Attention All Experienced Apartment Growers: Need help/info


New Member
Hey whats up Rollitup Community.

(Questions in bold)

This is my first thread so show me some slack if you can. I am a 21 year old college student who is a 3 year stoner. I spend roughly 70-80 bucks a week on weed which in this day and age, is entirely too much money; so I plan on giving growing a shot.

One month from now I move out of my shitty apartment and move into my nice ass single apartment. I figure this is a perfect venue to grow a few plants for personal consumption.

Knowing cultivating Cannabis can be pretty tough, I went to Borders and bought "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible" by Jorge Cervantes and "Closet Cultivator: Growing Marijuana Indoors" by Ed Rosenthal and are almost done with both. I have learned much from these books but find myself still asking questions. What it did help me do was come up with a plan.

My plan is to construct two boxes: one Vegetative box and one Flowering box; in order to attempt a bi-monthly perpetual harvest. The measurements for my Veg box will be approximatley 1.5' wide by 1.5' long by 2' high and 2' wide by 2' long by 4.5' high for the Flowering Box. (Note: Measurements are not exact. Don't know exact measurements of new apartment closet and I am open to size suggestions but I'd like to keep it stealth.) The inside will be painted flat white and a hole in the back right corner will be cut for cords to be able to reach the outlet. I will also attatch hinges and a door to the front of the box for security and light leak protection.

As for lighting I plan to use two Y joint fixtures for 4 CFLs (wattage unknown and could use some suggestions, I think four 42 watts maybe?) mounted at the top of the Veg Box and a 150 watt HPS on chains in the Flower box. Yes I know the 150 watt is very small but I plan on only having 2 or 3 bushy Indica plants flowering at once. Not only do I have few plants, but I am also worried about the heat that comes with a 250 watt HPS and the small stature of this grow box. I am confident that this would be sufficent light for flowering. I know nothing of installing CFL fixtures or an hps light so I will be consulting my buddies and you the Community of course. The lighting schedule will be 19/5 for vegging and 12/12 for flowering.

As for a medium, I am undecided on whether to use soil or a DWC (Deep Water Culture). Soil is inexpensive and available while a hydro system is cleaner and produces bigger yields. I could use some help in this section. I am going to start with Rockwool cubles no matter which one i choose (BTW where do you get those?) After 2 to 3 weeks of Rockwool Cubes and just semi-daily to daily watering (and prob 24 hours of light to start), I have to make my choice. I need answers based on whats best suited for an APARTMENT grow. Which is easier, cleaner, and less detectable? Which one do you think would be overall better for stealth as well access to available tools (meters, gauges etc)?

Soil seems pretty easy. Go to a nursery and buy some good potting soil (not Miracle Grow apparently) and a electric pH meter (anybody got a cost on one of those?) or the pH strips. I plan on transplanting the 3 week old seedlings in the Rockwool cubes to 10'' wide/tall plastic pots with a tray under all three plants. The plants will be watered with pH balanced water (isn't that distilled water?) and the pots would be flushed every 2 weeks or so. As for nutrients, I am pretty clueless on the terms and applications of both the soil and hydroponic gardens. Hesi looks like a good brand and sells both Soil and Hyrdoponic nutrients. I do not know what people mean when they say 4th nutes and give strange looking ratios for their nutrients. Coming from a true newb, I could use some clarification in that area.

If I went the Hydroponic/DWC route, I would attempt to build my own DWC out of rubbermaid tubs for both my Veg and Flower rooms. I could use some help on this too. Are there any good threads on how to construct one of these? To my knowledge, you just cut 3 holes in the top of your rubbermaid tub, get three potting nets and some clay pellets or inert medium, buy an airsone and put it at the bottom of the tub and plug it in. I am prob forgetting alot (Like a pH meters, gauges etc) ] but thats what I know. Again, once the plants reach their third week I would take the Rockwool cube and insert it into the potting net with the clay pellets on the bottom and have the airstone splashing on the bottom third of the net. I would then use my Hesi hydro nutes throughout Veg and Flowering.

As for air circulation, each box would have two 6 inch computer fans; one to blow new air in and one to blow old hot air out. Both fans will be on the opposite sides and the IN fans will be closer to the bottom of the boxes while the OUT fans will be closer to the top near the lights. From what I understand these computer fans are cheap, easy to screw in, and run on a battery? Over each OUT fan I plan to make the carbon filter. I have bookmarked the thread where you take the Walmart Pencil holders and the fish tank carbon and make the filter. Thats a pretty ingenious idea. My question is how well does that filter protect against smell? Will I need an Ion Generator? The apartment people check the apartements 4 or 5 times a year to make sure the place isn't busted up and this is my main concern. Will two or three plants flowering in a grow box with a carbon filter be noticable to smell? If so, would a negative ion generator (electric air purifier) do the trick?

Any info would be great and I am completely open to suggestions. I move into my new place August 15th so I plan to start the boxes on the 27th of July. I will have saved up around $350- $400 by then and I was wondering if that would be enough?


full of purple

Well-Known Member
Hey whats up Rollitup Community.

(Questions in bold)

This is my first thread so show me some slack if you can. I am a 21 year old college student who is a 3 year stoner. I spend roughly 70-80 bucks a week on weed which in this day and age, is entirely too much money; so I plan on giving growing a shot.

One month from now I move out of my shitty apartment and move into my nice ass single apartment. I figure this is a perfect venue to grow a few plants for personal consumption.

Knowing cultivating Cannabis can be pretty tough, I went to Borders and bought "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible" by Jorge Cervantes and "Closet Cultivator: Growing Marijuana Indoors" by Ed Rosenthal and are almost done with both. I have learned much from these books but find myself still asking questions. What it did help me do was come up with a plan.

My plan is to construct two boxes: one Vegetative box and one Flowering box; in order to attempt a bi-monthly perpetual harvest. The measurements for my Veg box will be approximatley 1.5' wide by 1.5' long by 2' high and 2' wide by 2' long by 4.5' high for the Flowering Box. (Note: Measurements are not exact. Don't know exact measurements of new apartment closet and I am open to size suggestions but I'd like to keep it stealth.) The inside will be painted flat white and a hole in the back right corner will be cut for cords to be able to reach the outlet. I will also attatch hinges and a door to the front of the box for security and light leak protection.

As for lighting I plan to use two Y joint fixtures for 4 CFLs (wattage unknown and could use some suggestions, I think four 42 watts maybe?) mounted at the top of the Veg Box and a 150 watt HPS on chains in the Flower box. Yes I know the 150 watt is very small but I plan on only having 2 or 3 bushy Indica plants flowering at once. Not only do I have few plants, but I am also worried about the heat that comes with a 250 watt HPS and the small stature of this grow box. I am confident that this would be sufficent light for flowering. I know nothing of installing CFL fixtures or an hps light so I will be consulting my buddies and you the Community of course. The lighting schedule will be 19/5 for vegging and 12/12 for flowering.

As for a medium, I am undecided on whether to use soil or a DWC (Deep Water Culture). Soil is inexpensive and available while a hydro system is cleaner and produces bigger yields. I could use some help in this section. I am going to start with Rockwool cubles no matter which one i choose (BTW where do you get those?) After 2 to 3 weeks of Rockwool Cubes and just semi-daily to daily watering (and prob 24 hours of light to start), I have to make my choice. I need answers based on whats best suited for an APARTMENT grow. Which is easier, cleaner, and less detectable? Which one do you think would be overall better for stealth as well access to available tools (meters, gauges etc)?

Soil seems pretty easy. Go to a nursery and buy some good potting soil (not Miracle Grow apparently) and a electric pH meter (anybody got a cost on one of those?) or the pH strips. I plan on transplanting the 3 week old seedlings in the Rockwool cubes to 10'' wide/tall plastic pots with a tray under all three plants. The plants will be watered with pH balanced water (isn't that distilled water?) and the pots would be flushed every 2 weeks or so. As for nutrients, I am pretty clueless on the terms and applications of both the soil and hydroponic gardens. Hesi looks like a good brand and sells both Soil and Hyrdoponic nutrients. I do not know what people mean when they say 4th nutes and give strange looking ratios for their nutrients. Coming from a true newb, I could use some clarification in that area.

If I went the Hydroponic/DWC route, I would attempt to build my own DWC out of rubbermaid tubs for both my Veg and Flower rooms. I could use some help on this too. Are there any good threads on how to construct one of these? To my knowledge, you just cut 3 holes in the top of your rubbermaid tub, get three potting nets and some clay pellets or inert medium, buy an airsone and put it at the bottom of the tub and plug it in. I am prob forgetting alot (Like a pH meters, gauges etc) ] but thats what I know. Again, once the plants reach their third week I would take the Rockwool cube and insert it into the potting net with the clay pellets on the bottom and have the airstone splashing on the bottom third of the net. I would then use my Hesi hydro nutes throughout Veg and Flowering.

As for air circulation, each box would have two 6 inch computer fans; one to blow new air in and one to blow old hot air out. Both fans will be on the opposite sides and the IN fans will be closer to the bottom of the boxes while the OUT fans will be closer to the top near the lights. From what I understand these computer fans are cheap, easy to screw in, and run on a battery? Over each OUT fan I plan to make the carbon filter. I have bookmarked the thread where you take the Walmart Pencil holders and the fish tank carbon and make the filter. Thats a pretty ingenious idea. My question is how well does that filter protect against smell? Will I need an Ion Generator? The apartment people check the apartements 4 or 5 times a year to make sure the place isn't busted up and this is my main concern. Will two or three plants flowering in a grow box with a carbon filter be noticable to smell? If so, would a negative ion generator (electric air purifier) do the trick?

Any info would be great and I am completely open to suggestions. I move into my new place August 15th so I plan to start the boxes on the 27th of July. I will have saved up around $350- $400 by then and I was wondering if that would be enough?

for veg get 6500k cfls and ya 4 will be good,keet them about 4-6 inchs from the plant,
150 hps will be perfect for 3 plants and also use mylar on your walls.
you can get a 150 hps from htg supply for around 80 dollers get 2 6 inch duct fans and a fan circellating inside and youl be good. for nutrients get the fox farm pack it also comes with me if you need any help


Well-Known Member
2 to 3 plants won't produce such a strong smell as I know from experience but its still gonna smell so I would look into diy carbon filters or something if smell is an issue for you


Active Member
2 to 3 plants won't produce such a strong smell as I know from experience but its still gonna smell so I would look into diy carbon filters or something if smell is an issue for you
I am actually i the process of doing the same thing, so i will def be folling this thread.


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like you have it pretty planned out! As far as what medium to use you should check out this little article in the FAQ I personally am on my first grow and I went with DWC. I use Botanicares Triflex for nutrients along with Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma. If you need to find some rockwool cubes you should check and see if you have a Hydroponics shop around your area. I personally didnt like rockwool I went with Sunleaves starter plugs. Well I hope some of this helps you out. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
bro don't do a soil grow.... in an apartment you don't want to be carrying a bunch of soil and disposing of it. I use hydro in an apartment and it is great. the extra water just flush down the toilet. something to think about.