Aussie Growers Thread

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I live up north with heaps of murrys but our town has had whites and blacks for so long that racism is a rarity because we all grew up with each other and there isn't really a mix of poor and rich. We are all just lower middle class haha.
i lived in the Kimberly's on a Community. It was the same there. Your reputation is who you are and what you do, not by a colour (not that you have to be even slightly brown to be classed as an Aboriginal. Even a full ghost can be Aboriginal as long as he is excepted by the community is the commonwealth legal term)

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Outside of our town it's a different story. I lived out west and the blacks and whites are separated socially so you really gota know how to fight... Especially if you smoke
haha..I mixed with em pretty used to drink in the parks with them- some great times in Derby on the casks. I hear ya on smokes, abos are so generous that if they have it and you ask they will hand it over so they expect the same.

I was out of my depth in Halls Creek though. I didn't know anybody and me and my blonde girlfriend were defiantly out of place. That's a fkn wild place.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I seen a documentary they have 6 Tassie devil arks around the world to save the population.
wouldn't surprise me.

They have started introducing Devils into the wild that are immune to the tumor.trouble is they have no road sense... Looks like they will be saved. Which is a good thing. Cute critters, keep me at wake sometimes at mateing season with that fkn scream and grunt. Louder than a possum by far.


Well-Known Member
which breeder did you use and what state would you be in (some reporting trouble with them getting thru at the moment)
Well usually I use Herbies and have no problems. But these particular beans were a little more complicated and came from Hemp Depot in Canada, the breeder is Beanhoarder. I wont go into details but they arrived safely, no issues. NSW.