Amber or cloudy trichomes?


Active Member
I'm a newbie. Last year I grew indoors under a single 400watt light, 8 plants in two gallon containers containing standard potting soil. Nothing fancy, I watered by hand and had what I considered great results for a beginner. This year I switched to a homemade ebb and flow system using General Hydroponics Flora Series. I'm now at day 52 of bloom ( Sannie's Seeds Herculies Fem), with fifty percent of the pistiles having turned amber. I'm checking the trichomes daily waiting for them to turn from clear to cloudy. I've read somewhere that if I wait until the trichomes turn amber, the effect is less psychotropic and better for pain. I suffer from arthritis and pain relief is what I'm working toward. Yesterday, I cut a small lower limb off and microwaved the cola then smoked some as a test. Considering that it hadn't been cured or even dried properly, the effect was heartening - smooth mellow pain relief. The question is, should I continue to wait for the full term of 63 day bloom or start harvesting? Thanks in advance for your help.


Active Member
I suffer from a vascular necrosis of the left hip. I go with more amber for pain relief.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Pics would help.

Pistils - I don't get excited until they've all turned colour and shriveled.

Trichs - Clear = underdeveloped and little or no THC.
Cloudy = Peak.
Amber = Past peak.

There will always be some clear trichs, so don't wait for them to all turn. But if you harves at the first sight of amber, there'll be too many clear.

I did some reading, and it seem that the "perfect" time for harvest is when the majority of the trichs are cloudy, with an almost even mix of clear and amber.


Active Member
Thanks for the input.

I've read just enough on the internet to be dangerous so pardon me if I say something totally stupid - partially stupid is okay, I am a newbie after all.

Last year, I know now that I probably harvested just a little too early. I grew both indica and sativas and harvested when the pestiles were half amber. I never looked at the trichomes and the high was slightly “trippy”. Be warned: here's comes the dangerous part – I've since read that a higher percentage of CBD in relation to THC is better for old people like me, better for pain and that waiting longer produces more CBD. Is that generally correct or do I go to the wood shed?


Well-Known Member
Ive only grew a few times myself, but I have come to the much of the same conclusions threw my research. The waiting allows the THC to regrade somewhat and more CBD becomes present. It is believed that CBD carries more potential for medical benefits (such as inflammation and pain) over THC.


Well-Known Member
I would wait for 25% amber minimum and as much as half amber. I am assuming you want to kick back and relax more than trip out and be real energized, but only you know that. If you look around there will be some clear glands even when you have half amber.

To be technical it is thc turning to cbn and not cbd. cbd levels remain the same. cbn is associated with sedative properties. If you want a more up high then harvest earlier. There are also different terpenes which have pain relieving properties and these may be affected by harvest timing.