Arizona law about ethnic classes


Active Member
IMHO any course that promotes one race above another is not to be tolerated. Race distinction is for the home, not the school. If one wishes to learn about the heritage of their ancestors then they should research and I say Kudos to them, However... Mexican heritage, African heritage classes have as much place in public schools as religious courses.


Well-Known Member
So you think the genes, its fact the human race was vastly achieved on that continent, that contribute to our societal structure are insignificant. How about the slaves your great-great-grandfather forced from africa in boat? Hmm, how about those pieces of history, do they matter to the general public.



Well-Known Member
Now do have any proof his great-great grandfather had any thing to do with slaves.
Could as well have been your great-great-grandfather.
And the dutch,spanish,and arabs where the real slave traders.
And those little pieces are over driven into the your head when in school.
Most southerners owned no slaves,you must be one of the idiots that thinks 90% of the south fought for the 10% that owned slaves.
A little nieve if you are one of those doorknobs.
And the White Guilt thing is very lame and old.



Active Member
So you think the genes, its fact the human race was vastly achieved on that continent, that contribute to our societal structure are insignificant. How about the slaves your great-great-grandfather forced from africa in boat? Hmm, how about those pieces of history, do they matter to the general public.

What are you talking about. It was quite difficult to decipher exactly what you are getting at from the jumbled way you present your post????
So you think the genes???
Who's great grandfather? Mine? You are speaking BS if you say my great grandfathers. My great grandfathers had Not one thing to do with slavery or slaves. My European family emmigrated here long after any slavery was gone and as for my Native, indigenous roots well that is pretty obvious now isn't it?
Slavery in America is a part of history classes in public schools, were you absent that part of the semester?

Really what you are trying to imply is that we should all feel WHITE GUILT simply because our ancestors did BAD things to people of color. Save it! If you want to play the guilt game try to place it in the here and now such as what we are doing to the Iraqi's or the deplorable conditions that Native indigenous Americans are being treated.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about. It was quite difficult to decipher exactly what you are getting at from the jumbled way you present your post????
So you think the genes???
Who's great grandfather? Mine? You are speaking BS if you say my great grandfathers. My great grandfathers had Not one thing to do with slavery or slaves. My European family emmigrated here long after any slavery was gone and as for my Native, indigenous roots well that is pretty obvious now isn't it?
Slavery in America is a part of history classes in public schools, were you absent that part of the semester?

Really what you are trying to imply is that we should all feel WHITE GUILT simply because our ancestors did BAD things to people of color. Save it! If you want to play the guilt game try to place it in the here and now such as what we are doing to the Iraqi's or the deplorable conditions that Native indigenous Americans are being treated.

Well said......:clap::clap::clap::clap::peace:


Well-Known Member
You are reading to deeply into my statement. My point is that in history white industrialists brought black slaves, forcefully from africa. These same industrialist familys run America today. Is it not sound reasoning that these concepts be taught in school? Do the black families that grew out of this detrimental situation deserve the respect? How black freedom in america was achieved.

And I agree the way your people have treated every other nation and creed is despicable, but why is it your duty to prevent people from learning? Its like book burning, we get to decide what you learn and when, and if it doesn't fit into our frame of reality it doesn't deserve support.



New Member
Damn those elective ethnic studies courses. We should outlaw them.
My disgust with this is directed at the following:

15-112. Prohibited courses and classes; enforcement

A. A school district or charter school in this state shall not include in its program of instruction any courses or classes that include any of the following:
2. Promote resentment toward a race or class of people.

How the hell are you supposed to learn about anything without often resenting other races or classes of people?

I guess we can't teach American history, because it promotes my resentment of the white folks who commited atrocities upon the Native Americans. Also, it promotes my resentment towards white folks who held other human beings as property and the courts who upheld this shameful activity. Or, to be more specific, the class of people who built their wealth on the backs of others, or the class of people who forced the natives to march or die.

I guess we can't learn about WWII, as it promotes my resentment towards the class of people we call Germans.

Better skip pre-WWII because it promotes my resentment twoards the class of people we call Italians.

Better skip civil rights because it promotes my resentment to the class of people we called Dixiecrats.

It's just best we stop learning about anything that promotes resentment towards any race or class of people and learn about pink fuzzy bunnies instead.

I could go on and on about what else I don't like in this bill, but this alone is enough. I find it exceptionally ironic that they had to make special provisions like these:

E. This section shall not be construed to restrict or prohibit:
1. Courses or classes for native American pupils that are required to comply with federal law.

And the absolute topper...

F. Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict or prohibit the instruction of the holocaust, any OTHER INSTANCE of genocide, or the historical oppression of a particular group of people based on ethnicity, race, or class. END_STATUTE

Someone please tell me how we are going to discuss the holocaust or any other instance of genocide or oppression by race/class/ethnicity without it promoting my resentment of said oppressors/genociders.

This bill is FUCKED


Well-Known Member
You are reading to deeply into my statement. My point is that in history white industrialists brought black slaves, forcefully from africa. These same industrialist familys run America today. Is it not sound reasoning that these concepts be taught in school? Do the black families that grew out of this detrimental situation deserve the respect? How black freedom in america was achieved.

And I agree the way your people have treated every other nation and creed is despicable, but why is it your duty to prevent people from learning? Its like book burning, we get to decide what you learn and when, and if it doesn't fit into our frame of reality it doesn't deserve support.

WTF are you talking about? The slaves brought from Africa were already slaves in Africa and were purchased from other Africans - largely with rum. The cotton industry later went bust when our economy moved from agriculture to manufacturing and most of the people who became wealthy from cotton lost everything.

And by the way, the Muslims North African nations controlled the slave trade and in many of these countries as well as in other Muslim countries, slavery still exists. While slavery was not unique to America or white people, the movement to outlaw slavery started with white Christians.

What do you mean in saying, "the way your people have treated every other nation and creed is despicable."

If by "your people" you are talking about white Americans, I would put their track record against any other group any day. Do you have any concept of the human rights violations that are a part of every day life in most non-white countries? You want to talk about the genocide being committed in Africa today? How about things like genital mutilation and honor killings? How about the government sponsored murder and slavery that goes on in countries like China?

One thing I agree with is that we ought to teach this stuff in schools. but we should teach the TRUTH and not those Leftist, revisionist, hate America lies you are regurgitating.

All bullshit aside, white, Judeo-Christian society truly has been a light unto all the nations. Get it right.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you keep throwing white guilt into this! Maybe someone feels a little guilty. Or is that the only thing you can think of.

I know I don't, I am aware that my actions had no effect on the years of society that took place before I existed. I don't have strong political opinions because the entire political system is corrupt, as is the nature of having political sway when interests stand to gain. So why does this mean these concepts should be wiped from history? There has always been perspective in the historical record and when you remove the perspective it changes the contexts of events.

To think Judeo-Christian indoctrination is any different than the oppressive religions of the east and Mediterranean is hardly worth defaming. You are aware of the dark ages, right? It was never religion that made the state or nation great, it was there level of freedom to think and express without limits. A reason why america excelled in the fields of technological research for the better part of the last 100 years.

And I know that there is slavery in all corners of the world and is actually more prolific than the previous 1000 years. But what does this have to do with not talking about the native(homeland) ones? You kind of compounded what I was saying. Its because the US has such a rate of consumption and they want low prices. Nearly every multinational company that deals in the United States of Amnesia has their hands in some form of slavery or another.

The fact is your education system is in shambles, you want to teach people less when all studies point in the exact opposite direction.



Active Member
When something isn't taught in school it can and should be learned at home. Please don't rely on the public school system to teach you everything you need or want to know.


Well-Known Member
One thing I agree with is that we ought to teach this stuff in schools. but we should teach the TRUTH and not those Leftist, revisionist, hate America lies you are regurgitating.

All bullshit aside, white, Judeo-Christian society truly has been a light unto all the nations. Get it right.
All misconceptions are not on the left. There is a lot of "History" that is incorrect. Although I hate ethnic studies classes, I don't see why there is a legit reason other than deep seated racial issues and tensions that would lead Arizona to pass this.

Personally I think that the early migration through the russia canada bridge is much more amazing than Columbus, but history is written by the people who win, so no Nordic sailors and happy little thanksgiving history is what we teach our kids. Mix in a little slave history while glossing over the chinese people building our railways, or the gang wars of early white immigrants, toss out anything about mexicans ever living in america, toss in some fables about cherry trees and poof you have a history book.

And keep telling yourself that about religion being the light, I mean let's forget about the thousands of years of scientific advances we have lost out on because of their dogma. And not focus on us getting to where we are despite the church.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you keep throwing white guilt into this! Maybe someone feels a little guilty. Or is that the only thing you can think of.

I know I don't, I am aware that my actions had no effect on the years of society that took place before I existed. I don't have strong political opinions because the entire political system is corrupt, as is the nature of having political sway when interests stand to gain. So why does this mean these concepts should be wiped from history? There has always been perspective in the historical record and when you remove the perspective it changes the contexts of events.

To think Judeo-Christian indoctrination is any different than the oppressive religions of the east and Mediterranean is hardly worth defaming. You are aware of the dark ages, right? It was never religion that made the state or nation great, it was there level of freedom to think and express without limits. A reason why america excelled in the fields of technological research for the better part of the last 100 years.

And I know that there is slavery in all corners of the world and is actually more prolific than the previous 1000 years. But what does this have to do with not talking about the native(homeland) ones? You kind of compounded what I was saying. Its because the US has such a rate of consumption and they want low prices. Nearly every multinational company that deals in the United States of Amnesia has their hands in some form of slavery or another.

The fact is your education system is in shambles, you want to teach people less when all studies point in the exact opposite direction.

Dude, stop getting all of your information from Michael Moore movies. As long as there are people, there will be people on top and people on the bottom regardless of where that bottom lies. There is only so much we as consumers can do to prevent bad work conditions in poor countries where our products are made. It is kind of beyond our control.

Like it or not the Judeo-Christian tradition is what made us who we are. It is what gave us the ability to recognize that men ought to be free and it was the main motivation of our Founding Fathers. This crap you spew about our traditional beliefs being similar to Islam is pure nonsense. In fact it is an ignorant statement. How many honor killings are committed by Christians? How many women are stoned to death in Christian countries for having been raped?

Here is some advise. If you don't understand a subject, don't talk about it. Saying things like "they are all corrupt" or "all religion is bad" is merely a cop-out people use when they are not knowledgeable enough to speak on a subject intelligently. It is much better simply not to get involved in the conversation.

I trust you have heard the saying "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt."

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
wow you fuckin retards sound like your from arizona. you scared republican whiteboys are always crying about "white guilt" while you watch your country trample over the world. maybe you should be more worried about the house bill laying foundation for not being able to denounce the government on school property, beginning with this whole no talk of "overthrowing gov", and no talk or "controversial events in history" (9/11, IRAQ WAR, OIL WARS, SCANDALS, CONSPIRACIES, RECENT FLOOD OF AMERICAN MILITARY RESOURCES TO COLUMBIA TO FIGHT VENEZUELA FOR OIL) . if they dont like you talking about something all they have to do is cloud the argument...and magic, controversy.

if arizonans are to stupid to protect their vanishing rights, then fuck em they didnt deserve them anyways.

btw, great job with Arpio...douchebags.


Well-Known Member
This bill is the epitome of how the terrorists won. This is a chest thump, a show of the same intolerance we are vowing to destroy. Repukes obviously don't understand how knowledge is power. This, along with Texas' education law is the application of the supposed indoctrination repukes were accusing Obama of planning.

We are not doing our kids any favors by not offering these clases.

I know when kids start failing courses they'll start blaming all sorts of things, I hope they remember those banned ethnic studies courses, you know, the ones that make school just interesting enough.....


Active Member
wow you fuckin retards sound like your from arizona. you scared republican whiteboys are always crying about "white guilt" while you watch your country trample over the world. maybe you should be more worried about the house bill laying foundation for not being able to denounce the government on school property, beginning with this whole no talk of "overthrowing gov", and no talk or "controversial events in history" (9/11, IRAQ WAR, OIL WARS, SCANDALS, CONSPIRACIES, RECENT FLOOD OF AMERICAN MILITARY RESOURCES TO COLUMBIA TO FIGHT VENEZUELA FOR OIL) . if they dont like you talking about something all they have to do is cloud the argument...and magic, controversy.

if arizonans are to stupid to protect their vanishing rights, then fuck em they didnt deserve them anyways.

btw, great job with Arpio...douchebags.
More name calling. Retards, doucebags, republican whiteboys.
As far as the courses.
It appeears you are working with soundbites from editorials opposed to this law. Lets take a closer look at the How's and Why's such a law would be enacted.
Please take a minute to actually think about what is presented without dogmatic interpretation.

Here are few provisions of the law.
Prohibits a school district or charter school from including in its program of instruction any courses or classes that:

•Promote the overthrow of the United States government.
Why would AZ do this? Because many of these types of classes are promoting just such a thing. In many school districts in AZ, Cali, NM, Texas and other states course instructors are teaching that America is bad and needs to pay for what they did to Mexico. They teach that america stole the southern states and that Mexico and Mexicans should take them back by force. Some are actually advocating and encouraging their students to participate in violence against America and Americans. The law does not say a student cannot speak of overthrowiing the US, only that such cannot be taught in AZ High schools.

•Promote resentment toward a race or class of people.
Again, many of these course instructors are teaching their students hatred towards other races and advocating,
"La Raza, Brown Power, Brown Supremist" Does that sound familiar at all, it should. Those is the very same terms used by neo-nazi's and the KKK. Placed in the frame of White power, White supremacy and White race these terms are quickly deemed racist, seperatist and supremist. What deems them any different when used in the terms of Brown.

•Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group.
Again frame this in terms that are easily understood. Were these classes that promoted White studies they would be deemed racist and seperatist in nature. Yet when framed in Brown they are not?

•Advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.
This is not very hard to understand. advocating one race over another in public schools is not what I pay taxes for. I pay taxes to promote my sons as their own individual persons. Not Black or Mexican. Which BTW my adopted sons are in fact Black and Mexican.
Why stop at ethnic solidarity. In this same framework the schools should then be required to teach, catholic courses and christian courses and Hebrew courses and Muslim courses, Italian courses, etc, etc, etc.

Here are a few examples of just such an educator.


Well-Known Member
wow you fuckin retards sound like your from arizona. you scared republican whiteboys are always crying about "white guilt" while you watch your country trample over the world. maybe you should be more worried about the house bill laying foundation for not being able to denounce the government on school property, beginning with this whole no talk of "overthrowing gov", and no talk or "controversial events in history" (9/11, IRAQ WAR, OIL WARS, SCANDALS, CONSPIRACIES, RECENT FLOOD OF AMERICAN MILITARY RESOURCES TO COLUMBIA TO FIGHT VENEZUELA FOR OIL) . if they dont like you talking about something all they have to do is cloud the argument...and magic, controversy.

if arizonans are to stupid to protect their vanishing rights, then fuck em they didnt deserve them anyways.

btw, great job with Arpio...douchebags.
An ignorant post by a child playing the race card, go figure.


Active Member
This bill is the epitome of how the terrorists won. This is a chest thump, a show of the same intolerance we are vowing to destroy. Repukes obviously don't understand how knowledge is power. This, along with Texas' education law is the application of the supposed indoctrination repukes were accusing Obama of planning.

We are not doing our kids any favors by not offering these clases.

I know when kids start failing courses they'll start blaming all sorts of things, I hope they remember those banned ethnic studies courses, you know, the ones that make school just interesting enough.....
Doing who's kids a favor? How does teaching ethnic superiority do anyone a favor?