Anti government in the politics section


Well-Known Member
What do you have against honoring another persons right to live their own life and disposition their own property as long as they respect your right to the same?
tell me about these white store owners who refuse service to black customers because of the color of their skin but totally respect their "right to live their own lives and disposition their own property".


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
it's always hilarious when a guy who advocates for racial segregation, like you do, tries to label anyone else as a racist.
When have I ever advocated that people be racist? I don't think I have. I think racism is pretty stupid.

I have said even a racist has the right to control his OWN body and his OWN property, which is significantly different than the rapist tactics of forced human associations you endorse.


Well-Known Member
Impotent idiot, dont mention laundry when your every post carries the vomity stench of desperation and shit eating ignorance. Your words, like your beliefs and commitments are like santorum oozing from an adult imbecile's diaper.

When you speak it stinks like the most hideous type of poverty.
Who was testiclees and how many times will it get banned?


Well-Known Member
Also what about social programs? As part of a society do you not feel it is your duty to help pay for those who cannot afford to themselves? I think paying taxes that go to help those less fortunate is a very important part of our civilization.

If you are not part of that society, like on an island, I guess that's your prerogative. Seems very small minded and selfish though.

No one wants to be born disabled. Or to become that way. It's our duty as citizens to help where we can. In my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Who was testiclees and how many times will it get banned?
testiclees was a great member and he is welcome here anytime he chooses.

i like him much better than the people who try to say that "all dems voted nay" on civil rights as a way of calling them racists, when the very person making that completely false accusation himself does not support civil rights because it would just make him "hate 'em more now".

you're not very bright, you live in a trailer, the bank hates you so fucking much that they assign a special teller to deal with you, and you apparently get along very well with tattooed neo-nazis.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
tell me about these white store owners who refuse service to black customers because of the color of their skin but totally respect their "right to live their own lives and disposition their own property".

You're welcome, but I'm not a racist and don't need to defend their beliefs. That's on them.

However even a racist should be able to defend his OWN property wouldn't you say? Even a racist shouldn't be forced to serve another person unless they have a consensual agreement wouldn't you say?

Tell me about those people who want to force another person to associate with them whether the other person wants to or not.

Also could you explain the ski mask and rope you keep in the trunk of your car ?


Well-Known Member
testiclees was a great member and he is welcome here anytime he chooses.

i like him much better than the people who try to say that "all dems voted nay" on civil rights as a way of calling them racists, when the very person making that completely false accusation himself does not support civil rights because it would just make him "hate 'em more now".

you're not very bright, you live in a trailer, the bank hates you so fucking much that they assign a special teller to deal with you, and you apparently get along very well with tattooed neo-nazis.
Aw, you don't like me slugger? That's OK.

Civil Rights vote is over, so you can't support it either. I am involved in no effort to dismantle Civil Rights at all but I do wish cops would give more handicap parking tickets.....therefore you are just a severe discussion disappointment.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a racist
yes you are. you even said it was "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign that disallows black customers from a store.

a racist should be able to defend his OWN property
a black customer is not a threat to a white store owner and therefore no defense need take place.

any other neo-nazi, racial segregationist bullshit you wish to expel before you break down into incoherent memes, pedophile?


Well-Known Member
You're welcome, but I'm not a racist and don't need to defend their beliefs. That's on them.

However even a racist should be able to defend his OWN property wouldn't you say? Even a racist shouldn't be forced to serve another person unless they have a consensual agreement wouldn't you say?

Tell me about those people who want to force another person to associate with them whether the other person wants to or not.

Also could you explain the ski mask and rope you keep in the trunk of your car ?
From a customer service standpoint: if you don't want to offer customer service based on age, Sex, religion or sexual orientation then you should pick a different field.
You shouldn't own a store if you hate people. You should own a junk yard instead.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm just curious how it's possible to do that unless you are living on an island where dragons run free and you don't have to rely on or support a particular government.
Operant conditioning. Dragon's know very little about Pavlov .

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
From a customer service standpoint: if you don't want to offer customer service based on age, Sex, religion or sexual orientation then you should pick a different field.
You shouldn't own a store if you hate people. You should own a junk yard instead.

I don't hate people, but I do respect their right to control their own property and their own body, even if I disagree with how they do it if they confine it to themselves.

You, on the other hand seem intent on forcing them to comply with your vision and are okay using force to disposition somebody else property and to make them labor for a cause you like.

Where does anyone get the right to use offensive force to make a person associate with them? Does it come from a junkyard?