Anyone ever just said F the law and...


Active Member
lit up a fat blunt and walked down a crowded street smoking? Or just lit up in a very public place? Some days when I'm really depresed I want to go downtown and smoke a fat blunt in front of everyone and just say fuck it, but I always wimp out. If I had someone to do it with me Id do it in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
I guess depending on where you live that's possible. But if you're in the certain parts of the states It would be STOOPID. People on both sides of the fence would look at you like a "stupid disrespectful stoner" who didn't have the common decency to keep it at home. You wont be a revolutionary for smoking a blunt in public.


New Member
lit up a fat blunt and walked down a crowded street smoking? Or just lit up in a very public place? Some days when I'm really depresed I want to go downtown and smoke a fat blunt in front of everyone and just say fuck it, but I always wimp out. If I had someone to do it with me Id do it in a heartbeat.
yes, and yes

edit: its amazing what you can get away with if you dont act or look like you're doing something illegal whilst doing it.
its no hard thing to burn a doobie in public around my parts.


Well-Known Member
Yea thats not too hard around here lol smoking a fatty walking to my friends house. Yea in Downtown idk though you'd probably get stopped cause cops are everywhere but I doubt the people would care, they'd probably ask for a hit:eyesmoke:


Active Member
When i was in highschool my friends and i would make a game of it, cut a hole in an open soda can with a little liquid at the bottom and head to the park. Light up a j, stick it through the hole, and puff. easy to make and easy to ditch if you need to, because if you just drop the j the liquid extinguishes it. Looking back it was pretty dumb, but hey i can say that about most of my young life :)

No way i would do it now, waaaaaaaay too risky if you live in the states


Well-Known Member
just walk down your street and smoke act casual and hold your shit like its a cigarette i do it all the time and have never been busted lol


Well-Known Member
If its decriminalized in your city its really not a huge deal. You might have to spend an hour or so in jail getting your paperwork done. then you will pay a fine.


Well-Known Member
I've lit up my pipe in the middle of the day in this big field on campus when there were tons of people all around, but I was sitting by a tree hanging out, and I was careful about it lol. Although one time I lit a joint in my car right as I was driving away from campus, and it was smoking more than I was expecting it to bc it was running a bit, so it filled my car with smoke, and these two dudes walking down the sidewalk saw and were like giving us (my buddy was there too) thumbs up and shit... lol
Never gotten a ticket though... It's really sketch to try anything on campus here, though, since the cops are douchebags here. I've never gotten a ticket, but I know lots of ppl that have.


Well-Known Member
Yo man don't smoke on campus. depending on where you live you could get royally fucked. I know in my city herb is decriminalized but when they did that they raised the punishments for distributing and possessing on school property. just be careful at schools man


Active Member
When the Phillies won the world series, me and my buddies went to phillyfor the parade and we saw like 50 people smoking down there. I mean there were cops everywere but they dint care, we would just walk down the street and smoke a fat blunt and we would walk past cops n they did nothin. We even saw this black guy twistin up a blunt and sparkin it right in front of 3 cops and nothin happined, ahhh wut a great day


Well-Known Member
Yo man don't smoke on campus. depending on where you live you could get royally fucked. I know in my city herb is decriminalized but when they did that they raised the punishments for distributing and possessing on school property. just be careful at schools man
Yeah, for sure man. Thanks for the concern, seriously. In fact, +1 rep for that.

I'm *very* careful. In fact, I haven't actually smoked on campus since last semester besides the time I mentioned above, and one or two other times where I was walking around with my bud after dark.
My dumbass roommates got caught the other day, in fact, for smoking the vap in their room... (We live in a quite - I have my own room and they share one) My bud and I just got back from grubbing and smoking, were watching family guy in my room when the cops showed up. They all got busted while him and I just chilled in my room... Moral of the story: If you're stupid about it, you'll get caught... (The guys who got caught have been smoking longer than me, I've never gotten a ticket, yet they're calling me the noob? LOL

PS I'm in a decriminalized city, so... At least I have that +


New Member
ive smoked in court a few times before going to the hotel (for a while) the court cops have even asked if we are smoking whacky backy but have let it slide, ive went in a few cells and its been like a sene from BLOW, i mean we aint causing any trouble, the trouble bits kinda been done.