After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........


Well-Known Member
Were planning breakfast Sat also, right?....I'm bringing orange juice & eggs....and buttermilk biscuits to bake fresh & honey & butter....:hump:
I have a big cast iron griddle that should fit on the outdoor stove on the trailer....
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Well-Known Member
New chair, √

Even though I am not bringing coffee, I am out of coffee beans at my house and I forgot to buy some.
Yes, I had a list. So, one more morning of inferior, already ground coffee that has an unpleasant stale odor to my nose.
I also forgot cat food.
I am also the biggest bust in Tulare county because while being stopped for roadwork I see 3 roaches in my car cubby in plain view, lol.
Part of me wants to drive all the way back to Visalia for coffee.


Well-Known Member
How is the rain in Sac JJ? I am so jonesing to go! Storm is expected to be done here about 9 AM Friday. I will probably leave and head to PO and then the BBQ. I may have some fluid. I don't use it any more. I have a metal starter cylinder that lights the coal with newspaper.



Well-Known Member
Fumble and I are meeting at my house at 9am Friday.we are going to get the trailer @ 10:30 should be there by noon. Then we are going back to Walmart on 65 to shop. We can decide at camp what we need for breakfast and dinner Friday. We can get the lighter fluid then. does that sound ok JJ? Be thinking of what we need. I'm going to put the trailer on top so we have elec.
Sam I'm bringing my coffee maker the grinds beans fresh with each pot . I'm get a bag of beans when we shop.


Well-Known Member
How is the rain in Sac JJ? I am so jonesing to go! Storm is expected to be done here about 9 AM Friday. I will probably leave and head to PO and then the BBQ. I may have some fluid. I don't use it any more. I have a metal starter cylinder that lights the coal with newspaper.

it's raining pretty good right now, supposed to rain all day & into tonight. the heavy winds have stopped & this just raining....