Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, or Xbox360 & Guitar Hero?


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to play too and I bought two guitars a year or so back, a cheapo strat off ebay for like $20 locally and then a while later a couple hundred dollar epophone les paul. I felt completely committed and screwed around with them for a couple months, a lot of time really and the more I played with them the more I annoyed myself having to hear how much I sucked at it and getting really mad at how long it took to get anywhere and having so many of the beginner songs just being stuff I absolutely hate anyway played well or not.

I sold off the more expensive guitar and now the $20 strat is a nice looking wall decoration and life is much more peaceful one again. :)

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Ha, im new to guitar leave me alone :cry:

Of get what you pay for :hump:
Im just sayin, as a begginer guitar, cheap is the way to go
Of course man , Keep playing it just gets better for you.
Try some of this since you have an Acoustic.

Its cool playing for your girl and you are playing actual music not some radio garbage.

Some of the songs have the Midi file so you know what the song sounds like.



stays relevant.
Just remember you get what you pay for.

I have been playing for about 15 years.

Cheap guitars are hard to keep in tune.
The intonations are off.
and most important the string are super high above the fret board.
Which means hurting fingers.

Better guitars have a "lower action" which mean the strings are closer to the fret board which again is easier to play.

Anyone who knows how to work on a guitar can lower the action... It's not a difficult task for anyone who knows what they are doing.

My vote though is on Xbox... so we can talk shit to eachother...

But if you get a guitar, get an acoustic... This way if you cant keep yourself fascinated by it, at least you didn't buy an electric (and also need to buy an amp)


Get an acoustic but dont get a cheapo piece of crap ive made that mistake. Also i love playing my guitar way more than my xbox there is nothing that compares to play an instrument, if i had to choose between the two its no contest guitar wins everytime. IMO get the acoustic first you wont sound as good right off the start but helps you become a better player and will make you respect the electric a lot more or at least it made me.


Well-Known Member
Xbox's break so easily, get it new, or youll regret it

So I guess the refurbished isn't worth it?

Damn. Just trying to save money where i can, maybe
I can get my mom to go half with me. Maybe she will
like playing guitar hero. :lol:

Anyone who knows how to work on a guitar can lower the action... It's not a difficult task for anyone who knows what they are doing.

My vote though is on Xbox... so we can talk shit to eachother...

But if you get a guitar, get an acoustic... This way if you cant keep yourself fascinated by it, at least you didn't buy an electric (and also need to buy an amp)
lol. I wasn't really planning to get Xbox Live....
how much is xbox live/month anyway?

Get an acoustic but dont get a cheapo piece of crap ive made that mistake. Also i love playing my guitar way more than my xbox there is nothing that compares to play an instrument, if i had to choose between the two its no contest guitar wins everytime. IMO get the acoustic first you wont sound as good right off the start but helps you become a better player and will make you respect the electric a lot more or at least it made me.
I didn't plan on spending alot on my first guitar...

thats why I was looking at a cheap one.


Well-Known Member
what songs do i like to play?

...i dont think you would of heard them but i like playing novelty crosses, warborn, a vulgar picture, paint it black (cover) all by the black dahlia murder. and i also like playing the intro to foam born (A) the backtrack and the clean parts to mordecai by between the buried and me. lol ever hear of any of those songs?


Well-Known Member
OH! for a really awesome program for tabs go to you could try the free trial but i would suggest just paying the 20 bucks. its really neat. its a program that actually plays the songs for you. and its really simple to use too.


Well-Known Member
You should get an inexpensive nylon string acoustic. I find that even the less expensive nylon strings sound really nice, compared to the less expensive steal strings which sound pretty flat.
Just my $.02. Good luck, lady! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Listen, if you get a guitar, and you are going to use something to read your guitar tabs, use Guitarpro, kitty. It is the BEST tabbing and music program on the market, guitar-wise for me, anyways. I played guitar for almost 10 solid years and can shred your shorts off with the likes of michael angelo batio. all with a lot of help from GuitarPro :)


So many answers saying the same thing...get a cheap guitar. Absolutely. If you want to get frustrated and give up, by all means by a pos off eBay. The #1 reason kids (and adults) give up is shitty playing guitars. I've seen it over and over as a guitar tech. Little Johnny says "I want to learn guitar!" The parents say "We better not spend much until we see him stick with it." So they go to Wally World and buy a Chinese made guitar with the strings sitting 1/2" off the fretboard, a bridge that is in the wrong position, tuners that have to be shoved back in the headstock every time they are turned, and to top it all off, frets that feel like razor wire when you slide you hand down the neck. "Gee, I wonder why Johnny doesn't play that guitar we bought him?" Maybe because he sliced his fingers with it.

If you seriously want to learn to play, you need to spend at least $200 on an acoustic, $150 on an electric (plus amp is extra). DO NOT BUY A GUITAR OFF OF TV! This price range is where guitars get good enough to actually learn to play on without fighting them. Avoid guitars made in China. Guitars made in Korea are actually pretty good (Schecter comes to mind). Feel the guitar before you buy it. Get your hand around the neck and see how it fits. If you have small hands and get a beefy '50s style neck, you are going to hate it.

By the same turn, do not get talked into a guitar that is too much for you. You don't need a $1600 Taylor. Buy a decent quality guitar in the price range I mentioned and take it to a guitar tech. If they are good, they can make a $200 acoustic PLAY like a Taylor.

Some good acoustic choices for beginners:
(There are many others)



So many answers saying the same thing...get a cheap guitar. Absolutely. If you want to get frustrated and give up, by all means by a pos off eBay. The #1 reason kids (and adults) give up is shitty playing guitars. I've seen it over and over as a guitar tech. Little Johnny says "I want to learn guitar!" The parents say "We better not spend much until we see him stick with it." So they go to Wally World and buy a Chinese made guitar with the strings sitting 1/2" off the fretboard, a bridge that is in the wrong position, tuners that have to be shoved back in the headstock every time they are turned, and to top it all off, frets that feel like razor wire when you slide you hand down the neck. "Gee, I wonder why Johnny doesn't play that guitar we bought him?" Maybe because he sliced his fingers with it.

If you seriously want to learn to play, you need to spend at least $200 on an acoustic, $150 on an electric (plus amp is extra). DO NOT BUY A GUITAR OFF OF TV! This price range is where guitars get good enough to actually learn to play on without fighting them. Avoid guitars made in China. Guitars made in Korea are actually pretty good (Schecter comes to mind). Feel the guitar before you buy it. Get your hand around the neck and see how it fits. If you have small hands and get a beefy '50s style neck, you are going to hate it.

By the same turn, do not get talked into a guitar that is too much for you. You don't need a $1600 Taylor. Buy a decent quality guitar in the price range I mentioned and take it to a guitar tech. If they are good, they can make a $200 acoustic PLAY like a Taylor.

Some good acoustic choices for beginners:
(There are many others)


^Haha, oh yeah, I remember years back when I just started to play guitar, my parents saw an ad on TV and bought an Esteban guitar for me. It was a POS; every string fret buzzed, the make quality of the guitar was terrible and it just sucked in general... I remember it was around $200 or so... we returned it the next day.

Well back on topic, I say that you should look into a electric guitar move over so than an acoustic. I'd say that all the brands that guitarabuser recommends are all good. I found the electric was way easier, more fun, and more versatile in terms of playability. Since money is a big factor, start off with a Fender Strat Squire, those are pretty nice to start off with. If you rather want an acoustic, personal feedback would be to look into the Ibanez Exotic Wood series. I know these are kind of pricey, but you probably wouldn't ever replace it with another acoustic. It's technically acoustic-electric, so you can plug it into an amp as well. I played one of their models in the Guitar Center and they look awesome, sound great and are pretty affordable. All in all it really depends on what you want though. "You get what you pay for."


Well-Known Member
what songs do i like to play?

...i dont think you would of heard them but i like playing novelty crosses, warborn, a vulgar picture, paint it black (cover) all by the black dahlia murder. and i also like playing the intro to foam born (A) the backtrack and the clean parts to mordecai by between the buried and me. lol ever hear of any of those songs?
I've heard of Paint it Black....

You should get an inexpensive nylon string acoustic. I find that even the less expensive nylon strings sound really nice, compared to the less expensive steal strings which sound pretty flat.
Just my $.02. Good luck, lady! :peace:
damn, the one I was looking at has steel strings...



Listen, if you get a guitar, and you are going to use something to read your guitar tabs, use Guitarpro, kitty. It is the BEST tabbing and music program on the market, guitar-wise for me, anyways. I played guitar for almost 10 solid years and can shred your shorts off with the likes of michael angelo batio. all with a lot of help from GuitarPro :)
So its just a program that teaches too?

So many answers saying the same thing...get a cheap guitar. Absolutely. If you want to get frustrated and give up, by all means by a pos off eBay. The #1 reason kids (and adults) give up is shitty playing guitars. I've seen it over and over as a guitar tech. Little Johnny says "I want to learn guitar!" The parents say "We better not spend much until we see him stick with it." So they go to Wally World and buy a Chinese made guitar with the strings sitting 1/2" off the fretboard, a bridge that is in the wrong position, tuners that have to be shoved back in the headstock every time they are turned, and to top it all off, frets that feel like razor wire when you slide you hand down the neck. "Gee, I wonder why Johnny doesn't play that guitar we bought him?" Maybe because he sliced his fingers with it.

If you seriously want to learn to play, you need to spend at least $200 on an acoustic, $150 on an electric (plus amp is extra). DO NOT BUY A GUITAR OFF OF TV! This price range is where guitars get good enough to actually learn to play on without fighting them. Avoid guitars made in China. Guitars made in Korea are actually pretty good (Schecter comes to mind). Feel the guitar before you buy it. Get your hand around the neck and see how it fits. If you have small hands and get a beefy '50s style neck, you are going to hate it.

By the same turn, do not get talked into a guitar that is too much for you. You don't need a $1600 Taylor. Buy a decent quality guitar in the price range I mentioned and take it to a guitar tech. If they are good, they can make a $200 acoustic PLAY like a Taylor.

Some good acoustic choices for beginners:
(There are many others)

If thats the case, do you think I could find a decent one at a pawn

^Haha, oh yeah, I remember years back when I just started to play guitar, my parents saw an ad on TV and bought an Esteban guitar for me. It was a POS; every string fret buzzed, the make quality of the guitar was terrible and it just sucked in general... I remember it was around $200 or so... we returned it the next day.

Well back on topic, I say that you should look into a electric guitar move over so than an acoustic. I'd say that all the brands that guitarabuser recommends are all good. I found the electric was way easier, more fun, and more versatile in terms of playability. Since money is a big factor, start off with a Fender Strat Squire, those are pretty nice to start off with. If you rather want an acoustic, personal feedback would be to look into the Ibanez Exotic Wood series. I know these are kind of pricey, but you probably wouldn't ever replace it with another acoustic. It's technically acoustic-electric, so you can plug it into an amp as well. I played one of their models in the Guitar Center and they look awesome, sound great and are pretty affordable. All in all it really depends on what you want though. "You get what you pay for."
So electric first?

gah, this shit is confusing.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Just go to a Guitar Center and talk to some one.
Guitarabuser said it best.

Stay away from the cheap junk.
everyone is in here bickering what is best.

Whats best is what you pick out. You do have to hold one in your hand. Just like buying clothes you like to try them on first.

So good luck. Im outta here.



Well-Known Member
I started out with electric so that my fingers could callous. Alot of people I know who started off with acoustic tell me it made there fingers bled when they first started leaning.

Your fingers WILL hurt for a while, it's natural.


Active Member
for one, you'll never lose intrest in a guitar, theres way too many things to learn and play, unlike guitar hero which will get old fast.
two, unlike what everyones saying, you can get a pretty nice acoustic for 300$, which i recommend since electrics are more expensive and require an amp/cords on top of that.
edit: of coures if you have the money, go electric. it's more versatile.

I have an american standard strat myself, with a valveking 112 soon to be equiped with a vintage 30 :)


Well-Known Member
I started out with electric so that my fingers could callous. Alot of people I know who started off with acoustic tell me it made there fingers bled when they first started leaning.

Your fingers WILL hurt for a while, it's natural.
damnit damnit damnit.

I don't want crusty hands.

lol. I used to have callouses on my hands, and it took a lot of work
to get them to go away, and they're still partially there. :-|


I dunno what to do now...

for one, you'll never lose intrest in a guitar, theres way too many things to learn and play, unlike guitar hero which will get old fast.
two, unlike what everyones saying, you can get a pretty nice acoustic for 300$, which i recommend since electrics are more expensive and require an amp/cords on top of that.
edit: of coures if you have the money, go electric. it's more versatile.

I have an american standard strat myself, with a valveking 112 soon to be equiped with a vintage 30 :)

sorry, I'm not familiar with nice guitars yet...



Well-Known Member
damnit damnit damnit.

I don't want crusty hands.

lol. I used to have callouses on my hands, and it took a lot of work
to get them to go away, and they're still partially there. :-|


I dunno what to do now...


sorry, I'm not familiar with nice guitars yet...

only on you finger tips