Alright I have my FF Ocean Forest and my Sphagnum Peat Moss


Well-Known Member
I am wondering how I should cut this? I'm thinking an 80/20% of Ocean Forest/Peat Moss. How does this sound?

PS. I was going to get some FF Light Warrior for the FFOF, but my local store was out till this weekend, and said that non-Miracle Grow Sphagnum Peat Moss would cool her down a little bit.

also, since I'm just using peat moss with the Ocean Forest, should I get some perlite too to keep the soil from getting too clumpy? or just invest in the Light Warrior?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
i don't really think the light warrior is worth the investment. I needed soil right away cuz my seeds germinated faster than anticipated but I wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't such short notice. Don't get me wrong it's really good for starting seeds but I don't think it's worth the price. It's really just perlite and peat moss i think it's really light. That's what I would do, just miox the PM and perlite and get a nice light fluffy mix and just use that for germing and than transplant into the ocean forest. I don't use it but my soil has like a bunch of worm castings and soil with worm castings and soil with chicken manure so it's probably similar.


Well-Known Member
so, should I cut my Ocean Forest with some of the peat moss and perlite? Ocean Forest soil has a reputation to be kind of hot. and the peat moss should cool it down, and the perlite should make sure it is arid enough.

you say I should just germinate my seeds in the peat moss+ perlite.. and then transplant?

I planned on doing the paper towel plastic bag technique to germinate.. what are you feelings on that?


Well-Known Member
I mixed the ocean forest with the peat moss about 85/15 Ocean forest/Peat moss. the Ocean Forest had plenty of perlite in it, it smells great too.


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me..i use FFOF with pure coco..this is how i do it..first i add straight perlite at the bottom for good drainage then add a lil coco then 2scoops of FFOF then a scoop of coco and i do it like that till my pots full..then i layer the top with worm castings and coco to keep it cool and worm castings create cO2 when the lights go off


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me..i use FFOF with pure coco..this is how i do it..first i add straight perlite at the bottom for good drainage then add a lil coco then 2scoops of FFOF then a scoop of coco and i do it like that till my pots full..then i layer the top with worm castings and coco to keep it cool and worm castings create cO2 when the lights go off
Wow- really? Alright, I was thinking about my drainage. I used small seashells last time haha. I need some perlite, and possibly a small bag of castings if not too much :bigjoint:

and I probably did pay too much. when I feel like experimenting with making my own medium I won't. ;-)