Are you American? Well then how would you like an extra billion dollars in YOUR bank?


Well-Known Member
No kidding? Tell me how that's been working for you. LOL!
He quoted your post and then claimed to have you on ignore.

Who knew he could get anymore dense?

As Saruman would say "The Halfing leaf has dulled your mind"...


New Member
I have a simple question for you guys. (questions*)

1. Do you disagree with my threads?

Yes, mainly because it consists of ridiculous videos that you some how extrapolate god only knows what from.

2. Why do you disagree with my posts?

If it's not a video from a questionable source it is an OP like in this thread consisting of an article that you cannot explain and clearly do not understand. You provide no further insight than that the accompanying article provides.

3. Do you support terrorism?

I've been very vocal about my disgust at fundamental jihadists and the elements of the governments worldwide that supports them, through to the mass media that paints them in a beautiful light by referring to them as "rebels" or "freedom fighters"

4. Would you like it if you died (or someone in your family died) because a bomb was dropped on your house by a drone?

I live in Australia, that's not a concern my fellow citizens and I share... But that's not the real question... How about re-phrasing it?

5. Why are you against me?

You need to grow up and stop bullshitting. you don't think the people on here can see through your façade? This is thunderdome...

6. Oh and, what age bracket are you in?

Older than you clearly
so you gonna explain the op? you still haven't let us know how it can save the US taxpayer a dime...

Actually eche, you began hating me before I posted a single video. remember? I said a few things about the people of Australia (not the people as a whole, but specifically the cops I met and the nitwits I saw on tv)

You say I do not understand the article? lol, nice mind reading powers eche!

wait what? so you're against terrorism? uh? okay, that's good.. I did notice you made some anti American posts a few times!.. good stuff! ;) lol.... The only GOOD reason that comes to mind atm for being ANTI American is because of the stupid things which MANY Americans do... but anyway.

Question 4 is basically a yes or no question. Would you like to be bombed to death by a drone? or have a friend or relative suffer that fate? It's a rhetorical question, because normally people would not like to suffer such a fate, and the point being made here is that we should not allow the government of the United states of America to continue committing genocide with their bomb dropping drones.

thunderdome? what? dude, I don't bullshit!!!!.. honestly. The things I have said haven't even been far fetched. jeez man. actually the only thing that I can recall which WAS in fact far fetched was that story with the guy who stopped in the middle of the road on a city street, and took out his petrol chainsaw, started it, and used it to intimidate some teens who had clearly pissed him off (fkn drugy). Nevertheless it was also true.
Man, you're just fucking hell bent on defending your national pride, or some shit like that.. why the fuck do you care about that shit so much? People don't judge you because of where you're from, Unless they're fucking retards!!!!!!!!!!!

Older than me? you say you're clearly older than me, yet you are the one who most often calls me names. I don't see your logic.


New Member
Video`s? Actually eche, you began hating me before I posted a single video. remember? I said a few things about the people of Australia (not the people as a whole, but specifically the cops I met and the nitwits I saw on tv) You say I do not understand the article? lol, nice mind reading powers eche!

I’ve asked you how it will save money as you claim, you still can’t answer that nor can you comment on the related issue of the F-35 program and how that relates to and affects the US’ air superiority.

You have not commented on the fact it’s illegal for the US to be sending military aid this soon after a coup to Egypt, under the US’ own laws or how that will effect Egypt.

wait what? so you're against terrorism? uh? okay, that's good.. I did notice you made some anti American posts a few times!.. good stuff! lol.... The only GOOD reason that comes to mind atm for being ANTI American is because of the stupid things which MANY Americans do... but anyway.
You’ve misread again and only see what you want...

Question 4 is basically a yes or no question. Would you like to be bombed to death by a drone? or have a friend or relative suffer that fate? It's a rhetorical question, because normally people would not like to suffer such a fate, and the point being made here is that we should not allow the government of the United states of America to continue committing genocide with their bomb dropping drones.
Well the US has drones flying above their soil and i’ve stated before I have no problem with the capability when used correctly; based on verifiable product, good recce and no collateral.

It’s not as black and white as you’ve made out nor can it be defined to a closed answer.

thunderdome? what? dude, I don't bullshit!!!!.. honestly. The things I have said haven't even been far fetched. jeez man. actually the only thing that I can recall which WAS in fact far fetched was that story with the guy who stopped in the middle of the road on a city street, and took out his petrol chainsaw, started it, and used it to intimidate some teens who had clearly pissed him off (fkn drugy). Nevertheless it was also true.
Where and when did this happen? There would be a record of it on one of the states police website – it would be a standout incident that doesn’t happen often if true in the first place

Man, you're just fucking hell bent on defending your national pride, or some shit like that.. why the fuck do you care about that shit so much?
Because, half the garbage that comes out of your mouth is just that... garbage... Everything you say amounts to unverifiable generalisations that you try to pass off as fact...

People don't judge you because of where you're from, Unless they're fucking retards!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL... Just LOL... *Do you have a diagnosed mental condition?

Older than me? you say you're clearly older than me, yet you are the one who most often calls me names. I don't see your logic.
Again, LOL... See above*...
I didn't even know it was illegal for them to do that. and the reason I didn't reply to your previous questions in this thread was because you were too rude for me to care - As I already said so before! I will try to give you a reply, but later!

I misread your comment?... ok.. well the original question was "do you support terrorism". I'm going to skip this.

Actually, considering the fact that civilians on the opposite side of the world to the USA are getting bombed to death by American drones, does in fact make it a clear cut question. It is perfectly BLACK AND WHITE.
Sure, there are details, but the fact is that the US Government is basically a piece of trash which is currently (and has been throughout its existence) committing genocide and trying to cover it up. It doesn't get more black and white than that.

Its kind of like the instinct in most animals, the flight or fight reaction, You either fight, or you fly away, the point here is (in case you're confused as fuck) is that there is not THIRD option.

You know how they say that there are many ways to skin a cat? well, bombing the shit out of half the Arab nations on earth is the dumbest way to skin a cat.
I am of the opinion that joining the army is stupid, but do you know what? Id join any army that aims to stop the USA, overthrow them, and put peace back on earth. Accomplishing peace isn't very hard in theory at all. All you have to do is make people happy.

lol what? you think the chainsaw guy was a "stand out" incident? haha yea, so did fucking I dude.. So did I. I didn't see it reported in the news though, and I was shocked as fuck when I saw it happen only metre's away from me in the middle of the city.
I wouldn't expect anyone to believe that story, but it did happen!.. Also, its not like the guy actually attacked anyone with the chainsaw, he just took it out, started it, started walking towards some people who were shouting at him, He also shouted back at them, and he was just holding the saw up in the air like he was ready to use it or something.....

You don't live in the city, do you? if you don't then that's good.... those western cities are mostly kinda ugly anyway. Then again..... Lots of cities around the world don't exactly look nice.

Everything you say amounts to unverifiable generalisations that you try to pass off as fact
Unverifiable, that's a good word. unverifiable doesn't mean untrue. And I don't just come here and tell bed time stories.
It seems to me that this is the case of: me having more fucked up experiences than you, and you feeling shock at such possibilities in the very country you live in (perhaps, or you're just a liar with no fucking tv, or you never watch the news, or something, Idk!?)
Anyway, I know exactly how it feels like to listen to someone say something which you just cannot believe. There is not much that I can really do to make you believe me. Although It is very weird that you say you live in Australia, yet you deny the things Iv said about the country? As I just said, I can only conclude that you're lying in order to defend your nations false reputation, or you just don't know! and you don't believe what you cannot fathom.
Anyway, Australia already has a bit of a reputation for being racist!!!

What are you saying Eche? Are you saying that you judge people based on where they are from?

So then, If you met a Polish person in real life, would you treat them like any other person, or would you automatically treat them the same way you have often treated me here on this forum?... huh, mentally sane guy? what do you say to that?


Well-Known Member
just to help you guys understand how to actually answer questions without bending away from the question without answering it and instead inserting your own opinions/misleads
I have a simple question for you guys. (questions*)

1. Do you disagree with my threads?
please define disagree as this can be taken many ways. if you mean do i disagree with the information provided or the how you go about posting them, or the stance you take on the duality right/wrong. please clarify.

2. Why do you disagree with my posts?
refer to answer number 1. i see you are trying to understand people slightly but you have to work on clarity, conveying a point, and follow through. please read below for more information

3. Do you support terrorism?
not consciously but i do support my country to some degree and i am not 100% aware of their full dealings and workings as their is not enough clarity/information provided to the public and terrorism is a wide scale which includes not only people/countries but also the earth as a whole and how people mislead, misinform, create fear, create poverty, withhold cures, damage the planet, poison minds and consciousness. etc etc etc and i do not consciously support this and try to enlighten people as i can but that which i am not aware of might in fact lead to terrorism which must be stopped even if it means changing myself.

4. Would you like it if you died (or someone in your family died) because a bomb was dropped on your house by a drone?
no, obviously not. and this is a simple yes or no question.

5. Why are you against me?
this is a loaded question an assumes we are all against you and is targeted to certain individuals on here. you need to clarify your questions/answers a bit.
i would also suggest working on how to properly convey a point. instead of attacking your opposition simply strengthen your own. if you can prove your point is fact then anything they say against it is in fact false.
the moment you sink to the level of debasing/attacking the intended recipient you have turned them into your opposition. they are no longer have a conversation but are in fact having a debate/competition and people tend to try and win at all costs instead of doing what is right. especially on the internet where they do not have to take responsibility for their words as much as they would have to in real life. this is not to say some of these people are not truly like this in person.

6. Oh and, what age bracket are you in?


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know it was illegal for them to do that. and the reason I didn't reply to your previous questions in this thread was because you were too rude for me to care - As I already said so before! I will try to give you a reply, but later!

I misread your comment?... ok.. well the original question was "do you support terrorism". I'm going to skip this.

Actually, considering the fact that civilians on the opposite side of the world to the USA are getting bombed to death by American drones, does in fact make it a clear cut question. It is perfectly BLACK AND WHITE.
Sure, there are details, but the fact is that the US Government is basically a piece of trash which is currently (and has been throughout its existence) committing genocide and trying to cover it up. It doesn't get more black and white than that.

Its kind of like the instinct in most animals, the flight or fight reaction, You either fight, or you fly away, the point here is (in case you're confused as fuck) is that there is not THIRD option.

You know how they say that there are many ways to skin a cat? well, bombing the shit out of half the Arab nations on earth is the dumbest way to skin a cat.
I am of the opinion that joining the army is stupid, but do you know what? Id join any army that aims to stop the USA, overthrow them, and put peace back on earth. Accomplishing peace isn't very hard in theory at all. All you have to do is make people happy.

lol what? you think the chainsaw guy was a "stand out" incident? haha yea, so did fucking I dude.. So did I. I didn't see it reported in the news though, and I was shocked as fuck when I saw it happen only metre's away from me in the middle of the city.
I wouldn't expect anyone to believe that story, but it did happen!.. Also, its not like the guy actually attacked anyone with the chainsaw, he just took it out, started it, started walking towards some people who were shouting at him, He also shouted back at them, and he was just holding the saw up in the air like he was ready to use it or something.....

You don't live in the city, do you? if you don't then that's good.... those western cities are mostly kinda ugly anyway. Then again..... Lots of cities around the world don't exactly look nice.

Unverifiable, that's a good word. unverifiable doesn't mean untrue. And I don't just come here and tell bed time stories.
It seems to me that this is the case of: me having more fucked up experiences than you, and you feeling shock at such possibilities in the very country you live in (perhaps, or you're just a liar with no fucking tv, or you never watch the news, or something, Idk!?)
Anyway, I know exactly how it feels like to listen to someone say something which you just cannot believe. There is not much that I can really do to make you believe me. Although It is very weird that you say you live in Australia, yet you deny the things Iv said about the country? As I just said, I can only conclude that you're lying in order to defend your nations false reputation, or you just don't know! and you don't believe what you cannot fathom.
Anyway, Australia already has a bit of a reputation for being racist!!!

What are you saying Eche? Are you saying that you judge people based on where they are from?

So then, If you met a Polish person in real life, would you treat them like any other person, or would you automatically treat them the same way you have often treated me here on this forum?... huh, mentally sane guy? what do you say to that?
i dont think you could prove half the shit you guessing your already a member of an army that aims to stop the usa............probably also the reason you are so worried about drones...........not sure y anybody else would talk so much dumb shit


Well-Known Member
i dont think you could prove half the shit you guessing your already a member of an army that aims to stop the usa............probably also the reason you are so worried about drones...........not sure y anybody else would talk so much dumb shit
oh shit you must be right.... its not like he could actually care about another persons life other then his own....

EDIT: since you seem a little dense, that was sarcasm. just to clarify.


Well-Known Member
oh shit you must be right.... its not like he could actually care about another persons life other then his own....

EDIT: since you seem a little dense, that was sarcasm. just to clarify.
you think thats it?..........but hes all about killing americans
Thanks karousing, but I think I have done the best thing that could be done, and should be done; simply ignoring them.

You have to realise that their mentalities are that of a people who are brainwashed and made to defend their country against any criticism, no mater what that criticism is, and no matter the truth. If you said that 1+1=2 but that comment was critical of the US government, then people such as kelly4 would refute your claim that 1+1=2, despite the fact that 1+1=2 is the most simplest and easiest to understand equation that there is.
The brainwash is a sickness of the mind. It is like a taught reflex. It is futile for any one of us to expect that a brainwashed person should understand an argument made against the United states.
To criticise their country is in their minds wrong in every account. Even if their country was killing its own citizens, people like kelly4 would still stand by their government patriotically, probably till death, because he would not understand what is going on. (and technically, the truth is that US Citizens have been sent to their deaths since the very beginning; To fight a meaningless war)
Its very sad, and imo its basically a wasted life. So? when speaking with such people, you have to realise that you are basically speaking with a computer who has been programmed to think a certain way, one which cannot think on its own.

Of course, not everyone is like this! thankfully! but the problem is evident. USA (the people), with its massive population, will NOT stand up against its own government despite the genocide that it has, and is currently progressively committing.

There is an old method of removing stubborn habits. You have to replace them with new habits. Like banging a nail out with a new nail.

And imo that is where RT (Russia today) may be of use. I imagine that Americans are made to believe throughout their whole lives that USA is the greatest country on earth, but if they begin to progressively watch RT, and see that the USA is not actually such a great place after all, then maybe the citizens of the USA will wake up!


Well-Known Member
To criticise their country is in their minds wrong in every account. Even if their country was killing its own citizens, people like kelly4 would still stand by their government patriotically, probably till death, because he would not understand what is going on. (and technically, the truth is that US Citizens have been sent to their deaths since the very beginning; To fight a meaningless war)
Its very sad, and imo its basically a wasted life. So? when speaking with such people, you have to realise that you are basically speaking with a computer who has been programmed to think a certain way, one which cannot think on its own. !
You are obviously a newb and haven't read much of what I've written. Where do you get such retarded ideas? The only interaction you have had with me is when I call you an idiot, which you are. Disliking you has nothing to do with patriotism...dolt.


Well-Known Member
the same can be said about people all over the world (regarding the brainwash and habits)

one other more then slightly scary thing i have read on here is that they get a thrill of getting shot at and shooting at people.

please, go play some paintball or something. go have a revolution and shoot your own people for once. they have already come out with movies like The Purge and whatnot.

i dont know about you but i had to turn it off. it sickened me.

an addiction is an addiction. they are addicted to killing, power, dog eat dog, and slavery.

this is not to lump all americans in with them, i have met many who are very nice, well spoken, educated, and dont deserve that reputation at all.


Well-Known Member
the same can be said about people all over the world (regarding the brainwash and habits)

one other more then slightly scary thing i have read on here is that they get a thrill of getting shot at and shooting at people.

please, go play some paintball or something. go have a revolution and shoot your own people for once. they have already come out with movies like The Purge and whatnot.

i dont know about you but i had to turn it off. it sickened me.

an addiction is an addiction. they are addicted to killing, power, dog eat dog, and slavery.

this is not to lump all americans in with them, i have met many who are very nice, well spoken, educated, and dont deserve that reputation at all.
Warriors are thrilled by war....what did you think? This is so much more honest than trying to say it is Glory.

"Nam is a dirty little, miserable, war but the only war we got."