Al B Fuct U Helped With These


Well-Known Member
Al B Fuct is the man hes helping me out big time all you beginner growers should hit him up hes an expert Check these widows out 10 days


Well-Known Member
Thanks man im just keepin my fingers crossed hoping for no serious problems plus getting some great help from Al B Fuct man


Active Member
those look nice! He is the man he's also helping me out with the most info on sog that i've found, truly a genius as far as i'm concerned!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Look good. I forget how long and slow seed plants take lolBeen awhile.Wonder if I could ever go back to seeds and that extra 2-3 months it takes naaaa..Good babies though


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, while you guys are gushing out loud about how Al has helped you, why not give him some approval points by clicking on the scales above one of his posts. Then in the comments area you can tell him you love him, and sign your name.

Now click on my scales for telling you this. :mrgreen:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
potroast, the approval points are a good fun game, but my real payoff is seeing mosberg911's happy little seedlings doing OK. I'll consider I've done really well when he's smoking his own. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys im happy i started this post Al B Fuct we can talk here instead of the pm. Ok today i was out and my room got a little hot for a little 85 but i got it under control very fast My humidity has been a constant like 27 29 percent the plants look better when the hut is open it builds to much hot air when all ziped up

Im only watering them once a day Im pretty amazed at the close up images from them pics this cam was only like 90 bucks it does an excellent job im gonna need you guys for this one so come for the ride lol


Well-Known Member
Ok Al this will make it more clear this is whats on the bottle of nuts My res in 10 gallons How much nutrient do you think will be 800ppm I mean how much you think i should add going on this



Well-Known Member
The part thats cut off on the the left says

Gen Purpose- Mild
Veg Growth
Transition To bloom


Well-Known Member
Heres another chart pic not cut off When are these plants in veg Are they vegging now? Should I be adding more gro, right now they are on the cutting and seedlings Amount 1/4 tsp gallon which equals around 400ppm in the res


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
It's hard for me to correlate ppm numbers to the GH specifications for the particular growth phase. That may be a good research project for you!

Mix up each recipe, noting the base ppm of your make-up water and then noting the resultant ppm. You can then subtract the plain water figure to tell you how much actual nutrient ppm the particular recipes produce.

Your plants are vegging when you are giving them greater than 18 hours/day light.

I wouldn't bump up the nutrient strength or move to the next recipe until the plant has its second pair of 'true' leaves, that is those with 5 blades on a stem.

400ppm is about right for now, 800ppm when you get the second set of 'true' leaves, 1300-1500 when the plant is well established, about 8" tall.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I haven't used GH Flora series in a few years, but IIRC 5 ml/gal of each is 900 ppm.