AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna flush,Iv never flushed before and Im pretty sure flushing is a forum myth and a waste of perfectly H20. As Iv read elsewhere a few times "we're not growing toilets". ;)


Well-Known Member
Getting closer now, trics on parts (mostly smaller bottom buds, I took a pic of the most amber area, and its only a small part) are starting to tell me its nearly time to chop, a few ambers, then like 50/50 cloudy clear...but to be honest, the plants overall dont look "ready" to me yet, gonna give them a few more days anyways, want to see them swell alot first...gonna chop on Day 53 at the latest anyways.




Active Member
lookin nice, whats the story on your temps with the 600w with this warmer weather, is everything still keeping pretty cool?


Well-Known Member
I dont think it'll be as high as if I'd gone 600 from the start (only upgraded after my 400w died in week 2/3 of 12/12). Next grow should be better,won't be as afraid of the nutes either.


I thought maybe the plants being 12 inches from a non-air-cooled light would be too hot for them but obviously not. I just bought 2 air-cooled reflectors and I'm growing seperate from my house in a shed...probably should have just bought a couple of them batwing reflectors or whatever their called.


Well-Known Member
No pics in this update,will take some tomorrow and post them up. Gonna be chopping on Thurs regardless,sometimes things have to be done! Will be loads of pics tho.

Anyways most of the pistils have/are receding or at least starting to thin out. Some calyxes are really ripe and others havnt swollen yet,we'll see what the next two days brings us!



Well-Known Member
Coming down tomorrow, so this is their last day of life. Probably wouldve given em another week if I could but sure thats life!



Well-Known Member
Ok so heres the tops, they look tiny in the tent from so far back but they're not ;)

Anything smaller than a lighter just went in a paper bag to dry.

Will post up weight and smoke report once theyre dry.



Well-Known Member
Just hang them then jar them...it's about 18 degrees C in the tent with just an oscillating fan and the exhaust running. For smaller buds I just put them in a paper bag and give them a mix every once in a while. Trim I freeze immediately after clipping it.


Well-Known Member
Final weight was 12 zips, but thats not including some was lost to mold. The biggest cola when I was chopping was like black mush in the middle :( the rest of the plant didnt look too great either. The other plants werent effected. I figure it was from all the fans being on the lights timers, humidity was getting to like 93%...wont make that mistake again.

Smoke is awesome, real hard head buzz at first mellowing out to a relaxed body but still social buzz. Made brownies and cookies with it and made about 2.3 grams of hash that was EPIC, way stonier than the weed, got slight colours in the vision from smoking 0.5g in a joint :D

Got 6 more on the way, 5 in Airpots, 1 in a normal black 11L square plastic pot. The Airpot ones are much bigger and greener that the one in the standard pot even tho it sprouted sooner, will throw up a pic soon.


Well-Known Member
I think the evidence speaks for itself, the 3 Airpot plants in this pic are clearly much happier than the one in the standard pot.



Active Member
I think the evidence speaks for itself, the 3 Airpot plants in this pic are clearly much happier than the one in the standard pot.
Agree with this. I have 3 plants on the go. 2 in airpots and one in a standard pot. 2 in the airpots are much bigger and better looking.


Well-Known Member
i have an ak48 12/12 from seed and it looks totally different, the leaves look different :-/ got mine on-line nirvana