Alcohol Tincture, No I dont know what Im doing :)


Well-Known Member
I decided to try something new yet again!
This is 19 grams of trim/shake/bud put thru the coffee grinder
I put it in a jar with enough Bacardi 151 to cover it and let it sit over night.
Now its sitting in a water simmer to evaporate down the alcohol. I want to end up with 2oz of liquid.
Its sitting about 180 degrees, its been in there 2 hours so far and maybe an ounce has evaporated.
After it gets to where Im happy Ill strain it through cheesecloth and press it with my trusty C clamp.
the idea is I want this to be VERY strong, where a dose is only a few drops. Do any of you with experience think it will be that strong? Ive never made this before.
Ill add more pics when I get there!


Well-Known Member
I wonder if I can run it through a coffee filter instead of the cheesecloth, theres tons of tiny particulate.


Active Member
I don't have much experience with extracts but I think that a coffee filter will be fine. That stuff is very ground up and would easily go through a cheesecloth.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Use a coarse filter first, cheesecloth, a strainer, whatever. Then a coffee filter, it takes forever.

You've made Green Dragon.

My tincture.

99%ISO, stick it in the freezer for a day or so. Take your weed and put it in a paper bag (not really necessary, but I do it), heat it in the oven at 140F until it's really dry (decarbs the pot). Put the over dried weed in the freezer overnight.

Mix the chilled weed and ISO, and give it a good shake, don't let it get warm.

Strain the mixture throught something coarse, and give the weed a good squeeze.

Take the strained mix and pour it through a coffee filter(takes a long time), into a bowl.

In a well ventillated area, set the bowl in front of a fan and leave overnight. In the morning you'll have the extract.

-or- In a very well ventillated area, heat a pan of water to a very low simmer (no boiling), place the bowl of ISO mixture into the warm/hot water.

When all the ISO has evaporated, you're good to go.


Now you can add it to just about anything.


Well-Known Member
I use a 110mu filter supchaka. I think a coffeefilter would perhaps hold some of the gooies back (and take ages like Hugo said).

I do a 30 second wash which is a nice and quick method. Then throigh the 110 mu and onto a casserole dish to evaporate.

Good luck with your endeavours!



Well-Known Member
Oops Forgot to subscribe to my own thread! The tincture was a success although it's not a couple drops, it is less than 2 dropper fulls for a dose. Jig and FM tested it for me and I've used it on my mom twice. She's on hospice now and even with morphine and Ativan she has fear and confusion so when I dose her up although she's still wasted and mumbles there is no crying and fear. It's a beautiful thing to be able to provide some relief for her that even hospice can't do. If only I could tell them what's working!