are these Female preflowers?


Well-Known Member
Hi, this is a Picture of toppy. Are These female preflowers or is this just "new growth"?



Well-Known Member
Thx, but this is the real deal, is it? if yes, why would the smallest of all bagseeds Show the signs first :-/ i have one thats like double in size (id guess a male :-( and the others r still quite a bit bigger than this one. This is natura, the others toppy and fimmy are still bigger but do not Show anything. Might what went Hand in Hand with their names be the reason? Still the biggest (probably male from what ive read about growth rates) and double in size was untouched and still doesnt Show anything.



Well-Known Member
The smaller one is showing flowers first because topping and fimming stunts the plants, putting them a few days/week behind the other untouched plant.
The others will catch up in a few days.


Well-Known Member
thx, yea thats what i suggested, but im still wondering, the topped plant and the fimmed one are still bigger in growth then the one i left untouched. what ever :-/ i guess i have to just waiiiiit....