Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... that's about the best you can do since you can't dispute the facts ... yep truth is pretty boring to people like you especially when it involves the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents ...
... go back to sleep ...


Well-Known Member
Like I said ... asleep at the wheel ... oh I'm sorry .. did I wake you? ... Go back to sleep ... nothing you can dispute ... Here ... this will help ...

... folks at home ... it's pretty clear the dim leadership is in with the war criminals ... I'm going to start recording more of the reports of their complicity ... here is a video made by two super patriots ... 911 was indeed an inside job ... - WeAreCHANGE meets Nancy Pelosi AGAIN!
Nancy Pelosi is currently serving as the Speaker of the House... despite much of her talk about opposing President Bush's agenda and standing behind the Constitution, Mrs. Pelosi's record speaks for itself! She voted for the PATRIOT act, voted for every bill funding a war she supposedly is against, and has also even voted against legislation that would protect the 4th Amendment. It is also key to mention that Mrs. Pelosi is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a global think tank which has publicly stated that it wants to destroy national sovereignty. kiss-ass
Pelosi is against inpeachment because it would implicate her and others in the DNC with war crimes ... if you want to help restore order to the republic go to Cindy Sheehan's website and make a contribution ... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Anyone interested in what Nancy did for Del Monte Foods/Starkist Tuna, American Samoa, and the federal minimum wage increase that was passed by Congress? <giggle>


Well-Known Member
Anyone interested in what Nancy did for Del Monte Foods/Starkist Tuna, American Samoa, and the federal minimum wage increase that was passed by Congress? <giggle>
Sure, I'm interested! :mrgreen: Whats the deal Dave?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
Sure, I'm interested! :mrgreen: Whats the deal Dave?
About a year and a half ago Congress voted to increase the federal minimum wage, right? Well it passed. Anyway, Del Monte Foods HQ is in Pelosi's district. Del Monte owns Starkist Tuna. Where is most of Starkist operations' based out of? American Samoa. At the time, minimum wage in American Samoa was something like $3.00/hour.

Anyway, "somehow" a little exemption clause got inserted into the bill that exempts American Samoa from the wage increase. Sounds "fishy" to me. :lol:


New Member
Impeach Pelosi! How many federal crimes are we gonna allow this woman to commit before we take action??? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Vi why won't you admit to the Federal Crimes that were pulled off by the (so-called) conservatives when they were in control?


Well-Known Member
That's the difference between bushies and liberals ... bushies only look at corruption that doesn't involved their so called leaders ... liberals like myself point out the corruption no matter where it's from ... that's the big difference ...


New Member
That's the difference between bushies and liberals ... bushies only look at corruption that doesn't involved their so called leaders ... liberals like myself point out the corruption no matter where it's from ... that's the big difference ...
Another difference that usually abounds is: conservatives tend to be uptight assholes. They have a narrow view of the world and usually only see what directly affects them. They are selfish hypocritical bigots, Generally speaking. Don't approach them with "what about the poor". The reply is usually fuck those lazy assholes, let them get a job and work their way up.


Well-Known Member
Here's some more good news about our "democracy and freedom" ... defies World Court with execution
The World Court last month ordered the U.S. government to "take all measures necessary" to halt the upcoming executions of five Mexicans including Medellin's on the grounds that they had been deprived of their right to consular services after their arrests.

... does any one buy the corporate media bullshit propaganda about the anthrax suspect?,0,7051572.storyDoubts about anthrax story
Survivors of the 2001 anthrax attacks and relatives of those killed by the deadly powder said yesterday that they want a full accounting from the FBI of its investigation to date, and they are not yet convinced that Bruce Ivins, the government scientist who killed himself last week, was responsible.

another report of the illegitimate bush regime lying about WMD ... there's really no doubt about this war crime that was committed ... official: WMD evidence ignored
A retired CIA official has accused the Bush administration of ignoring intelligence indicating that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and no active nuclear program before the United States-led coalition invaded it, CBS News said Sunday.
Which is what Bush is doing with Iran.
All 16 US intelligence agencies are unanimous in stating that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program and has not had one going back to at least 2003.
Yet Bush is choosing to ignore those 16 US intelligence agencies and rely on Israel to tell him what Iran is doing.
Israel, it should be remembered, is the author of many of the now discredited claims about Iraq.



New Member
"The World Court?" WTF does the "World Court" have to do with the U.S.A.?

Unless we have entered into a one-world, socialistic/fascistic system, there is no such thing as a "World Court." Or put another way, there is no world jurisprudence that has authority over the lives American citizens ... and that includes the way American citizens run their court systems and punish criminals who commit crimes within out borders.



Well-Known Member
The WC, Hague, and the ICC have been around to make countries like the US uphold the law ... it is high time they intervene ...


New Member
The WC, Hague, and the ICC have been around to make countries like the US uphold the law ... it is high time they intervene ...
OK, GW ... you give up your rights as an American Citizen and become a freakin' slave to some obscure cadre of world bureaucrats if you want to ... but I'll take liberty every time.



Well-Known Member
OK, GW ... you give up your rights as an American Citizen and become a freakin' slave to some obscure cadre of world bureaucrats if you want to ... but I'll take liberty every time.

How loosely your tongue spills out the word liberty as the illegitimate bush regime illegally spies on Americans ... subvert the constitution and the bill of rights ... and you speak of liberty ... :spew:

Crimes are being committed ... and if the congress won't uphold their oath ... then the ICC need to intercede ... :neutral:


Well-Known Member Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery
In damning transcript, ex-CIA official says Cheney likely ordered letter linking Hussein to 9/11 attacks

... and a new false flag operation ... - USA is behind the Georgia - Russian War
Check out "Operation Immediate response" for proof enough of USA complicity. Take a look and make your own mind up!. This seems a Cold War return over Oil, always Oil. Cuts the Russians off from Iran as well. This is interesting as Russia had an alliance, although much under reported that they would help Iran if they were attacked.
The text of the news may be a little difficult to see but if you pause it you should get the point of why I put them in. Assails US Over Conflict With Georgia
"It's a pity that some of our partners instead of helping are in fact trying to get in the way," Putin said at a Cabinet meeting. "I mean among other things the United States airlifting Georgia's military contingent from Iraq effectively into the conflict zone."
A two-front battlefield would be a major escalation in the conflict, which blew up Friday after a Georgian offensive to regain control of separatist South Ossetia. Real Aggressor
The anti-Russian bias of the Western media is really something to behold: "Russia Invades Georgia," "Russia Attacks Georgia," and variations thereof have been some of the choice headlines reporting events in the Caucasus, but the reality is not only quite different, but the exact opposite. Sometimes this comes out in the third or fourth paragraph of the reportage, in which it is admitted that the Georgians tried to "retake" the "breakaway province" of South Ossetia.

... for the record ... another false flag operation by the illegitimate bush regime ... :spew:



Well-Known Member
all this spin is making me dizzy! So it's not the start of WW3? I heard the russians are pulling out? did what they needed to do. Amazing how the fear button gets pushed a little bit and everyone freaks out! How bout a cold war2 is that (on) now?


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha, you guys think that the Govt just started spying on it citizens? Ha Ha.
Remember J. Edgar Hoover? What about the LBJ years? Or Nixons? How about Lincoln? Silly wabbits.