*Admin - Please Read* - Edit Thread Name


Drugs Taught Me Metric!

My grow journal is found at https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/44954-dresser-3-sq-ft-17-a.html. The problem is my Thread says: "Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 17,500 Lumens - Hydro", However I made some modification and it should be re-named to "Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 20,600 Lumens - Hydro", otherwise my thread is mis-leading. I thought I could do this modification myself after I was and Elite member but I can't seem to find out how. If I am not able to do this myself, could a Moderator please do so? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Im no mod but i am wondering what happens next time you modify your set up,grow rooms are ever changing,do you really want to change the thread title every time you add something different.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Im no mod but i am wondering what happens next time you modify your set up,grow rooms are ever changing,do you really want to change the thread title every time you add something different.
You are correct. When I made the title I "thought" I was set. Obviously not and I should have not named my Thread with a Variable dependent on my cab. I have never really been on too many forums so I was not aware that changing your Thread title was not possible and I don't think it necessarily should be... If the title can't be changed, no biggie to me as I know how many Lumens I am using. I just thought it would be more clear for the other RIU members interested in my journal.