

So my friend has been trying to get me to take acid for my first time. I do want to try it at least once but I heard there are some bad side effects.
I'd like to get other opinions


Well-Known Member
Probably the worst effect would be having a life changing epiphany that would alter how you perceive life itself but then again that is truely the beauty of psychedelics. Their ability to expand our mind into different forms of creative thinking and philosophizing which in general help our society advance as a whole.... they called the first man with the theory that all the plants revolved around the sun insane... just something to think about.


So what you're saying is take it? haha
but no seriously, i know exactly what you're saying, my friend is all about that


Active Member
Acid is mostly harmless as long as you don't take too much and you do it somewhere safe. Only take one hit and make sure you're somewhere that you can hang out for a long time and not have to worry about getting busted or having trouble. You don't want to take it at school or work or really any other public place, IMO, especially for your first time. The safer you feel, the better your trip will be. It's also best to take it with someone you like who is experienced with tripping. They can help you if you start freaking out. Even if you do freak out, just remember that it's just a drug and it WILL wear off eventually. You're not going crazy.

Ahh, I remember my first trips...Good times, many years ago... :mrgreen:

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
Take it, but the first time you take it definitely only take one hit, or even half a hit. Its a great experience and the only bad thing I can say that will happen if you have the right mindset and setting is that it you won't be able to sleep for a good 18 hours after you come down.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Be somewhere you're comfortable, with people you trust and are comfortable with. For a first timer, avoid tripping if you're stressed/angry/depressed/or in any sort of bad mood that could influence your experience. Try to be as relaxed as you can before you go into the trip.

LSD is a very safe substance.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, Its great fun!!!
Its relatively safe if you don't have existing mental problems and if you do it in a safe place with good people.
I've never had a bad trip and I have taken a LOT of acid.
Its good to drop acid while you're in a good mood and its nice to have some MJ around to calm things down if things get too intense.
Try to stay out of public, turn off your phone and don't talk to strangers (people are not there for your personal amusement :P).
I like to trip at the beach or in forests, but at home with friends with some cool music, glow sticks and trippy movies is just as good.

Good luck, tell us how it goes !

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
I tend to just sit on the couch listening to some Zep, and wathing all the crazy shit I can on youtube. Also I reccommend haveing a box of black n milds or cigs, cuz if you smoke AT ALL you will be craving tobacco


Everyone who has asked me what its like and if they should take it, i always say yes, but it is 100000% important to make sure you are in good surrounding, friends you trust and so on. if taken like this then you can unlock a completely different world where anything you want can happen, a place where your sub conciouse ( sorry very dyslexic) mind shows you what it wants.

there are no physical side effects.... unless you have a 'bad high' this can happen if you have something troubling you or you are around people that you dont really trust/like. and you could end up seeing not very nice things, I cant stress enough how important it is to be in a good mood and have an open mind when taking acid/LSD.
acid trips can last upwards from 15+ hours i had one that lasted for 20 hours- amazing weekend plus at a fiver for a tab thats a bloody cheap way to spend practicly a whole day.
with other drugs the more you take the more high/stone and genreally mashed you get, but with acid its not - you dont trip more (well maybe just a little) you trip for longer.

If you are worried about taking acid/LSD i would highly recoment trying magic mushroom first, then you can get to grips with tripping get to know what your own body feels like when you trip (and im not talking about touching your self(although haha fun) for example every time i take acid my knees go numb haha. everyone will have their own reactions.

The trick it just to have an open mind, dont worry about taking when you take it, just go with the flow and if you feel uncomfortable at all tell someone so they can keep and eye on you, because i dont think people would take kindly to you licking them thinking they are food! haha

hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Like has been said before do it where you feel comfortable & with people you know & trust.. I had a couple of bad trip experiences years ago when I was in unfamiliar surroundings with people i didn't know.. was a living nightmare.. quite literally


Well-Known Member
Take it, but the first time you take it definitely only take one hit, or even half a hit. Its a great experience and the only bad thing I can say that will happen if you have the right mindset and setting is that it you won't be able to sleep for a good 18 hours after you come down.
Won't sleep 18hrs after the comedown? Who laced your acid :lol:

Maybe a few hours after it ends... it a bit difficult to sleep...but thereafter its pretty simple!

...and the next day is great!

You may have encountered a DOX compound!