

Well-Known Member
What kind of problem are ants in a crop? They are the tiny black ants. I think they are liking my soil cause its a lot softer then the ground. Do I need to put some kind of poison out or?.... Any input is appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
They were there when I watered this morning, then I couldn't tell after watering... But they were still there when I got home from work.


Active Member
ants will just help make airways and gather nutrients to your soil, they shouldnt hurt, and may kill pesky slugs =)


Active Member
im 99% sure, ants wont eat a foreign root, plus thier not able to get into roots easy at all, just dirt and stuff


Well-Known Member
just wait .. if you see some problems you should rid of them .. sometimes ants will keep bad insects off your plants


Well-Known Member
I have noticed little black ants on my plants(just a few)and they dont see to be doing any harm,so i've let em be.


Well-Known Member
ya they are not on the plants yet at all, just all around the soil. At first i thought maybe there was something in the FF soil i was using that attracted them, but now i think it is just easier for them to tunnel through because the ground is super hard. I have noticed a few of the big red ants out there too now, those fuckers could prob eat the plant if they wanted to lol, hopefully their just fighting off the spider mites and other little pests tho


Well-Known Member
I have a ton of ants in my patch, there are giant ant hills everyehere in my woods. I thought for a while that they were nibbling on my leaves, I really have no clue, but would like to know more about it. I might have to fire bomb these hills. lol


Well-Known Member
Havent had a that much of problems with ants.
Only thing id worry about them gettin in ur buds later on down the road
i harvested my plant like 2 weeks ago and saw like 4 or 5 dead ants but
i just picked them out.
so not really a problem just a more of a nuisance.
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Well-Known Member
I have ants that i find every morning running around my pots. They don't seem to be doing any harm at all to the plants. Ive noticed a reduction in gnats since they've been around tho. could the possibly be picking out the gnat eggs/larvae? who knows, but i wouldnt worry much about them.


Active Member
I'm getting ants in my soil as well, I dunno what to do with em, My plant is actually really small and young right now, can the ants harm it at this stage? I heard it's not good...

The leaves are kinda fading in some spots it's wierd


South Texas

Well-Known Member
Due to the extreme dry weather, the *Fire) ants chewed the tips off the end of some of my plants, killing about 4 of them. I used Parenhtian 10 lightly around the base and a little heavier around the rim of the inside of the container. I knew that bastards was going to be a prob.. so I started a procedure... Once the Baby is transplanted in it's 5 gal. container, the root system is far from the bottom of the container, so I set the container in 2 inches of ant poison. That puts a damper on their ass, without hurting the little plant.


Active Member
Due to the extreme dry weather, the *Fire) ants chewed the tips off the end of some of my plants, killing about 4 of them. I used Parenhtian 10 lightly around the base and a little heavier around the rim of the inside of the container. I knew that bastards was going to be a prob.. so I started a procedure... Once the Baby is transplanted in it's 5 gal. container, the root system is far from the bottom of the container, so I set the container in 2 inches of ant poison. That puts a damper on their ass, without hurting the little plant.
wouldn't the poison spread to the rest of the soil?