Are stoners slow because they experience a long amount of time for everything


Well-Known Member
What do you rekon? I'm so fucking stoned and im seriously experiencing time expansion here.. its almost scary.. amazing. My arms look like zombie hands. This is ridiculous people. Does weed slow down time? I think it fucking well does :weed:


Well-Known Member
nope flys by the time does ^^

what its allready nealry 4 o clock !

damn !

:P :P



New Member
Time seems to go by faster when I'm baked...

Time is really just an adapted perception.. so the weed might just cloud the area in the brain responsible for our sense of time...


Active Member
i initially started smoking pot at university, i missed one year therefore all the friends i made left. so i started smoking everyday to kill the boredom and time flew by and nights couldnt be long enough lol