aerocloner problems 90% down to 10%


Active Member
Hi, I use an aerocloner (cutting in neoprene basket with water spraying underneath) to make my clones. I used to have about 90% success now the last couple months it has been 10% or less. I use distilled water, a sterile scalpel, temp is about 69 F. I take a clipping and recut under water. What gives? Here are some questions I have. 1) Just use RO water or distilled? Add a few drops of bleach to keep stuff from growing?2) Add nutes to water?3) How much light? 24 on? Total darkness?Anything else?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I use an aerocloner (cutting in neoprene basket with water spraying underneath) to make my clones. I used to have about 90% success now the last couple months it has been 10% or less. I use distilled water, a sterile scalpel, temp is about 69 F. I take a clipping and recut under water. What gives? Here are some questions I have. 1) Just use RO water or distilled?i have 100% rate for years using tap water only Add a few drops of bleach to keep stuff from growing?no.2) Add nutes to water?nutes are for roots. NO3) How much light?very little, a small cfl is perfect 24 on?yEsTotal darkness?noAnything else?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I use an aerocloner (cutting in neoprene basket with water spraying underneath) to make my clones. I used to have about 90% success now the last couple months it has been 10% or less. I use distilled water, a sterile scalpel, temp is about 69 F. I take a clipping and recut under water. What gives? Here are some questions I have. 1) Just use RO water or distilled? Add a few drops of bleach to keep stuff from growing?2) Add nutes to water?3) How much light? 24 on? Total darkness?Anything else?
What's your humidity? Are you using a dome? Why the need for baskets?



Rebel From The North
I start geting a few that woulnt root so i did a super clean up and sterile rinse
and now im back to 100% rooting!

try doing a complete break down


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, FYI humidity started to rot them real quick.
Yes, just look how "rotted" these plants look that were rooted using a modified botanicare 2x2 tray, lid I drilled, and dome keeping rh in the mid 90s till rooted.

Without the dome the cuttings would just wilt.



Well-Known Member
its probably just a lil dirty, as the above stated do a break down and clean the machine and when cutting clones cut then double cut under water. any kind of airlock in the stem will cause stems to mush and well you know.. good luck and KEEP ON GROWIN