Aerogarden Help


Well-Known Member
well she died, i still dont know what happened to her, I couldnt find anyone who knew what that issue was either, I think im just gonna get rid of this ag and say fuck it, too much effort

yea might as well and cut your losses.stick to the norm alot easier!


Well-Known Member
Why? I've had very good results with the A/G's lights, especially if you get the up grade kit with three high intensity CFL's. In an A/G you're going to grow plants not ten foot trees. With the upgrade kit you have a twenty four inch arm/light stand and you can grow them that big.


Well-Known Member
A/G's nutrients are okay up to the flowering stage but they're not designed for what we want to do with the A/G. You might want to try Technaflora's, "recipe for success," at your local hydroponics store. You can get a starter kit for about $40 and it's gotten me through a couple of crops and I still have some left over. You have formulas for all the stages of growth and it's very user friendly.

As far as lighting is concerned, that's what drew me to the A/G. Admittedly the two round CFL's are a little weak for M/J but they don't use a lot of electricity either. The three lamp hood available in the upgrade kit will light up a couple of plants as far as the twenty four inches of arm/lamp stand height and that keeps it simple. I got an advanced look at a book coming out this fall by a guy named Sebastian that will explain a lot of what you're asking about.


Well-Known Member
So heres a thought... Anyone ever heard of a way to keep one plant going, and pluck as you go. ya know, harvest what you want for the next few weeks and then let it keep going? If so how long can this go on? Im only using it for my personal use so...
If you feed it and keep it lit about eighteen hours a day you should be ale to do it indefinitely. I did it for about nine months.


Well-Known Member
I need some help. I baught one of these because I live in a small, Monitored apartment, is it at all possible to just grow with the aerogarden the way it is? This is basically my size restraint and my maximum size available, I currently have 2 small bushy plants growing, I started the seeds on feb 12, 9 weeks ago, In all the pods, these are the ones which survived. You see i went into the hospital for a while so the upkeep was very slopy, but they are ok! and strong but very very small in comparison to what ive seen in other postings, they are now on 12-12 but; one is 8 inches tall and 13 inces wide, and another is about 4 inches tall and 8 inces wide. They have 14 branches all from the main stem and are starting to get more leafs growing at their stems bases. Will they be ok? worth keeping? or are they garbage, fuck em and start over? PLEASE HELP! I know its a small operation, but its only for my head and must be kept concealed. I will try to get some photos for everyone.
Aero420: you're going to grow miniature treats and the A/G is very user friendly if you pay attention to what you're doing. I've used them for a while and I have no interest in anything else. Good luck


Well-Known Member
here the pictures, this entire set will be placed into a closet in 2 days, these pictures are as of 9 weeks, 6 24- 0 and 3 weeks 12-12. After these pictures were taken, i removed the lower two fan leaves on the taller plant they had either nutrient issues or spider mites but did not spread to the rest of the plant. I added nutrients after this, these spots have been there since the beginning and never seemed to bother any other part of the plants. does anyone have any input on NUTRIENTS or pH im not well educated in this field but I catch on quick so any help will be awesome thanks!
Aerogarden now recommends changing the nutrients at the feeding schedule, (When the light comes on). They never said anything about pH but on the advice of others I adjust mine as close to 5.8 as possible and changing my nutrient mix weekly keeps it pretty close. I still check it every day because it does change as nutrients are absorbed. Do you have a pH test kit? If you don't you should get one. Also, you might want to use either distilled water or a good safe bottled water because you wouldn't believe how bad the stuff is that comes out of most taps.


Well-Known Member
got rid of it for his own lights
To me that doesn't make a lot of sense. You have a self contained unit with sufficient lighting to do the job for two to three small plants and the reservoir won't accommodate more than that anyway. It's very energy efficient and you opt for bigger lamps, why use the A/G?