any 1 good maths?


Active Member
hi all i was just wondering how many gallons are in a 15ltr compost bag?. i didnt pay much attention at school ( i wish i did know) if n e one knows.. :?


Well-Known Member
Google "lt-gal conversion". Woulda taken less time then creating a thread jus like it woulda taken me less time to jus tell u. Resreach son!


Active Member
Google "lt-gal conversion". Woulda taken less time then creating a thread jus like it woulda taken me less time to jus tell u. Resreach son!
thanks rob. y didnt i think of that i dont know! lol :dunce:

im trying to work out the mes for a soil that im looking to do.

thank again dude :bigjoint:


Active Member
thanks rob. y didnt i think of that i dont know! lol :dunce:

im trying to work out the mes for a soil that im looking to do.

thank again dude :bigjoint:
but then saying that, that wouldnt add up rite coz 1 litre of water and a litre of compost is different.


Well-Known Member
A litre is a litre. I checked that thread and here's what I decyphered. First off u can't compare kilos to liters. They r 2 totaly different styles on meaurements let alone units. as dry and wet dirt will have diferent weights.if I take a kilo of wet dirt its not gonna fill my liter bucket like it would with a kilo of dry dirt. Second it says that a litre is equal to a kilo. A liter is 1000ml and kilo is 1000gs. So really its the same shit. Measure out a liter of dirt, bet it fits in a liter bucket


Active Member
A litre is a litre. I checked that thread and here's what I decyphered. First off u can't compare kilos to liters. They r 2 totaly different styles on meaurements let alone units. as dry and wet dirt will have diferent weights.if I take a kilo of wet dirt its not gonna fill my liter bucket like it would with a kilo of dry dirt. Second it says that a litre is equal to a kilo. A liter is 1000ml and kilo is 1000gs. So really its the same shit. Measure out a liter of dirt, bet it fits in a liter bucket
that sound rite. basicly im looking to do this soil with oragnic compost that come in 10 ltr bags. to put in 20 to 30 gallon pots. so thats y im abit confused on how much soil i need to do that.

this is wat i need

If you want to use organic nutes like blood, bone and kelp...
Dry Ferts:
1 tablespoon blood meal per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil mix

2 tablespoons bone meal per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of soil mix

1-tablespoon kelp meal per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil mix or Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract as directed
(OPTIONAL) 1 tablespoon per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of Jersey Greensand to supplement the K (potasium) in the Kelp Meal and seaweed extract.

Mix all the dry ferts into the soiless mix well and wet it, but don't soak it with Liquid Karma and water @ 1 tbs./gal. Stir and mix it a few times a week for a week or two so the bacteria can get oxygen and break down the bone meal and make it available. And don't let the mix dry out, keep it moist and add water as needed. It'll also have time to get the humic acids in the Liquid Karma going and the dolomite lime will be better able to adjust the pH of a peat based mixture too.
With this recipe, all you need to do is add plain water until harvest.
When I'm working with seeds, I punch a hole in the bottom of 16 ounce cups and fill them with plain LC's Mix. Lightly wet the mix in the cups and germ one seed in each cup. At the same time I mix enough LC's mix along with the blood/bone/kelp to fill all the 3 gallon flower pots I'm going to use for the grow. After about two weeks, the seedlings and the blood/bone/kelp mix are ready. I transplant the seedlings into the 3 gallon pots and just add water until harvest.

im sorry if i aint explaned propley and i sound like a pain i had so many sleepless night on wanting to get this right so i dont fcuk up my first outdoor grow this year.