Aeroponic PH range....


Active Member
Ok, this seems extremely stupid to me, but, I guess I need to ask advice on the ideal PH level for a low pressure aeroponic system. I thought I had my stories straight when it came to PH,... I mean, that is basic "growing 101" type knowledge and it is more than a bit embarrassing to have to ask. I researched a few growing sites and forums and it seems I get a pretty wide range of answers ranging from 5.0 up to 8.0.

Can someone who knows for a fact please tell me where I should set my PH at? I have been setting it at about 6.5, testing daily, and adjusting as needed. Now I am hearing that this is too high. My plants are growing and look healthy, but are not doing it very quickly. Perhaps the proper PH level would help them out a little.

Will the real perfect PH level please stand up?!?

Thank you in advance for any advice.




I like to let mine meander between 5.2 and 6. My understanding is different minerals are more readily available at different levels and chasing the perfect 5.5 is just to hard to keep all the time, some fluctuation is ok but don't go anywhere near 7 in hydro. I think 6.2 or 6.5 is max