Any Suggestions?


Active Member
Hey everybody, I wanted to throw my grow specs at you guys along with some pictures and see if any of you had any suggestions for my grow. I'm currently vegging in a 4X5X6 grow tent using a 4ft 8 bulb T5 light that is about 2 inches from the tops of my plants. The big plants in the pics I picked up as clones and they have been vegging in happy frog soil for 3 weeks now. I burned the plants once using too much nutes, I have since only been feeding them water. I did however feed them 1 more time a few days ago with a 1/4 strength solution, and still noticed a little burn. I have since watered once, I am going to avoid feeding again for at least a week. I plan on using Holland Secret, 3 part formula for feeding. I keep the light on 24 hours, temp never gets above 84 and usually stays around 79-80. My rh is usually around 18-20, I'm going to go get a humidifier tomorrow I think. I am running two circulating fans as you can see, and usually have a window cracked in the room. Pics are attached, please let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions on grow.jpggrow 2.jpg3.jpghow I can improve. Thank you in advance for all your help!


New Member
They look good. The only suggestion I have is something you have already learned. Happy Frog has more than enough nutes for a good 3-4 weeks. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Only thing I might say is vegging plants need 4 to 6 hours of lights out. That's when they breath and detox themselves the best.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestions guys, much appreciated! I am having a problem with one of the plants, I'm pretty sure I over watered it the other day. I poked holes in the soil and put an extra 100 watt cfl on it the help dry it out and it seemed to perk back up for a day or so, however its starting to droop again. Any thoughts?


Could be from the new bulb, raise it some. Your girls(we hope) are prime candidates for some LST (low stress training). Been doin that with my girls and it really helps. need some reflective material around your grow. No tin foil though. White platic or mylar. :leaf:

edit: looks like you have some plastic around it bad