AKR Hermie Suggestions


Well-Known Member
Hey. So my last AKR Hermied and I'm wondering if tec or any breeders can tell me how soon this sac is gonna bust. I've been doing some reading but it seems to vary a bit, thought maybe a second set of eyes might help. Gonna pollinate my NLxBB I guess, only other Auto going atm. Pics below. I would let it self pollinate but this AKR has been harvested once and it's just popcorn buds I let keep going for shits and grins, glad i did.IMG_20140711_032742455.jpg IMG_20140711_032755947.jpg IMG_20140711_032730244.jpg


bud bootlegger
you've probably got about, idk, 2 weeks or so till it blows it's wad... it'll open, and 5 banana looking things will come out.. then they will drop down on this string looking thing... once they drop down on the string, they will bust their nuts very shortly there after..


Well-Known Member
must be in the 15 week stage :D / hemp like stem growth and almost looks like reveg stage
ya itll be a week or two
problem is alot of times the first few sacks that show are sterile
just from my experience
you may very well get lucky though
sending tranny vibs your way o_O lol good luck bro hope you get some fems from it


Well-Known Member
must be in the 15 week stage :D / hemp like stem growth and almost looks like reveg stage
ya itll be a week or two
problem is alot of times the first few sacks that show are sterile
just from my experience
you may very well get lucky though
sending tranny vibs your way o_O lol good luck bro hope you get some fems from it
Lol awwwww hell no don't jinx it! Ya its revegging she was chopped to zilch.


Well-Known Member
right on. we'll see what she does, only the one sac so far, but god she stinks like cool mint, one whiff anywhere near the plant and I swear I get a contact high.