Any Tips for my first Outdoor?


Well-Known Member
im about to transplant some clones outdoors and im really excited! is there anything i need to know to make the transplant as smooth as possible? should i have a fan on them to harden them off? any tips would be great!


Well-Known Member
harden them off by putting them outside for a few hours then back in, then a few more hours then back in ect. until you feel they are ready.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, lay off the fan. Think of Your Babiies like getting a tan. A little at a time. Tell me, why a fan? Despite what you read, why put Babies under a fan? Logicially speaking, of course.


Well-Known Member
Some of the clones are 8 weeks old and have almost pencil thick woody stalks, while some of the others range from a few weeks to just rooted a week ago. why a fan? because in the nature (outside) there will be more wind than they have ever experienced, so i want do get them acclimated so they dont stress and die. thanks for the input i cant really put them outside anywhere but maybe i can figure something out.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yes, the wind. There is NO wind a lot of the times. 24/7 fans causes WAY too much transpiration. For Babies, 1 hr. indirect breeze should be just right.

Some of the clones are 8 weeks old and have almost pencil thick woody stalks, while some of the others range from a few weeks to just rooted a week ago. why a fan? because in the nature (outside) there will be more wind than they have ever experienced, so i want do get them acclimated so they dont stress and die. thanks for the input i cant really put them outside anywhere but maybe i can figure something out.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely make sure clones have a nice root structure before going out. Depending on how you take them out of containers you may do some damage to the roots and could shock the plants or even kill it. Of the 6 plants i have put out so far, only one seems to have any shock and after 2 days it is perking up again. Soil should be fairly moist and compact when putting out so it doesnt fall apart when taking it out of a container. I also leave a fan on my plants all the time. It is not direct contact from the wind, but it is enough to have them moving a little bit all the time.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
One Clone Baby, worth a lot. One container for a Baby, a few pennies. I make 4 to 5 cuts at the top of container, 1 " apart, or so, strip off the container sides, to ASSURE no root molestation is done. Containers are cheap, compared to Babies. This is done with 16 oz. cups. Bigger ones, I roll on the ground, then take out. Yes, always water prior to playing, with same temp water, not cool or cold. When transplanting, roots are exposed to air after planting. Not Good. Water very well, & lightly push down soil to fill in the air pockets so baby roots has access to soil, not air pockets.


Well-Known Member
im really excited guys!! i hope this works out but either way im going to have an eventful summer ahead! i have a lot of clones!


Well-Known Member
i uslaly get a exacto knife and cut my container all they way around so it slides out easily...i also transplant when soil is dry....some people say to do it when its moist or after you water because the roots tend to stick together...but i do it when the soil is dry...the dirt that sticks around the roots when u pull it out do not take off..but when u plant it outdoors...but more dirt around it and fill the hole to the top and give it a good watering..i also transplant in dark and right after i transplant and water..i either switch on the lights or wait for the sun to come up


Well-Known Member
Not sure where ya live but make sure you have some sort of cover for the plants in the fall cause if it rains then your big buds will get moldy and wet! Out here in the nw we call em "crop killers" rain and dime sized hail!! Just my 2cents!