Advice For Dealing With The Ex-Girlfriend


Weed is on this planet for a reason, so from a chill perspective here's what I think.... Don't burn any bridges even if the bitch is crazy. Let her know that you are keeping it, but let her know if she ever wants to kick it you would be more than happy to chill with her (and even smoke her out *optional*)

Life is too short to be negative towards anyone. They say it is the art of mental alchemy to transform shitty situations into situations advantageous to you.


Active Member
Weed is on this planet for a reason, so from a chill perspective here's what I think.... Don't burn any bridges even if the bitch is crazy. Let her know that you are keeping it, but let her know if she ever wants to kick it you would be more than happy to chill with her (and even smoke her out *optional*)

Life is too short to be negative towards anyone. They say it is the art of mental alchemy to transform shitty situations into situations advantageous to you.
you must be high lol..

"its like its both of ours but we will just keep it at my house"

...shes gonna bitch at you lol..prolly has her friends saying that she should take it back,that its hers and fuck her mindset is prolly that it is hers and is owed to her.

just like all these guys are telling you about her...