Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
Here another crime commited by the illegitimate bush regime, that the complicit congress will ignore ... therefore making them criminals as well ...

[URL=""]Turley: “It Is Rather Clear That What The President Ordered Was A Federal Crime” [/URL]

The Bush administration has been using the “state secrets” defense in order to have federal law suits challenging their illegal eavesdropping programs thrown out of court. So far, they have been successful; thanks, in most cases, to lazy or partisan judges who have given little or no scrutiny of the validity of their claims which, according to Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley on Tuesday’s Countdown, are nothing more than unconstitutional attempts to cover up their own federal crimes.
Olbermann: “With or without this new law, suppose one of the anti-wiretapping civil lawsuits succeeds, what does that legal victory actually mean then in terms of stopping the government or punishing Alberto Gonzales or any other top officials who were responsible for this?”

Turley: “Well, it can mean a lot and that’s one of the reasons there’s a lot of people, both Democrats and Republicans, who don’t want to see it happen. They don’t want a court to say that the president did something that is a federal crime. That’s why they’re trying to get all these cases thrown out of court because it is rather clear that what the president ordered was a federal crime, clearly defined in federal law. But that causes a problem because many of the Democratic leaders and Republican leaders have promised each other that they would not start impeachment proceedings, but when a federal judge says the president committed a crime, it’s pretty darn hard to ignore that.”

A congress that fails to uphold their oath of office must step down! :spew:



New Member
Here another crime commited by the illegitimate bush regime, that the complicit congress will ignore ... therefore making them criminals as well ...

[URL=""]Turley: “It Is Rather Clear That What The President Ordered Was A Federal Crime” [/URL]

The Bush administration has been using the “state secrets” defense in order to have federal law suits challenging their illegal eavesdropping programs thrown out of court. So far, they have been successful; thanks, in most cases, to lazy or partisan judges who have given little or no scrutiny of the validity of their claims which, according to Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley on Tuesday’s Countdown, are nothing more than unconstitutional attempts to cover up their own federal crimes.
Olbermann: “With or without this new law, suppose one of the anti-wiretapping civil lawsuits succeeds, what does that legal victory actually mean then in terms of stopping the government or punishing Alberto Gonzales or any other top officials who were responsible for this?”
Turley: “Well, it can mean a lot and that’s one of the reasons there’s a lot of people, both Democrats and Republicans, who don’t want to see it happen. They don’t want a court to say that the president did something that is a federal crime. That’s why they’re trying to get all these cases thrown out of court because it is rather clear that what the president ordered was a federal crime, clearly defined in federal law. But that causes a problem because many of the Democratic leaders and Republican leaders have promised each other that they would not start impeachment proceedings, but when a federal judge says the president committed a crime, it’s pretty darn hard to ignore that.”
A congress that fails to uphold their oath of office must step down! :spew:
Exactly, they're all complicent


New Member
Ahhh, yes ...

So you guys are in agreement that those in Congress and the Senate should resign from office if they do not follow their oaths to defend and uphold Constitution? Great! ... because I feel the very same way! So, from here on out, every bill they try to pass should also pass constitutional muster as well, right? I mean, let's not have flexible principles here. So, right off the bat, we can get rid of FEMA, right? I mean, where in the Constitution does it say that the citizens of Kentucky, or Arizona, for example, must pay for the rehabilitation of infrastructure in New Orleans? Where in the Constitution does it say that Universities have to have racial quotas? Where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government can dictate what is a hate crime and what isn't? Where in the Constitution does is say that the federal government can take over our entire, privately run health care system? Where in the Constitution does it say that federal jack-booted thugs can raid and destroy medical marijuana compassion clubs? I can continue on with this almost forever, but you two get the message, I'm sure. On second thought ... maybe you don't.



New Member
i get it. and i agree.

cut them all and replace with local state programs instead of federal.

down with big government and replace with local compassionate programs. dont think the local governments can do what the federal is doing? the money for either is coming from the same


Well-Known Member
i get it. and i agree.

cut them all and replace with local state programs instead of federal.

down with big government and replace with local compassionate programs. dont think the local governments can do what the federal is doing? the money for either is comming from the same
Yes, I agree. Fuck the federal government. They're all corrupt, the Republicans, the Democrats, all of them. They should all be impeached and we should go back to state-run governments.


New Member
Gawd Damn! I'm glad you guyz are on board. Now we have to get to work on Med and GrowRebel ... even though GR may be a lost cause. Come to think of it ... Med's probably a lost cause too. :blsmoke:



New Member
Gawd Damn! I'm glad you guyz are on board. Now we have to get to work on Med and GrowRebel ... even though GR may be a lost cause. Come to think of it ... Med's probably a lost cause too. :blsmoke:

I could give a flying fuck about your right wing causes. I don't care who provides comprehensive medical to the citizens, state or federal, Just get something going. The private medical system is fucking broken, period.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, yes ...

So you guys are in agreement that those in Congress and the Senate should resign from office if they do not follow their oaths to defend and uphold Constitution? Great! ... because I feel the very same way! So, from here on out, every bill they try to pass should also pass constitutional muster as well, right? I mean, let's not have flexible principles here. So, right off the bat, we can get rid of FEMA, right? I mean, where in the Constitution does it say that the citizens of Kentucky, or Arizona, for example, must pay for the rehabilitation of infrastructure in New Orleans? Where in the Constitution does it say that Universities have to have racial quotas? Where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government can dictate what is a hate crime and what isn't? Where in the Constitution does is say that the federal government can take over our entire, privately run health care system? Where in the Constitution does it say that federal jack-booted thugs can raid and destroy medical marijuana compassion clubs? I can continue on with this almost forever, but you two get the message, I'm sure. On second thought ... maybe you don't.

This still does not address the issue of high crimes being committed by this regime ... sure we could do with out the feds ... but they are here and high ranking members are committing federal crimes. If it isn't address it will pave the way for even more serious crimes ... if that's possible.:roll:


New Member
This still does not address the issue of high crimes being committed by this regime ... sure we could do with out the feds ... but they are here and high ranking members are committing federal crimes. If it isn't address it will pave the way for even more serious crimes ... if that's possible.
Welcome to the Orwellian State GrowRebel. Now here's how to fix it: Stop the hate mongering. It is doing nothing but sapping your energy. Use your energy instead to contact every one of your government representatives ... and voice your disgust at what's happening. If they (Republicans) try to get a bill passed to pay for a bridge to nowhere, call them up and protest. If they (the Democrats) want to pass a federal hate crime bill, which is nothing more than a law against thought, call them up and protest. If they want to give amnesty to 12 millions law breakers, call them up and protest. Millions, upon millions of people should be doing this at this point. I mean, the president's approval rating is around 20%. Congress' approval rating is around 12%. That means that there a a lot of disenfranchised people in this country who are ready for a major change of the Old Guard. They got the message on the amnesty bill ... and they will get the message on all the rest of the bull shit too. Call and protest. Protest via Email. If enough of us to that ... they WILL listen, or get voted out of office. If we have to vote out the next five congresses, so be it. Just stop with all the hate and start using your head. Not dissing you here at all, just trying to show you what an outside observer sees.




New Member
Welcome to the Orwellian State GrowRebel. Now here's how to fix it: Stop the hate mongering. It is doing nothing but sapping your energy. Use your energy instead to contact every one of your government representatives ... and voice your disgust at what's happening. If they (Republicans) try to get a bill passed to pay for a bridge to nowhere, call them up and protest. If they (the Democrats) want to pass a federal hate crime bill, which is nothing more than a law against thought, call them up and protest. If they want to give amnesty to 12 millions law breakers, call them up and protest. Millions, upon millions of people should be doing this at this point. I mean, the president's approval rating is around 20%. Congress' approval rating is around 12%. That means that there a a lot of disenfranchised people in this country who are ready for a major change of the Old Guard. They got the message on the amnesty bill ... and they will get the message on all the rest of the bull shit too. Call and protest. Protest via Email. If enough of us to that ... they WILL listen, or get voted out of office. If we have to vote out the next five congresses, so be it. Just stop with all the hate and start using your head. Not dissing you here at all, just trying to show you what an outside observer sees.


You are far from an outside observer, you have a definent agenda.


Well-Known Member
Gawd Damn! I'm glad you guyz are on board. Now we have to get to work on Med and GrowRebel ... even though GR may be a lost cause. Come to think of it ... Med's probably a lost cause too. :blsmoke:

Vi you write beautifuly and make good sence, but I worry about your sanity sometimes. As a definition of insanity is doing something over and over the same way and expecting a different result. But hell I don't know what your expections are and you seem very sane.
How many years have you worked on med? The poor slob that he is, is just doing his job and works hard at it.

Me I just get high and play as I expect you do also or at least the playing part.

For my part it just seems like med asks to be played with.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Orwellian State GrowRebel. Now here's how to fix it: Stop the hate mongering. It is doing nothing but sapping your energy.

What hate mongering? Because I demand accountability? That's your misguided view of the situation ... turning a blind eye to the crimes being committed is productive in your outside observation ...
... and what makes you think I haven't contacted my reps? ... another misperception on your part ...

You need to learn the difference between hate and accountability ... that will be your first step to the road of understanding ... :neutral:


Well-Known Member
When did PBS show it? ... What was the title of the show?


Well-Known Member
More war crimes by the illegitimate bush regime ... to support these criminals is a crime in itself ... :spew::-|

[URL=""]“Thousands” Illegally Rendered By Bush Administration for Interrogation, Torture [/URL]
In violation of international and U.S. law, “thousands” of alleged terrorists have been victims of “extraordinary rendition” by the Bush Administration since 9/11, two legal scholars say. “Instead of working to bring those committing crimes against the United States to justice in U.S. courts, the Bush Administration seems intent on doing exactly the opposite---keeping such individuals away from U.S. courts, hidden in a web of secret prisons, underground interrogation cells, and in the hands of cooperative governments,” write Margaret Satterthwaite and Angela Fisher. Satterthwaite is an assistant professor of clinical law at NYU School of Law and Fisher served as assistant research scholar with the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. “Extraordinary renditions, whether originating in territories under U.S. control (actual or effective) or merely carried out by U.S. agents, are unlawful and in violation of international treaties to which the United States is a party,” the authors write. “Despite this clear prohibition, the Bush Administration continues to engage in this practice, using it to transfer detainees out of the reach of U.S. courts and into the realm of secret detentions and brutal interrogations.”

Doesn't make you feel comfy cozy warm to know this is done in our name with our taxs dollars ... :roll:


Well-Known Member
More war crimes by the illegitimate bush regime ... to support these criminals is a crime in itself ... :spew::-|

[URL=""]“Thousands” Illegally Rendered By Bush Administration for Interrogation, Torture [/URL]
In violation of international and U.S. law, “thousands” of alleged terrorists have been victims of “extraordinary rendition” by the Bush Administration since 9/11, two legal scholars say. “Instead of working to bring those committing crimes against the United States to justice in U.S. courts, the Bush Administration seems intent on doing exactly the opposite---keeping such individuals away from U.S. courts, hidden in a web of secret prisons, underground interrogation cells, and in the hands of cooperative governments,” write Margaret Satterthwaite and Angela Fisher. Satterthwaite is an assistant professor of clinical law at NYU School of Law and Fisher served as assistant research scholar with the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. “Extraordinary renditions, whether originating in territories under U.S. control (actual or effective) or merely carried out by U.S. agents, are unlawful and in violation of international treaties to which the United States is a party,” the authors write. “Despite this clear prohibition, the Bush Administration continues to engage in this practice, using it to transfer detainees out of the reach of U.S. courts and into the realm of secret detentions and brutal interrogations.”

Doesn't make you feel comfy cozy warm to know this is done in our name with our taxs dollars ... :roll:

Massachusetts School of Law, isnt this the same state that wants to make spanking your own kid illegal?


New Member
Massachusetts School of Law, isnt this the same state that wants to make spanking your own kid illegal?
So chris, then you wouldn't mind if the USA or some other country Renditioned you then? Scooped you up on the street, hooded you and shuffled you off to God knows where and tortured you to within an inch of your life. Seems like it would be fair to do to all that believe renditioning to be fair game.


Well-Known Member
So chris, then you wouldn't mind if the USA or some other country Renditioned you then? Scooped you up on the street, hooded you and shuffled you off to God knows where and tortured you to within an inch of your life. Seems like it would be fair to do to all that believe renditioning to be fair game.

A. I am not of Middleastern descent
B. I am not Muslim

I didnt turn the world against them, they did a good enough job on their own.