Known Member
any one that is in melbourne can u plzz tell me when my plants will flower there about 12inch tall is it feb that they start??


Active Member
just wondering what are the best CFL's you can buy from bunnings for side lighting for flowering? I personally am not fan of CFL's but im looking for just a bit more light under the canopy lighting, whilst keeping my wattage usage down.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Woohoo im finally gonna fukin plant tmoro!

What u see is tools,bags of organic xtra,water crystals,4L of water in addition to the 15L already at the site.

And 8 plants even if it dont seem that many,(only 1 confirmed female s far)

I wanted to ask about the water crsytals,wat is the most efficient way to use these,i dont wanna charge em till i get to the site(weight issue),firstly how much of my water will these crystals need for 8 plants,

also wats the best way to use em?? should i charge em & mix them willy-nilly with the soil or should i create a layer at a certain depth?

Anything i over-looked would help a shitload.

