anyone have any tips or secrets?

diamond doggy

New Member
I grew last year, i had no intentions of growing but then i ended up having a 5 foot tall plant, so i know the basics in growing, but does anyone have any tips or secrets?


Well-Known Member
one tip I can give you is....go fishing, catch some fish, dig your hole, put some fish in there and put your soil on top. plant your plant by the time those roots hit that decomposed fish, they'll love you for it!!!If I think of anymore i'll post em'.


Well-Known Member
Humans follow the path of least resistance, meaning the more difficult your plants are to locate the less chance they will be located, fuck rippers. Be one with the earth and get to know the forest you are growing in very well. Also avoid unnecessary height, you don't want some DEA faggot spotting your plot from the air, so grow small and many as apposed to large and few.
one great thing for guriella growingin is coco husk it comes in a 1 kg brick and when added with water it get 10 times it size it doesnt have any nutes in the soil but is a great way to get soil in to a remote area

Keep Growing the Good Stuff>>>


Well-Known Member
dont fertilize em for about a month, dont overwater em they dont like mud,

The 3 L rule, DONT TELL ,DONT SMELL, AN DONT SELL an its hard to get busted.

dont put all your egg in one basket, or all your plants in one plot.

A single plant is almost invisible in the wright spot.

Use mulch to hold your water in the ground around the plant.

Use a fence to stop deer an rabbits, its a total gamble with out a fence. (I use a bout a 3ft one) if you can hide a plant u can hide a fence. Paint an weave dead weeds into the spaces so it will camo its self an your plant. Soap, hair, piss ect to help discourage em also.

I put fake sun flowers on my plants to camo em cause in the fall they are the only thing green other than yucca cacti.

Youll prolly have to water once to twice a week ( just a guess about your area).

Thats all i can think of for now............................................... good luck grower!


Well-Known Member
if growing outdoors toss a baby dipper in the bottom of the hole it will hold a ton of water for when it gets dry.

Slugs eating your plants? Wrap copper mesh losley around the stem.,51555

best organic tip = worm castings

Irish Spring Soap Original. Use it if growing out in the woods poke a few holes in the box, small screwdriver, drop about 5 feet away from plant. Will keep animals away for months.

Powdery mildew = 1 part white milk 9 parts water. spray on plant. Don't use skim. An enzyme in the milk kills it.



Well-Known Member
i heard dont use blood meal or maybe it was bone meal it attracts bears and other animals.


i have pruned it so the neighber's don't have sticky finger's.. plus it has one main stem then form's many more outgrowing stem's.. water it every 3 to 4 day's and it's growing pretty but when you prun it it will stun the plant and it will be in shock for a few day's but it regain's strength and move's on in it's life..